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Box artwork for The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship.
Box artwork for The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship.
The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship
Year released1996
System(s)Arcade, Neo Geo, Wii
SeriesSuper Sidekicks,
ACA Neo Geo
Japanese title得点王 炎のリベロ (Tokuten Ou: Honou no Libero)
ModesSingle player, multiplayer
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+General
ACA Neo Geo The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship
Publisher(s)Hamster Corporation
Year released2019
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
LinksThe Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship at PCGamingWikiThe Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship ChannelSearch

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