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Box artwork for Darwinia+.
Box artwork for Darwinia+.
Developer(s)Introversion Software
Publisher(s)Introversion Software
Year released2010
System(s)Xbox 360
Genre(s)Action, Real-time strategy, Compilation
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone
LinksDarwinia+ ChannelSearch

Darwinia+ is a compilation game available on Xbox Live Arcade for the Xbox 360, which includes updated versions of two games from Introversion. The game was released on February 10, 2010.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

There are 12 achievements for the Xbox 360 worth 200 Gamerscore points.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon
Prodigy Rescue 30 or more Darwinians in the Darwinia Tutorial 10 Gamerscore points
Fastidious Eliminate every single monster on any map in Darwinia (excluding Garden) 15 Gamerscore points
Turning the Tide Activate the Construction Yard, begin manufacturing Armour and obliterate the Ant Infestation 15 Gamerscore points
Savior Complete the Single Player Campaign 25 Gamerscore points
Clear Vision Upgrade any research program all the way to level 4 10 Gamerscore points
The Bridge Complete the Epilogue and help the Darwinians launch their first rocket 10 Gamerscore points
Warzone Victor Win 5 games in any Multiwinia game mode 10 Gamerscore points
Master of Multiwinia Win a game in every Multiwinia game mode 25 Gamerscore points
Warzone Explorer Play a game on every Multiwinia map 25 Gamerscore points
Online Commander Win a game of Multiwinia on Xbox LIVE 15 Gamerscore points
Share the Love Invite 5 other players to games of Multiwinia 10 Gamerscore points
Stick Man Slaughter Kill 65,536 Enemy Multiwinians 30 Gamerscore points