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This is the first game in the Giga Wing series. For other games in the series see the Giga Wing category.

Box artwork for Giga wing.
Box artwork for Giga wing.
Giga wing
Publisher(s)Capcom, Virgin Interactive
Year released1999
System(s)Arcade, Sega Dreamcast
Followed byGiga Wing 2
SeriesGiga Wing
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer, Co-op
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 11+USK Ages 6+
LinksGiga Wing ChannelSearch

Giga Wing (ギガウイング?) is a 1999 vertically scrolling shooter arcade game developed by Takumi and published by Capcom on their CPS-2 arcade system board and ported later that year to the Dreamcast console. The arcade version is notable for using a horizontally aligned monitor (much like Treasure Co. Ltd's Radiant Silvergun), something that is considered rare for a vertical shooter.

Giga Wing takes place during a fictional war within a steampunk setting. The player controls one of four different futuristic aircraft and must destroy enemy aircraft, tanks, ships, and buildings using both guns and missiles mounted on the aircraft and a limited supply of bombs which damage or destroy all enemies on-screen when used. The game is based on the player(s) trying to destroy a medallion which possesses great power. Many of the bosses use the medallion as a weapon.

Table of Contents
