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Each room is numbered, but the numbers are out of order.

The castle can be organized in vertical tiers of rooms: your character always enters from #Room 1 on the left #Tier I, and #Tier VIII is the farthest away from the entrance.

Map of the Black Sage's castle.
The vertical "room tiers" in this guide have been highlighted.

Tier I[edit | edit source]

Room 1[edit | edit source]

You are in the main entry hall. There is a large ogre sleeping across the room.
  • A) Sneak by him
  • B) Slit his throat with a dagger
  • C) Wake him and fight him
  • D) Wake him up and talk to him

The best option is B, that involves a dexterity roll. If your dexterity is lower than your luck, choose A, that requires a luck roll instead, but gives you far less points. The other options mean death.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 30
  2. #Room 29
  3. #Room 16 (go to room 29 before coming here)

Room 29[edit | edit source]

You see a dying plant. there is blood on the floor and some water in pail.
  • A) Water the plant
  • B) Hack it to pieces
  • C) Do a "What a Blast"
  • D) Leave the room

Choose A for a good reward.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 24 (avoid it unless your intelligence quotient is high)
  2. #Room 9
  3. #Room 1 (this is where you came from)

Room 30[edit | edit source]

This room is totally one hundred percent dark, and the door just shut.
  • A) Light a match
  • B) Crawl through the room
  • C) Let the force be with you
  • D) Do an "Where Art Thou"

Choose option A, and confirm it. The treasure is minimal, though. All options are harmless, but the spell is wasted here: its effect is the same as option A.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 7
  2. #Room 1 (this is where you came from)
  3. #Room 21 (avoid it unless you learned the "What a Blast" spell)

Room 7[edit | edit source]

This is a circular room with a circular staircase going upward.
  • A) Leave the room
  • B) Look for secret passages
  • C) Climb up the stairs
  • D) Stand and wait

A peaceful room, where all options are harmless. Remember well: this room stays the same when you visit it again.

Exit doors (rooms 7 and 8 are the only ones with less than three doors):

  1. #Room 30
  2. #Room 13
  3. C) Climb up the stairs

Room 7.2[edit | edit source]

You are at the top of a 100 feet [30m] tower. A demon is flying towards you.
  • 1) Go back down the stairs
  • 2) Jump to the ground
  • 3) Fight the demon
  • 4) Talk to your fire lizards

Quickly go back down! You should better come here after you found the fire lizards, so that the special option n.4 becomes available.

If you choose to stay in the castle after your lizards beat the demon, you will start a dummy combat. You can run from it, go to room 13, come back on top of the room 7, and repeat indefintely, and earn 50 points every time. It is unnecessary, though.

Exit doors (rooms 7 and 8 are the only ones with less than three doors):

  1. Go back down the stairs

Room 24[edit | edit source]

You see a paining on the wall, the painting of a strong warrior.
  • A) Say: "Abra-ca-dabra"
  • B) Slash the painting
  • C) Comment on the art
  • D) Look behind the painting

You should better stay away from this room, unless your intelligence quotient is high. In fact, your best option is C, that implies a die roll against that attribute. If you fail, or if you choose any other option, you are forced to choose between losing all your money or losing your life fighting the painted warrior.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 8
  2. #Room 29
  3. #Room 9

Room 8[edit | edit source]

This is a circular room with a circular staircase going upward.
  • A) Leave the room
  • B) Look for secret passages
  • C) Climb up the stairs
  • D) Stand and wait

A peaceful room, where all options are harmless. Remember well: this room stays the same when you visit it again.

Exit doors (rooms 7 and 8 are the only ones with less than three doors):

  1. #Room 24 (this is also the only entrance)
  2. C) Climb up the stairs

Room 8.2[edit | edit source]

You are at the top of a 100 feet [30m] tower. A demon is flying towards you.
  • 1) Go back down the stairs
  • 2) Jump to the ground
  • 3) Fight the demon
  • 4) Talk to your fire lizards

Quickly go back down! You should better come here after you found the fire lizards, so that the special option n.4 becomes available.

Exit doors (rooms 7 and 8 are the only ones with less than three doors):

  1. Go back down the stairs

Tier II[edit | edit source]

Sorted from top to bottom.

