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Fishing Pico: Donald no Adventure Fishing
Developer(s)Sega Toys
Publisher(s)Sega Toys
Year released2000
System(s)Sega Pico
SeriesDonald Duck
Japanese titleフィッシングピコ ドナルドのアドベンチャーフィッシング
ModesSingle player
LinksFishing Pico: Donald no Adventure Fishing ChannelSearch

Fishing Pico: Donald no Adventure Fishing (フィッシングピコ ドナルドのアドベンチャーフィッシング Fisshingu Piko Donarudo no Adobenchā Fisshingu?, lit. "Fishing Pico: Donald's Adventure Fishing") is a education video game starring by Donald Duck. It was released for Sega Pico on 2000 and was developed and published by Sega in Japan only.

Table of Contents


Fishing Pico: Donald no Adventure Fishing/Table of Contents