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Latest comment: 10 October 2012 by Notmyhandle in topic Salnax nomination
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Final Fantasy Tactics[edit source]

My (user)name is drkelflord and i would like your help
with something.

You see, after touring this site and subsequently joining, I
realized that the Final Fantasy Tactics page has a great deal of pages
that are simply gone or missing(or never there)and i would like to rectify
that. If you or anyone else could help me with this i would be greatly apreciative

thank you for your time
sincerly--Drkelflord 19:41, 12 March 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Salnax nomination[edit source]

Please see StrategyWiki:Requests for permissions/Salnax. --Notmyhandle (talk contribs) 17:28, 10 October 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply]