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Box artwork for Million Arthur: Arcana Blood.
Box artwork for Million Arthur: Arcana Blood.
Million Arthur: Arcana Blood
Developer(s)Team Arcana
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2017
System(s)Arcade, PlayStation 4, Windows
SeriesMillion Arthur
Japanese titleミリオンアーサー アルカナブラッド
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)CERO Ages 15 and upESRB Teen
LinksMillion Arthur: Arcana Blood at PCGamingWikiMillion Arthur: Arcana Blood ChannelSearch

Table of Contents


Character Select[edit | edit source]

Otherworldly Koume Sakiyama Unique Snow White Type II Bisclavret Thief Arthur Blade-Protector Arthur Twinblade Arthur Wildcat Arthur Iai Arthur Zechs Siegfried Hybrid Nimue Void Eternal Flame Otherworldly Riesz Otherworldly Iori Yagami