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Box artwork for Cool Spot.
Box artwork for Cool Spot.
Cool Spot
Developer(s)Virgin Interactive
Publisher(s)Virgin Interactive
Year released1993
System(s)Sega Genesis, SNES, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, Commodore Amiga, DOS, Game Boy
ModesSingle player
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Cool Spot is a 1993 platformer game developed and published by Virgin Games for the Mega Drive/Genesis and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was later ported by other teams to Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, Game Boy, Amiga and DOS in 1994. The title character is Cool Spot, a mascot for the soft drink brand 7 Up.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The title is a single-player platformer in which the player controls Cool Spot. Cool Spot can jump and can attack by throwing soda bubbles in any direction. Cool Spot can also cling to and climb various things by jumping up in front of them. In each level the player must collect "spots" to rescue other Cool Spots from their cages.

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