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Jaguar PS1 Saturn DOS Action
D-Pad Left Left dpad Left dpad Move clockwise / left
D-Pad Right Right dpad Right dpad Move counter-clockwise / right
A Square button A button  ,  Jump
B Cross button B button  /  Fire
C Circle button C button  .  Superzapper
1, 4, 7 X button  F2  Normal view
2, 5, 8 Y button  F3  Far fixed view
3, 6, 9 Z button  F4  Close view
Select button Change camera
Pause Start button Start button  F10  Pause
0 Toggle music
 F1  Help
 F5  Toggle starfield
 F6  Toggle scores
 F7  Fat vectors on/off
 F8  Toggle web fills
 F9  Toggle object fills