Room 9[edit | edit source]

You see a water well in the center of the room.
  • A) Get a drink
  • B) Throw in a coin
  • C) Talk to it
  • D) Fight it

Throw in a Gold coin in order to earn more points. If you spent all your gold coins before entering the castle, you can find some gold early in the castle; #Room 30 is probably the place that is closer to the entrance. If you throw a different coin, your combat skills (strength or weapon) will be improved, but you want to avoid combat as much as possible.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 24
  2. #Room 5
  3. #Room 4

Room 5[edit | edit source]

In the center of the room stands a sword surrounded by a large pool of liquid.
  • A) Go get the sword
  • B) Look for secret passages
  • C) Stick your weapon in the liquid
  • D) Drink the liquid
  • E) Use powder

This is another room that stays the same if you visit it again. The fifth option becomes available after you visit #Room 6. Talk to the man in #Room 19 to choose the correct powder.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 16
  2. #Room 9
  3. #Room 15

Room 16[edit | edit source]

There are two people fencing with foils (foils are blunted thrust-only weapons).
  • A) Leave
  • B) Talk to them
  • C) Duel them using foils
  • D) Fight them with your weapon

Choose option C: it is the only one that improves your score. Option B requires a charisma die roll, therefore visit #Room 29 before coming here; you will get higher dexterity, but no points.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 21 (only if you learned the "What a Blast" spell)
  2. #Room 1 (the entrance hall)
  3. #Room 5

Room 21[edit | edit source]

You see a large praying mantis eating a fellow traveler, who is still alive.
  • A) Fight the mantis
  • B) Yell: "Sacrilege!"
  • C) Wait for pest control
  • D) Cast a "What a Blast"

You can survive this room only if you learned the "What a Blast" spell. This is the only room where said spell is strictly necessary.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 6
  2. #Room 16
  3. #Room 13

Room 13[edit | edit source]

You see a low level commoner standing in front of you coming through a door.
  • A) Cast a "What a Blast"
  • B) Laugh
  • C) Throw up
  • D) Fight him
  • E) Cut mirror in half

As any room with an "unlockable" option, this one remains unchanged if you re-enter it. The old man in #Room 28 explains how to get the special option. Otherwise, laugh at the "other" commoner and you will get past.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 7
  2. #Room 19
  3. #Room 21 (only if you learned the "What a Blast" spell)

Tier III[edit | edit source]

Sorted from top to bottom.

Room 4[edit | edit source]

There is a large fountain in the middle of the room filled with water.
  • A) Take a drink
  • B) Talk to it
  • C) Look for secret passages
  • D) Leave the room

Unlike the nearby #Room 9, this water source can be dangerous: if you drink (A) your attributes will be changed randomly, and you can even die of overdose. Choose any one of the other options. There are no points to be gained here, so you can skip this room entirely.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 9
  2. #Room 15
  3. #Room 14

Room 15[edit | edit source]

You see a large white sphere in front of you, with a name on it: "Rover".
  • A) Run away
  • B) Stand and wait
  • C) Fight it
  • D) Do a "What a Blast"

This room is a tribute to the series "The Prisoner" (1967, United Kingdom). The only way to get out is to stand and wait until Rover leaves. Anything else results in your death.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 5
  2. #Room 4
  3. #Room 32

Room 27[edit | edit source]

There is a diamond encased in glass standing on a pedestal.
  • A) Go for the diamond
  • B) Say: "Abra-ca-dabra"
  • C) Do a "Where Art Thou"
  • D) Look for booby-traps

Two other rooms give you information about this one: #Room 28 and #Room 11. The safest choice is C, but you can choose D if your luck is high. Avoid A.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 2
  2. #Room 15
  3. #Room 6

Room 6[edit | edit source]

There are four jars on a table, each one filled with a powder.
  • A) Take jar 1
  • B) Take jar 2
  • B) Take jar 3
  • D) Take jar 4

Each one of the four jars has a different effect. Jar 1 can be used in #Room 10, jar 2 in #Room 25 (but the "item" found in #Room 12 gives the same result), jars 3 and 4 in #Room 5. The character in the nearby #Room 19 tells you more about one of the last two.

