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This level is slightly trickier than the last level, as this is the first level where you actually have to steer around large objects that can't be killed. Now is the time to use the Hunter you saved from the previous level. As you weave around the copper-colored ships, the Hunter will pick off the laser cannons and bombs that are on the bottoms of the ships. Also be careful not to get hit by the squadrons of green ships. Pretty soon you will come to an area where little crosshairs will begin to track your ship. Keep moving and don't let them get a lock on you, or the cannons will fire streams of energy balls at you. About halfway through this ordeal, you will find your first ever-helpful shield. Shortly after the part of the level with the crosshairs, missiles will start to fly up and hit the copper-colored ships. Don't worry – these missiles can't hurt you. When the last of the ships has gone down, an item ship containing a claw will fly across the bottom of the screen so don't miss it.

Now comes the tricky part. The rest of the fleet of ships will begin to retreat at a rapid pace, so go to the top or bottom of the screen and nab one of the weapons as the first ship zooms past (the top one is a Blade and the bottom is a Snake). Avoid the copper-colored ships and shoot the green ones, then stay towards the top to grab a 1-up before the boss. This boss, Ratt Carry, will begin its assault with a device that fires large laser rings backward. You can use any weapon to kill the disk launcher, but the Snake works best. If he gets behind you and begins to fire missiles, use the Back Shot/Rail Gun to blast the missiles. Once the disk launcher is gone, he will use missiles until you knock off the missile launcher by hitting the front of it with your Back Shot or Rail Gun. You cannot knock off the missile launcher until the disk launcher is gone. After the launcher is gone, he will begin to fire spreads of bullets and homing missiles, and occasionally launch a few drones at you. Hit the flashing red spot on top of him with any weapon (preferably Snake again) until he is dead.