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Part 1[edit]

  • This stage starts off like any other, with an ambush of Smashers along with the occasional Slasher.
  • You will see a Muscular waiting for you on top of a platform which you can use a Jump tile to reach. Do jump up to the platform, as that clears out the enemies on the ground, but do not engage the Muscular. There's no need to. Simply jump off the platform to the right and continue.
  • Jump over the mines as you proceed down the path, taking out Smashers that get in your way. The boss will appear when the last mine scrolls off the screen.


The boss for this section is the evil Trojan again. He is no different than the last time you faced him at the end of Stage 3. The only change is that the Smashers and Slashers won't necessarily stop appearing just because you've reached the boss. In fact, it is important to take a moment and deal with any Smashers who are trailing you at the time you reach the boss so that you do not get squeezed in on either side.

Part 2[edit]

  • Any enemy that was frozen on the screen when you defeated the evil Trojan will proceed to attack you once the text is removed from the screen, so be prepared.
  • When you reach the Jump tile, Skyrogyros will begin to appear. It is best not to deal with the directly, and to continue running as far to the right as you possibly can.
  • Around the time that you reach a pair of pillars, the Skyrogyros should go away, a flying heart will appear, and two Dynamite Throwers will lob sticks of dynamite at you from the pillars. Do not miss out on the heart and the four life points that it restores. Use the Jump tile between the pillars to attack the throwers if the ground is clear.
  • Before you reach the final platform, a Manhole Archer will make a final appearance from the water between the ledges. Attack him or dodge his arrow.


You have finally made it to the final battle that must occur with Achilles. Don't let the lack of a shield fool you, he is every bit as capable of parrying your sword as you are of blocking him with your shield. Naturally Achilles is very fast. There is one method that generally works against him. Your best bet is to hold your shield up and let his strikes push you away. When you are out of his range, jump in and attack once high in the air, and then follow it up with two or three rapid low strikes. You should get some clean shots in against his legs. But don't get greedy, as soon as you are finished with those couple of strikes, immediately hold up your shield. Let him push you out again and repeat the sequence. It may take some practice to get down, but once you master it, you will be able to take Achilles out with greater ease than either of the boss pairs in Stage 5.

After the first time you beat Achilles, you will be returned to the beginning of the game at a higher level of difficulty. After the second time you beat Achilles, the game will end.

NES differences[edit]

Part 1[edit]

  • In this version of the game, rather than potentially facing (or ignoring) a Muscular, there is an unreachable Goblin who jumps from outcropping to outcropping, throwing shuriken at you as you progress down the pathway. All that you can do is avoid the shuriken or block them with your shield while you fight Smashers and Slashers.
  • Like the arcade, the boss of this stage is the evil Trojan, but unlike the arcade, you do not have to worry about additional enemies showing up. The same strategy from Stage 3 will work against this Trojan.

Part 2[edit]

  • The Skyrogyros are a much greater threat in this stage. The only appear one at a time, but they drop multiple strings of bombs at you. You must be prepared to hold your shield over your head, or hold your shield out while jumping forward, between dealing with the Smashers and Slashers that approach you.
  • Although there are no jump tiles, there is a Jump boot icon hidden along the pathway. Even if you collect it, you may not find it very beneficial to use, as jumping up can often put you in a more dangerous position than if you just stay on the ground.
  • There is a boss at the end of this stage which is exclusive to the NES version, named King Shriek. When you reach the end of the stage, the statue embedded in the wall will break loose and come to life. While the statue is breaking loose, you must stay clear of the bricks the go flying around.
  • Once King Shriek is out of the wall, you must avoid the ball and chain that he swings over his head and down at the ground when you get too close, and slash him with your sword until four life bars are removed. The safest strategy to employ is to jump in close, slash low at his legs and block low with your shield until you are pushed out of his range, then repeat.
  • Once you have done four units of damage, the first King Shriek dies, but a second one will appear on the left side. The process is exactly the same; avoid the bricks, avoid the ball and chain, and hit it for four units of damage. Stay alive, but don't worry too much about your health; you'll get it all back before the final battle with Achilles.
  • All of you health will be restored before this fight. After whipping off his cape, you will begin your final battle with Achilles.
  • This Achilles is much easier to beat than the arcade version. He suffers from a very exploitable weakness. This Achilles is susceptible to a late and deep mid-jump sword slash. It will almost always hit.
  • Jump in, and swing your sword late. As soon as you land, jump back away to safety. Then repeat the process until Achilles is defeated. You should take little to no damage.
  • After you beat Achilles, you will be treated to a brief ending where all of the bosses walk onto the screen before you get to see a portrait of their face next to their name.