Star Wars: Battlefront/Tips and tricks

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Alternate Fighting Styles

This section will help you gain that extra momentum you need to win a battle, or just give you new ideas as to how to play the game. For each class of soldier, the various ways to use that unit in combat are described.

Grunt Soldier

Units in this class include: Clone Trooper, Super Battle Droid, Rebel Soldier, Stormtrooper

Automatic Rifle: This is the most commonly used style, because it doesn't require a whole lot of skill. Basically, you just hold down the trigger and unload into whoever is standing in front of you. While this works as a "panic" style, or when there are a lot of enemies in front of you, it's not very ammo-efficient everywhere else. Try to avoid using this style if possible.

Semi-automatic: Once you've mastered this combat strategy, you can play this game with the best of them. It is a fact that, when using the rifle's automatic capabilities, it tends to become very inaccurate after about 5 shots. So don't fire more than 5 at a time - hold down the trigger for about a second, then let up. Take aim again and fire another burst of shots. Not only does it prevent you from wasting a ton of ammo, it allows you to aim more precisely and target a specific place on an enemy's body (namely the head).

Sniper Rifle: This is a very effective alternate style. Find a good sniping position, and zoom in with your blaster rifle. Fire 2 or 3 shots and let go, look to see if that killed your target, fire some more (if he's still alive). The main advantage to this style is the ability to switch to close combat if, for example, your nearby command post gets attacked.

Rocket Launcher

Units in this class include: ARC Trooper, Assault Droid, Rebel Vanguard, Shock Trooper

Anti-artillery: This is the basic combat style for rocket launcher units. You use a blaster pistol for normal infantry units and fire rockets to make quick work of turrets and vehicles. There are two things to make note of with this style: first, make every shot count, it takes a long time to reload a rocket launcher. Second, beware that when you start shooting at a vehicle, they are most likely going to shoot back at you.

Anti-infantry: With this strategy, you will use the explosiveness of the rockets to mutilate or destroy other infantry units. This style only works in narrow hallways or places where there is nowhere to escape the explosion. An example of this is Bespin: Cloud City - rockets work almost as well as grenades at taking out bunches of enemies in long hallways. Just aim for either the units' feet or the wall next to them.

Rocket jumping is a myth - you cannot duplicate that feat in Battlefront.


Units in this class include: Clone Sharpshooter, Sniper Droid, Rebel Markman, Scout Trooper

Standard Sniping: Find a secluded spot that is far away from the battle, but close enough that your targets don't look like ants. Usually, that spot is at least 5 meters above the main battlefield. Pick a target (try to find someone that is running directly towards you, holding still, or running directly away from you) and aim for its head. A headshot will kill any unit in one shot. Note that the "head" of a Super Battle Droid is right between the shoulders, and that there is no headshot on droidekas because, well, they have no head. If you have to fire at someone running perpendicular to your sightline, aim for their torso. Try to pace your gun's movements with their running, and fire about half a meter in front of them. This takes a lot of practice to perfect.

No-zooming: This combat method is devastating if you're accurate with your shots. It is the converse of the "sniper rifle" method in Grunt Soldier. Take your sniper rifle and use it like a normal blaster rifle, in close combat. As long as you're accurate with your shots and you have a good sense of when it's safe to reload, this style is more deadly than any blaster rifle combat style you use.


There is enough variance in theses units that no uniform styles can be applied. Overall, they are handy to have around but not particularly effective in combat (this is remedied in the sequel, with the addition of Engineers).

Special Classes

It goes without saying that these units differ too much to come up with a strategy for all of them. However, the one thing they have in common, with the exception of the droideka, is a handful of grenades. Use them to your advantage, but be careful not to drop one in the middle of your allies.


Name a profile "Jub Jub" (case-sensitive)and all the units on the battlefield will be about half their original size. It doesn't exactly make the game easier, but it's fun sometimes to see all the units in dwarf-like proportions.