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Name Description
PET Lan's portable terminal with MegaMan.EXE
HeroData This data is proof of a Navi's heroism
HopeData This data is proof of a Navi's hopefulness
Fan One of the fans in Yai's collection
ExamCard ExamCard for taking the BLicense test
NiceData This data is proof of a Navi's niceness
Binocs Binoculars you found behind a waterfall
Balloon A balloon sent from Yumland
BadDataA Data containing the nasty attitude of a bad guy
BadDataB Data containing the nasty actions of a bad guy
YumKey A key to the door that guards the treasure of Yumland
Chng.bat Program necessary for bringing out MegaMan's full power
Passport An Electopian passport, stored as data in your PET
MiniPET A limited PET that can only read mail etc. and has no Navi
PilotCap A cool-looking pilot's cap. Kinda big...
Chopstck A pair of chopsticks that used to belong to Grandma.
Whiskey A famous whiskey, very fragrant
Thread A strong thread for sewing
RedCure Can break red ice
YeloCure Can break yellow ice
BluFragA Ingredient for a cure that can break blue ice
BluFragB Ingredient for a cure that can break blue ice
GospelID Proof that the bearer is a member of Gospel
KotoPass A pass that lets you go from Marine Harbor to Kotobuki
MagSuit Wear this to withstand intense radiation
ElBit042 A fragment of the EM control program for room 042
ElBit082 A fragment of the EM control program for room 082
ElBit093 A fragment of the EM control program for room 093
ElBit201 A fragment of the EM control program for room 201
ElBit232 A fragment of the EM control program for room 232
ElBit243 A fragment of the EM control program for room 243
ElBit253 A fragment of the EM control program for room 253
ElBit271 A fragment of the EM control program for room 271
ElBitEV A fragment of the EM control program for elevator
ArmyData "Strive for promotion, soldier" is inscribed on it
ZLicense Info about the Blicense test, only for NetBattlers
BLicense A license given to NetBattlers of the B rank
ALicense A license given to NetBattlers of the A rank
SLicense A license given to NetBattlers of the S rank
SS Lic A license given to NetBattlers of the SS rank
SSS Lic A license given to NetBattlers of the SSS rank
FreePass A ticket for unlimited flying to Electopia & Netopia
GateKeyA A key to the gate at the entrance of the Square
GateKeyB A key to the gate at the entrance of Yumland Square
GateKeyC A key to the gate at the entrance of Netopia Square
GateKeyD A key to the gate at the entrance of Kotobuki Square
BugFrag Junk data will evolve into a bug
MaylCode File containing the passcode to get from Mayl's PC to the Net
DexCode File containing the passcode to get from Dex's PC to the Net
YaiCode File containing the passcode to get from Yai's PC to the Net
RibiCode File containing the passcode to get from Ribitta's PC to Net
RaulCode File containing the passcode to get from Raoul's PC to Net
MiliCode File containing the passcode to get from Millions' PC to Net
GospCode Opens a cube run by a mysterious organization