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Box artwork for Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series.
Box artwork for Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series.
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
Developer(s)Monkey Craft
Publisher(s)Bandai Namco Entertainment
Year released2022
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
Genre(s)Platform, Compilation
ModesSingle player, multiplayer, co-op
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 7+USK All agesParental GuidanceIARC Ages 12+GRB All
LinksOfficial websiteKlonoa Phantasy Reverie Series at PCGamingWikiKlonoa Phantasy Reverie Series ChannelSearch

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series (風のクロノア 1&2アンコール Kaze no Klonoa 1&2 Encore?) is an HD remaster of both main games in the Klonoa series:

Achievements and trophies[edit | edit source]

Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
25 25
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
1,000 8 10 6 This game has a platinum trophy.

There are 25 achievements and trophies for Steam, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
The Dream Traveler Collect all Trophies 130 Gamerscore points 4: Platinum trophy Platinum
Ghadius's Puppet Defeat Rongo Lango 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Manipulated King Defeat Evil Seadoph & Evil Pamela 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Nightmare Seed Defeat Gelg Bolm 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Swooping Serpent Defeat Baladium 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Solar Eclipse Jester Defeat Joka 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
The Dark King Defeat Ghadius 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Nightmare Crystal Defeat Nahatomb 75 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Balue's Tears Complete the EXTRA VISION 75 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Hero of Breezegale Free all residents of Wind Village 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Hero of Forlock Free all residents of Forlock 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Hero of Jugpot Free all residents of Jugpot 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Hero of Coronia Free all Residents of Coronia 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Hero of Cress Free all residents of Cress 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Hero of Phantomile Free all residents in Phantomile 75 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Defender of Tranquility Defeat Folgaran the Armor Beast 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Champion of Joy Defeat Leptio the Flower Clown 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Queller of Discord Defeat Mobile Tank Biskarsh 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Dispeller of Indecision Defeat Polonte the Hatchling 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Bewitched Leorina Defeat Cursed Leorina 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
The End of Tears Defeat the King of Sorrow 75 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Conqueror of Chamber o'Fun Complete the Chamber o'Fun 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Conqueror of Chamber o'Horrors Complete the Chamber o'Horrors 75 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
My Hunny Bunny Collect 6 Momett Dolls 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
My Sweetheart Collect all Momett Dolls 75 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold