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abxy This contributor is also an abxy member.
Janzig.png Main Avatar of Janz.


When i was a young boy I would stuff things down the toilet. For example: I would stuff army guys down the toilet so they can go save the Hot Wheel car that I flushed down the toilet the other day. At the age of 5, I killed a midget...well I didn't really, but actually at the age of 5 I finally got to play my first video game system, the Nes. The wonderful Excite Bike and Ice Hockey were my games. By the same age, I began to love the sport of Soccer. Not going to lie, I was pretty damn good. And thats my first experience with video games.

Favorite Food: Ice Cream Cake

Favorite System: Wii

Favorite Game: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

Favorite Sport: Motocross (Dirt Biking)

Favorite Word: Sexy


I joined DSMeet in January 2006...about New Years day because I liked using the MKDS editor. Yes, I joined the site I have been for now about 2 years because of the MKDS editor. I was really into wifi and I played a lot and one day I finally figured out there was a community so in about March I finally started posting with a Storm Eagle avatar. I met many people that I actually still know today man. Soon I started going in chat more, talking to people like VoiceofPower, Crispy, and Thornz. It's actually where I started saying sexy. I'll tell you the story.

VoiceofPower, Hack, and I were chatting and Hack for some reason started using sexy and VoiceofPower goes along with it for a joke, and I did as well. Then for some reason I just used it in the forums and it just went on from there.

Anyway, back on track, time went by, and ABXY came to life. I thought it was actually pretty cool. I went along with it, no problems but soon I got banned because i said a naughty word to some one for backsassing me. Damn people and their lip, don't need it. Well Tathar came and saved the day, and from that I have just stayed active and that's why I'm still here today.