For the highest score, choose jar 1.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 19 (closely related to this room)
  2. #Room 31 (requires either a luck roll or a spell)
  3. #Room 27 (requires either a luck roll or a spell, too)

Room 19[edit | edit source]

You see a man in a white laboratory coat bouncing a ball.
  • A) Say there is a spot on his coat
  • B) Conversate with him
  • C) Fight him
  • D) Tell him you love James Joyce

Important information can be obtained in this room, but once you learned it, it will be valid in any future playthrough. Option D is the easiest way to learn it; if choose B you have to roll die against your intelligence quotient, but if you succeed, the outcome will be the same as B. The other options lower your charisma.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 13
  2. #Room 6 (the information you learned here, in room 19, can be used in room 6)
  3. #Room 31

Tier IV[edit | edit source]

Room 14[edit | edit source]

There is a puppet theatre with a puppet show going on.
  • A) Applaud
  • B) Watch the show
  • C) Do a "What a Blast"
  • D) Fight the puppet master

You can learn one way to exit the castle if you quietly watche the show. The other options lower your charisma.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 4
  2. #Room 10
  3. #Room 33

Room 32[edit | edit source]

This is the dragon's lair. There is lots of treasure and plenty of bones.
  • A) Pick up some treasure
  • B) Pick up bones
  • C) Leave (you don't like dragons)
  • D) Have a marshmallow roast

Take the treasure with no problem! If you pick up the bones, you will learn what happened to the dragon.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 14
  2. #Room 10
  3. #Room 2

Room 2[edit | edit source]

There is a ghost in front of you. Behind him is a treasure chest.
  • A) Do a "What a Blast"
  • B) Call him Casper
  • C) Fight him
  • D) Recite works of Carl Sagan

The easiest option is D: Carl Sagan was also known for his skepticism. Alternatively, you can blast the ghost. In either case, you can get some treasure and, if your character's intelligence quotient is good enough, also get a clue about #Room 27.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 28
  2. #Room 34
  3. #Room 27

Room 31[edit | edit source]

You see a door in the wall with a sign that says: "Orc secret passage".
  • A) Go through the door
  • B) Leave the room
  • C) Yell: "20000 Gold pieces!"
  • D) Do a "Seal Shut" on the door

Did you wonder where are the orcs of the "Ogres and Orcs Adventures" subtitle? This is one answer. Also, if you visit a room that you entered already, you can occasionally meet a wandering monster, and it can be an ogre or an orc.

By the way, in this room you want to avoid the full horde of orcs. The only way to earn points here is to try and leave: you have to pass a luck die roll, and you can earn 20-25 points, or die. The safest way out is to use magic: this is the only room where "Seal Shut" can be cast, but it grants no points at all.

All in all, avoid this room unless your character has a high luck attribute.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 28
  2. #Room 27
  3. #Room 19

Room 28[edit | edit source]

There is a very old wise man leaning on his cane looking bored and discontent.
  • A) Kick the cane from under him
  • B) Give him all of your money
  • C) Say: "Hello, Mr. Black Sage"
  • D) Ask him how to get to Havana (Cuba)

This man is not the Black Sage. Ask him how to get to Havana, and he will tell you one way to leave the castle, instead. The other options have negative effects on you.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 31 (avoid: minimal gain, high risk)
  2. #Room 2
  3. #Room 11

Tier V[edit | edit source]

Room 33[edit | edit source]

You enter a room that has nothing in it; completely empty; noting at all; empty.
  • A) Count your treasure
  • B) Look for secret passageways
  • C) Stand still
  • D) Leave

The void in this room can nullify things. Leave (D), or you will regret it!

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 14
  2. #Room 10
  3. #Room 17

Room 10[edit | edit source]

The room is very hot. In front of you is a fire elemental.
  • A) Fight it
  • B) Spit on it
  • C) Talk to it
  • D) Run away
  • E) Use powder

The fire elemental can only be destroyed if you use the powder in jar n.1 (elemental fire extinguisher), found in #Room 6. Otherwise, you have to run away to survive.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 33
  2. #Room 17
  3. #Room 32

Room 34[edit | edit source]

You see a box of old dirty clothes in the center of the room.
  • A) Attack the clothes
  • B) Play dress-up
  • C) Do a "What a Blast"
  • D) Search the pockets

Either attack the clothes or search the pockets. The spell is wasted here. The last option (B) causes a game over.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 11
  2. #Room 12
  3. #Room 10

Room 11[edit | edit source]

You see a large book on a table; the book is open.
  • A) Leave
  • B) Try to read the book
  • C) Look for booby-traps
  • D) Try and talk to it

All four options are harmless. If you choose to read the book and you pass the intelligence quotient roll, you can learn a random spell.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 28
  2. #Room 34
  3. #Room 35

Tier VI[edit | edit source]

Room 17[edit | edit source]

You see a poor, half-dead, suffering, little goblin lying on the stone floor.
  • A) Give it pity and help it
  • B) Spit on it
  • C) Take its last 2 Gold pieces
  • D) Kill it

Kill the half-dead goblin for the largest amount of points from this room. Instead, if you have pity of the creature, it will kill you: it was a trick!

