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Box artwork for Curious George.
Box artwork for Curious George.
Curious George
Developer(s)Monkey Bar Games
Year released2006
System(s)Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows, Game Boy Advance
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneBBFC Parental Guidance
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Curious George is a sequel to the film, and includes cut scenes from the movie. Therefore, your challenge is to find the giant monkey idol to stop the museum from being demolished and turned into a car park.

In the game, you control George, starting in the African jungle, traveling to the USA as a stowaway, and finally traveling back to the jungle with Ted (The man in the yellow hat) to find the monkey idol.

During the game, you can collect bananas, in order to buy movie cutscenes to be viewed and hats for George to wear from the gift shop. Collecting 80% of the bananas in one level will unlock new items in the gift shop.

There are also some areas where you will have to hide from people, such as when you are being a stowaway. There are minigames too, such as firefly catching, balloon and bubble popping games, and a dancing game. You can play minigames as well as already completed levels from the main menu.

Once you have completed all the levels, the game will start again, but you can still replay any of the levels from the menu.

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