Crash Man's stage is extremely straightforward, featuring very simple enemies like Telly and Shotman. The level mainly includes vertical scrolling, featuring moving platforms and somewhat sudden spikes, requiring fast reaction. There are total of two E-Tanks you can obtain, one requiring Rush Jet and other by climbing the right ladder. The boss Crash Man/Clash Man is one of the harder bosses in the game, with wide movements and jumps correlating to Mega Man's shots, making it quite difficult to avoid normally. However, his weakness Air Shooter is very easy to aim because of his movement, and the fight becomes much easier. Overall, most enemies spawn very late on screen, and you can skip most of them.
Stage[edit | edit source]
The beginning of the level features multiple Telly and a few ladders. With moderately quick movements, you can ignore all Telly that appears and pass through.

Blocky, an enemy forgotten to be included in the ending sequence, is very hard to get through safely. Shoot the head and quickly adjust Mega Man's position to avoid the three large fragments. You can also use Rush Jet to fly over it to avoid the risk.
The three moving platforms are all skippable with Rush Jet. You can ride on the platform immediately at #1, and it is best to shoot the Telly while on ladder at #2.
There is another Blocky after the platforms, but this time Rush Jet is easier to use due to the open ceiling. Constantly jumping while using this item will significantly lower the speed of consumption of the weapon energy! Also there is a large Energy capsule right after, on the left.

Climb down the Ladder and carefully jump down in between the spikes. The first E-Tank in the stage is obtainable by using Rush Jet. After this, the left path will leave you in front of a Shotman, so quickly destroy it or slide down to escape. The right path is a straight path with a spike at the bottom, so hold left to land next to it.

You must stand very close to the edge to make the jump in the next scene. Eliminate the Telly first to clear the way, or use Rush Jet again to skip the trouble.

After this is another vertical climbing, two screens with a single energy capsules each. Pipi will start to spawn, but you have more than enough time to leave the area before the eggs even touch the ground! It does not matter which ladder you climb on for the first choice, but the second screen will feature three ladders, from the left leading to: A path, Large Energy Capsule, and the 2nd E-Tank. There is a Fly Boy jumping in very late in the same screen on top. Lastly, There is a large weapon energy at the final room before the boss, but first, going up the ladder and waiting for a chance to attack the Shotman is recommended. Recharge your Air Shooter if you have used it somewhere, you'll be needing it full ammo!
Crash Man[edit | edit source]

Crash Man/Clash Man runs around and shoots Crash Bombers, and jumps when you shoot. Use this to an advantage by letting Crash Man jump over you, and shoot Air Shooter. It is not too hard to aim, but even full weapon energy is not enough to defeat him only using Air Shooter, so make sure to aim carefully without shooting too much (this will leave both Crash Man and Weapon Energy at 1, and Air Shooter requires 2 to shoot.) You must finish him off using Mega Buster. Beating Crash Man will reward you with Crash Bomber and Rush Coil! (Unfortunately, Rush Jet is so much more efficient in almost any place where Rush Coil is useful.)