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 20
  2. #Room 36
  3. #Room 33

Room 20[edit | edit source]

You see a beautiful wizardess before you with mini dragons beside her.
  • A) Talk to her
  • B) Leave the room
  • C) Fight her
  • D) Beg mercy

Beg mercy (D), or it will be game over.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 18
  2. #Room 17
  3. #Room 12

Room 12[edit | edit source]

This is a large room with a meadow and purple butterflies flying all around.
  • A) Catch one of the butterflies
  • B) Look for other people
  • C) Pretend you are having a picnic
  • D) Sneeze: you have hay fever

Try and catch one butterfly, then bring it to #Room 25 to earn some easy points. Otherwise, you can exit the castle with it, but you will get less points. The other three options (B, C, D) in this room are harmless.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 22 (only if you have good dexterity)
  2. #Room 35
  3. #Room 20

Room 35[edit | edit source]

You see a forest with a waterfall and a river running through the room.
  • A) Stand under the waterfall
  • B) Search for caves
  • C) Climb a tree
  • D) Look at the river

The only convenient choice is D, that grants you several points. The other three options end up with a fight or death.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 11
  2. #Room 12
  3. #Room 23

Tier VII[edit | edit source]

Room 36[edit | edit source]

You see one hundred wild buffalos stampeding directly at you.
  • A) Send smoke signals
  • B) Do a "Detect Magic"
  • C) Fight them
  • D) Run away

This is the only room where the "Detect Magic" spell can be cast, and it is the best option indeed. Lacking that spell, either send smoke signals or run away: one of your attributes will suffer, but at least you will get out alive.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 17
  2. #Room 18
  3. #Room 26

Room 18[edit | edit source]

A clue about this room is given just before you enter the castle: "A figure in skating plus Bo Derek". The former is 8, whereas Bo Derek was an actress in the movie 10.

Congratulations: you have found the room of the Black Sage.
  • A) Smile and leave the room
  • B) Fight him
  • C) Do a "What a Blast"
  • D) Talk to him

The Black Sage is invincible. Whatever you do, the result is the same: the Black Sage will block you with an ice spell and ask for all your gold coins. If you give any other amount, he will kill you, but if you give him exactly that much, he will mercifully give it back to you and let you leave.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 36
  2. #Room 3
  3. #Room 22 (avoid unless your dexterity is high)

Room 22[edit | edit source]

You see an old wooden support bridge and a river running underneath.
  • A) Cross the bridge
  • B) Commit suicide by jumping off
  • C) Check for any trolls
  • D) Stand still

You should better avoid this room. The only way out is across the bridge, and only if you pass a dexterity die roll.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 12
  2. #Room 3
  3. #Room 18

Room 23[edit | edit source]

You see a sandy beach leading down to a pond.
  • A) Go swimming
  • B) Cast a "Where Art Thou"
  • C) Build a sand castle
  • D) Find people of the opposite sex

A rare room with a sub-set of choices. First, look for girls (D), then go for it (4), then decide to leave (N); this is the only way to earn a good amount of points. The second best option is the sand castle, that increases your intelligence quotient. Any other option is far less favorable: you will get nothing at best, but you can also get attacked or an instant game over.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 35
  2. #Room 22
  3. #Room 25

Tier VIII[edit | edit source]

Room 26[edit | edit source]

You see a pyramid standing before you in the middle of the desert.
  • A) You want your mummy
  • B) Climb to the top
  • C) Do a "Where Art Thou"
  • D) Bury yourself in the sand

Cast the spell, and you will obtain a nice amount of gold, plus a magic ankh (unrelated to the Ultima series). Unfortunately, this item has no impact on your final score.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 36
  2. #Room 18
  3. #Room 3

Room 3[edit | edit source]

You see ten fire lizards in the room (they are like small dragons).
  • A) Leave the room
  • B) Fight them
  • C) Talk to them
  • D) Look for secret passages

Just remember the puppet show in #Room 14, and act accordingly.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 26
  2. #Room 22
  3. #Room 25

Room 25[edit | edit source]

This room is filled with plants and heavy undergrowth.
  • A) Attack the plants
  • B) Stand still
  • C) Do a "Where Art Thou"
  • D) Leave the room
  • E) Use powder

There are two ways to survive this room, and they both involve an item found in another room. If you captured a butterfly in #Room 12, stand still (B) and let the insect act; if you got the jar n.2 in #Room 6, you can use it here (E): it is a weedkiller.

Exit doors:

  1. #Room 23
  2. #Room 22
  3. #Room 3