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This is the first game in the Sega Bass Fishing series. For other games in the series see the Sega Bass Fishing category.

Box artwork for Sega Bass Fishing.
Box artwork for Sega Bass Fishing.
Sega Bass Fishing
Publisher(s)Sega, Activision Value, Empire Interactive
Year released1997
System(s)Arcade, Windows
Followed bySega Bass Fishing 2
SeriesSega Bass Fishing
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 3+
Sega Bass Fishing
Year released1999
System(s)Sega Dreamcast, Wii
Sega Bass Fishing
Year released2011
System(s)PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, iOS
Rating(s)ESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+GeneralCERO All ages
LinksSega Bass Fishing at PCGamingWikiSega Bass Fishing ChannelSearch

Sega Bass Fishing, known as GetBass in the original arcade and subsequent Japanese releases, is an arcade fishing video game developed in 1997 by Sega for the Sega Model 3 hardware. The game has since been ported to the Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The game is an arcade fishing simulator where players attempt to hook and reel in fish with different lures. Consisting of four stages at different times of the day, the player is expected to catch a certain weight of fish within a time limit before moving onto the next stage. The final stage allows only for one fish to be captured, but are among the largest in the game and most difficult to catch. Fish are measured under four weight classes: Small One, Average, Big One, and Huge.

Table of Contents
