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Al[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Cthugha and Ithaqua +
Slashing Scimitar
of Barzai
Athlach-Nacha +
Mirror of Nitocris +
Super Moves
Two-Gun Cthugha
and Ithaqua
Throwing Scimitar
of Barzai
└►Returning Scimitar of Barzai
Floating Scimitar
of Barzai
Lethal Blaze
Lemurian Impact +

Anna[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Unique Moves +
Special Moves
Fodele +
Fodele +
Fodele +
Sektio +
Remedium +
Super Moves
Lucere +
Seminare +
Sektio Aurea +
Lethal Blaze
La Danza Macabra +

Ein[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Palm Stroke +
Vz61 Scorpion +
Chris Reeve's Edge +
Super Moves
Palm Stroke Combo +
Colt Python +
.44 Automag +
Lethal Blaze

Ethica[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Charging of the Dead +
└►Assaulting of the Dead +
of the Dead
(close) +
Screwing of the Dead (close) +
Stinging of the Dead +
Super Moves
Orgy of the Dead (close) +
Dead of the Dead +
└►Dead of the Deadx2 +
Lethal Blaze
Dead of
the Deadx3
(Dead of the Deadx2)

Heart[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Unique Moves +
Special Moves
Iron Fist Punch +
Heartful Punch +
Special Kick +
Ribbon Beam +
Arcana Special Attack +
Super Moves
Iron Fist Punch of Love +
Heartful Punch
Special Kick of Love +
Elpis Tokso +
Lethal Blaze
Perfect Superduper
Amazing Iron Fist
Punch of Love

Homura[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Aerial Rave (if specific attack hit)
Purgatory of the Beast +
Ascension Run +
Crimson Lotus Dance +
Super Moves
Ultimate Purgatory
of the Beast
└►Change Course any+
Charge! +
Falcon +
Lethal Blaze
Crimson Lotus +

Ignis[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Flying Crescent +
Black Arrow
of Death
+ or
Black Arrow of Fakery +
Fiery Death +
Bone Crusher +
└►Meat Beater +
Electric Death (close) +
Super Moves
the Carnage
the Genocide
the Massacre
Lethal Blaze
Anor, Noblest
of the Edge

Mora[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Sledgehammer Pressing +
Special Moves
Sledgehammer +
Dead Rising +
Jumping Sledgehammer +
Somersault Sledgehammer +
Super Moves
Sledgehammer Combo +
Child's Play +
Abyss of Nightmare +
Lethal Blaze
Ashes to Ashes,
Dust to Dust

Muramasa[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Eardrum Breaking +
Strings of the Spider +
Web of the Spider +
Super Moves
Enchant Minus Blocking +
Enchant Plus Charging +
Manual Down
Lethal Blaze
Railgun MAGATSU +

Ouka[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Unique Moves or +
Special Moves
Micro Missile +
Booster Boots +
Type"Pa" Satellite Laser +
Force Field +
Super Moves
Drill Missile +
Battle Skirt Fullfire +
Stomping Service
Lethal Blaze
Type11 Ouka
Cross Slashing

Ruili[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Tiě shān kào +
Wò lóng wěi +
Hŭ yá zhŏng +
Shé jiǎo +
Xuán fēng diăo cù +
Super Moves
Fēi xiáng lóng jiǎo +
Shuāng hŭ
kào huá shān
(close) +
Xuán Fēng
shén diăo cù
Lethal Blaze
Lán líng wáng +

Saber[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Special Moves
Rising Slash +
Mana Burst Charging +
Mana Burst Sweeping +
Mana Burst
Aerial Charging
Crashing Helm +
Super Moves
Invisible Air +
└►Strike Air +
Combination Air +
Lethal Blaze
Excalibur +

Saya[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
Aberrant Drill Kick +
Unique Moves +
Special Moves
Meat Mine +
Aberrant Arm +
├►Aberrant Arm (Anti-Air)
├►Aberrant Arm (Anti-Ground)
└►Aberrant Arm (Cancelling)
Amorphous Movement or +
Super Moves
Feast of the Flesh +
Aberrant Mighty Arm +
Meat Explosion +
Lethal Blaze
Song of Saya +

Sonico[edit | edit source]

Unique Moves
Anti-Air Attack +
No, Tasty! (Scratching)
Unique Moves 1 +
Unique Moves 2 +
Unique Moves 3 +
Unique Moves 4 +
Unique Moves 5 +
Unique Moves 6 +
Special Moves
Ouch! (Drop Kick) +
(Knee Drop)
Be calm.... (Drumming) +
Unseenable.... (Beating) +
Super Moves
(Drop Kick Combo)
Fuuri-chan? (Full Combo!) +
No, Noodles!
(Brute Scratching)
Lethal Blaze
Cover Girl's