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Patrolling the Harbor

Required Level
  1. Complete a lap around Koinonia Harbor (??:??).

Another new station, another patrol. This time, your route consists of a single lap around Koinonia Harbor, specifically the area that looks sort of like a half-circle. It's timed as usual, but that shouldn't be a problem unless you've really been slacking off as far as upgrading your parts. All in all, just another patrol mission to get you acquainted with the area around the new station.

Delivery of Goods

Required Level
  1. Pick up the Mittron concentrator at the Harbor.
  2. Deliver the concentrator to Hahns Bank. (??:??, 6-crash limit)

In this mission, you're tasked with delivering a new prototype Mittron engine to temporary storage at Hahns Bank. First, you need to go the harbor and pick up the engine. The target spot is near the waterfront, just north of the Rush Time and Undercity start points. Once you get there, your car will be swapped out for an 18-wheeler, and you'll have to deliver the engine to the bank within a 6-crash limit. Once you've done that, the mission is complete.

Injured Person on the Street

Required Level
  1. Pick up the injured patient at the Koinonia Post Office. (??:??)
  2. Pick up the injured patient at the Bonito Shopping Center. (??:??, 6-crash limit)
  3. Deliver the injured patients to the Koinonia Hospital. (??:??, 6-crash limit)

Another HUV accident, more injured pedestrians to escort to the hospital. There are two patients this time, first at the Post Office, then the Bonito Shopping Center. They're both on the same street, so it shouldn't be hard to comply with the 6-collision limit. Once you've delivered both patients to the hospital, the mission is finished.


Required Level
  1. ??.

This mission's simple enough. Head to the Amper Memorial Tower just south of the Station and wait. As with other missions of this type, your car must be entirely within the red circle to count. Once the HUV passes by, Erina will congratulate you as usual and you'll get your reward.

Minister Jose Louis

Required Level
  1. Pick up Minister Louis at the Venera Hotel.
  2. Wait for Louis at the Polip Department Store.
  3. Wait for Louis at the Koinonia Casino.
  4. Take Louis back to the Venera Hotel.

Here's a rather unique mission. A South American politician is visiting the island, and wants a tour of Koinonia. But thanks to all the HUVs running around, he wants an OMD driver escort. First things first; head over to the Venera Hotel and pick up the minister. There's no restriction on this first leg, so feel free to drive as fast or as slow as you want. Once you get to the hotel, Louis will hop in and ask you to take him to the Polip Department Store. You have a 5-crash limit for this and each remaining leg, so get him there safely and he'll go in to look for something for his wife.  Spacebar  your way through the dialogue, then escort Louis to the Casino just up the street. Another long wait (2 1/2 hours this time), then it's back to the Hotel to finish the mission.

New Type HUV

Required Level
  1. Go to the Koinonia Police Station. (00:30)

Apparently, a new type of HUV has been seen on the streets, and it's more powerful than any seen so far. Big Duran seems pretty worried, so he's sending you to the police station to gather whatever information you can. The Police Station's close enough that you should easily make it in the 30-second time limit. Once you get there, the Police Officer will tell you about the new HUVs being available from Chase Missions, along with pointing the finger at Branton again, before Erina gives you your reward.

HUV Attack

Required Level
  1. Pick up the injured patients at the Pestropa Restaurant. (01:05)
  2. Deliver the injured patients to the hospital. (01:00, 5-crash limit)

As expected, the new HUVs are wreaking havoc, and you've got more injured citizens to transport. Pick them up at the Pestropa Restaurant, then hurry to the hospital. This is no different than the last few times you've done this.

Deep Pockets

Required Level
  1. Go to Hahns Bank.
  2. Tail the Branch Manager's car. (Safe range: 30-40m)

It seems the OMD staff may have figured out how Branton keeps escaping the authorities--he's got the manager of Hahns Bank's Koinonia branch in his pocket! If that's true, it could compromise the safety of the engine you delivered to the bank earlier. Get over to the bank and tail the manager's car. He'll eventually lead you to the Heavy Chemical Factory Complex, where you'll overhear Branton ask about some money before noticing you and fleeing, leaving the branch manager to get arrested for conspiracy. Unfortunately, it turns out quite a few people are rebelling against the OMD at the Factory Complex, making it that much easier for Branton to operate undetected.

The 3rd Station

Required Level
  1. Go to station 3.

In order to get more information about the factory complex, you need to go to Station 3. I'll call ahead and tell them you're coming.

Station 2 Staff Big Duran

Say goodbye to Station 2 and head east towards Koinonia Harbour. When you spy the shipping containers and hear the harbour ambience, turn left and follow the road north-east to Station 3.

  • Upon reaching the station:

Hello! I just got a call from Station 2. I'm Tina. Nice to meet you!

Station 3 Staff Tina