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Asuka 120% Special BURNING Fest.[edit | edit source]

Unlock Shinobu[edit | edit source]

With CPU Level at ★★☆ or ★★★, clear Story mode with no continues. Shinobu will be available in Vs. Game by pressing R1 button at the character select screen.

2P color[edit | edit source]

Hold Select button while choosing a character with Circle button.

Display hitboxes/slow motion[edit | edit source]

At the title screen where it says "Press Start" (すたーとおしてねっ), press Up dpadDown dpadLeft dpadRight dpadCross buttonCircle button. Then during a match, press L1 button to toggle hitboxes or L2 button for slow motion. Performing this code four times will also allow you to use Shinobu.

Asuka 120% Limited BURNING Fest.[edit | edit source]

Unlock Tetsuko and Genichiro[edit | edit source]

Play the game for 10 hours to unlock Tetsuko, and 20 hours for Genichiro. Tetsuko will appear above the top row of characters, and Genichiro below the bottom row. Only actual in-game time counts, not just left running on the main menu. You can check the elapsed time on the game's save file in the Saturn memory manager.

Extra options[edit | edit source]

Press L button or R button in Config mode.

Extra colors[edit | edit source]

Hold L button or R button or L button+R button while choosing a character with A button.

Asuka 120% Final BURNING Fest.[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Tetsuko Clear Story mode on ★★ or more difficulty with Asuka or Karina with no continues.
Genichiro Clear Story mode on ★★ or more difficulty with Shinobu with no continues.
Ichiko Get 14 wins in Survival mode after unlocking Tetsuko and Genichiro.

Extra colors[edit | edit source]

Hold L1 button or L2 button or R1 button or R2 button while choosing a character with Circle button.

Unlock all characters[edit | edit source]

At the "Family Soft" logo, press Down dpadDown dpadSquare buttonUp dpadUp dpadSquare button.

Display hitboxes[edit | edit source]

After the "unlock all" code, press L1 button during a match to toggle.

Slow motion[edit | edit source]

After the "unlock all" code, press L2 button during a match to toggle.

Shadow colors[edit | edit source]

After the "unlock all" code, press Start button when choosing a character.