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Action Keyboard & Mouse Controller
Jump Space A button
Crouch / Slide C B button
Prone / Dive X B hold
X button
Interact E Y button
LB button
RB button
Aim PC Mouse Right Click.png LT button
RT button
L button
R button
Up dpad
Down dpad
Left dpad
Right dpad
View button


Action Keyboard & Mouse Controller
Fire PC Mouse Left Click.png RT button
A button
B button
X button
Y button
LB button
RB button
L button
R button
Up dpad
Down dpad
Left dpad
Right dpad


Action Keyboard & Mouse Controller
Mount Slow S Down lstick
Mount Forward Space A button
Duck C B button
Hide C+A/D B button+Left lstick/Right lstick
Vault C+W B button+Up lstick
X button
Y button
LB button
RB button
LT button
RT button
L button
R button
Up dpad
Down dpad
Left dpad
Right dpad
View button


Action Keyboard & Mouse Controller
Accelerate W RT button
Brake/Reverse S LT button
Lean Forward LShift Up lstick
Lean Backward LCtrl Down lstick
Nitro A button
B button
Handbrake Space X button
Y button
LB button
Fire PC Mouse Left Click.png RB button
L button
R button
Up dpad
Down dpad
Left dpad
Right dpad
View button

PS1 Saturn N64 PC Action
Cross button B button A button Jump
Square button A button B button Action
L1 button X button Z button/L button Crouch
R1 button Z button R button Reset Camera
Triangle button Y button Up c Zoom In
Circle button C button Down c Zoom Out
L2 button L button Left c Look Left
R2 button R button Right c Look Right

PS1 N64 PC DC PS2 NGC Xbox Action
Cross button A button A button Cross button A button A button Jump
Square button B button X button Square button B button X button Action
L1 button Z button/L button L button L1 button L button LT button Crouch
R1 button R button R button R1 button R button RT button Reset Camera
Triangle button Up c Y button/Up dpad Triangle button/Up rstick Y button/Up cstick Y button/Up rstick Zoom In
Circle button Down c B button/Down dpad Circle button/Down rstick X button/Down cstick B button/Down rstick Zoom Out
L2 button Left c Left dpad L2 button/Left rstick Left cstick White button/Left rstick Look Left
R2 button Right c Right dpad R2 button/Right rstick Right cstick Black button/Right rstick Look Right
PS1 N64 PC DC PS2 NGC Xbox Action
Cross button/R2 button A button/Z button/L button A button/R button Cross button/R2 button A button/R button A button/RT button Accelerate
Square button/L2 button B button/R button X button/L button Square button/L2 button B button/L button X button/LT button Brake/Reverse
Circle button Down c B button Circle button X button B button Use Item / Horn
Triangle button Left c Y button Triangle button Y button Y button Boost
L1 button/Up dpad Up c/Up dpad Up dpad L1 button/Up dpad Up dpad White button/Up dpad First-Person View
R1 button/Down dpad Right c/Down dpad Down dpad R1 button/Down dpad Down dpad Black button/Down dpad Rear View

PS2 Xbox NGC PC PSP Xbox 360 Action
Cross button A button A button Cross button A button Jump
Square button X button B button Square button X button Action
L1 button LT button L button L button LT button Crouch
R1 button RT button R button R button RT button Reset Camera
Triangle button Y button Y button Triangle button Y button Zoom In
Circle button B button X button Circle button B button Zoom Out
L2 button/Left rstick White button/Left rstick Left cstick Left dpad LB button/Left rstick Look Left
R2 button/Right rstick Black button/Right rstick Right cstick Right dpad RB button/Right rstick Look Right
Up rstick Up rstick Up cstick Up dpad Up rstick Look Up
Down rstick Down rstick Down cstick Down dpad Down rstick Look Down
Select button Back button Z button Select button Back button Map
PS2 Xbox NGC PC PSP Xbox 360 Action
Cross button/R2 button A button/RT button A button/R button Cross button/R button A button/RT button Accelerate
Square button/L2 button X button/LT button B button/L button Square button/L button X button/LT button Brake/Reverse
Circle button B button X button Circle button B button Use Item / Horn
Triangle button Y button Y button Triangle button Y button Boost
L1 button/Up dpad White button/Up dpad Up dpad Up dpad LB button/Up dpad First-Person View
R1 button/Down dpad Black button/Down dpad Down dpad Down dpad RB button/Down dpad Rear View

