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Use the following keys as controls for Prince of Persia (IBM version). Most of them are also noted in the readme instructions for the game.

Action[edit | edit source]

Controls Action
 ↑  Climb up ledge
 ↓  Crouch / climb down ledge (if located close behind Prince)
or Run left / right
 Shift  + or Walk left / right (finer control, backs off from ledges the first time, walks through spikes)
 Shift  Drink potion / hold on to ledge (release to fall)
 ↑  Jump
Sword-Fighting Mode
 ↑  Block attack
 ↓  Quit sword-fighting
 Shift  Bring out sword / Strike

Game controls[edit | edit source]

Controls Action
 Ctrl  +  G  Save game (from level 3 on)
 Ctrl  +  L  Load game (during title screen only). Note you'll always start from the beginning of the level where you saved.
 Ctrl  +  R  Restart game (go to title screen)
 Ctrl  +  A  Restart current level. Note that time's counting down regularly.
 Ctrl  +  K  Keyboard Mode
 Ctrl  +  J  Joystick Mode
 Ctrl  +  Q  Quit to DOS immediately
 Ctrl  +  S  Turn sound ON/OFF
 Ctrl  +  V  Show the version of the game
 Shift  +  L  Skip to next level and set time to 15 minutes left (up to level 4)
 Esc  Pause game. Resume with any other key.
 Space  Display time left