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Box artwork for Legend.
Box artwork for Legend.
Developer(s)Arcade Zone
Publisher(s)Seika, Sony Imagesoft, Softgold GMBH
Year released1993
Followed byLegend (PlayStation)
Genre(s)Beat 'em up
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksLegend (SNES) at PCGamingWikiLegend (SNES) ChannelSearch

Legend is a beat 'em up game for the SNES. Seika released it in 1993 in North America, and Sony Imagesoft released it in Europe in 1994. Softgold GMBH helped distribute it to Germany.

Story[edit | edit source]

Legend's title screen.

"Beldor the maleficent reigned as a despot over the kingdom of Sellech for one thousand years. All was chaos and destruction. Many knights went on a final crusade to destroy Beldor but none returned.

The people united, built energized heroes and imprisoned Beldor's soul. Now, Clovis, corrupt son of the king of Sellech, wants to harness Beldor's power and conquer the kingdom."

Table of Contents