Wii Wii-CC Wii-NGC PS2/PS3 PC PSP Xbox 360 Action
A button B button A button Cross button Cross button A button Jump
B button Y button B button Square button Square button X button Action
Z button L button L button L1 button L button LT button Crouch
C button R button R button R1 button R button RT button Reset Camera
Up dpad X button Y button Triangle button Triangle button Y button Zoom In
Down dpad A button X button Circle button Circle button B button Zoom Out
Left dpad Zl button/Left rstick Left cstick L2 button/Left rstick Left dpad LB button/Left rstick Look Left
Right dpad Zr button/Right rstick Right cstick R2 button/Right rstick Right dpad RB button/Right rstick Look Right
N/A Up rstick Up cstick Up rstick Up dpad Up rstick Look Up
N/A Down rstick Down cstick Down rstick Down dpad Down rstick Look Down
Minus button Minus button Z button Select button Select button Back button Map
Wii Wii Wheel Wii-CC Wii-NGC PS2/PS3 PC PSP Xbox 360 Action
A button 2 button B button/R button A button/R button Cross button/R2 button Cross button/R button A button/RT button Accelerate
B button 1 button Y button/L button B button/L button Square button/L2 button Square button/L button X button/LT button Brake/Reverse
Z button B button A button X button Circle button Circle button B button Use Item / Horn
C button A button X button Y button Triangle button Triangle button Y button Boost
Up dpad Up dpad Zl button/Up dpad Up dpad L1 button/Up dpad Up dpad LB button/Up dpad First-Person View
Down dpad Down dpad Zr button/Down dpad Down dpad R1 button/Down dpad Down dpad RB button/Down dpad Rear View

PS3 Xbox 360/Xbox One Wii Wii-CC Wii-NGC Wii U PC 3DS PS Vita PS4 Action
Cross button A button A button B button A button B button B button Cross button Cross button Jump
Square button X button B button Y button B button Y button Y button Square button Square button Action
L1 button LT button Z button L button L button ZL button L button L button L2 button Crouch
R1 button RT button C button R button R button ZR button R button R button R2 button Reset Camera
Triangle button Y button Up dpad X button Y button X button X button Triangle button Triangle button Zoom In
Circle button B button Down dpad A button X button A button A button Circle button Circle button Zoom Out
L2 button/Left rstick LB button/Left rstick Left dpad Zl button/Left rstick Left cstick L button/Left rstick Left dpad/Left cpadPro Left dpad/Left rstick L1 button/Left rstick Look Left
R2 button/Right rstick RB button/Right rstick Right dpad Zr button/Right rstick Right cstick R button/Right rstick Right dpad/Right cpadPro Right dpad/Right rstick R1 button/Right rstick Look Right
Up rstick Up rstick N/A Up rstick Up cstick Up rstick Up dpad/Up cpadPro Up dpad/Up rstick Up rstick Look Up
Down rstick Down rstick N/A Down rstick Down cstick Down rstick Down dpad/Down cpadPro Down dpad/Down rstick Down rstick Look Down
Select button Back button/View button Minus button Minus button Z button Minus button Select button Select button Touchpad button Map
PS3/PS4 Xbox 360/Xbox One Wii Wii Wheel Wii-CC Wii-NGC Wii U PC 3DS PS Vita Action
Cross button/R2 button A button/RT button A button 2 button B button/R button A button/R button B button/ZR button B button/R button Cross button/R button Accelerate
Square button/L2 button X button/LT button B button 1 button Y button/L button B button/L button Y button/ZL button Y button/L button Square button/L button Brake/Reverse
Circle button B button Z button B button A button X button A button A button Circle button Use Item / Horn
Triangle button Y button C button A button X button Y button X button X button Triangle button Boost
L1 button/Up dpad LB button/Up dpad Up dpad Up dpad Zl button/Up dpad Up dpad L button/Up dpad Up dpad Up dpad First-Person View
R1 button/Down dpad RB button/Down dpad Down dpad Down dpad Zr button/Down dpad Down dpad R button/Down dpad Down dpad Down dpad Rear View