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Added to the US Drift City in v0.15f, repeatable instant missions are like station missions, except they can be done as many times as desired. They are termed "instant" because they are not picked up at stations; rather they appear as purple-coloured cubes on the map and purple beacons with the word "Mission" in the city.

Currently, repeatable missions are only available in Moon Palace and Koinonia, however the missions hint at future expansion to Cras, and possibly Oros as well. To start a repeatable mission, a user must drive to the blue-lit area on the map and stop within it. They will then be given the mission details and some opening dialogue.

Moon Palace

Repeatable Missions in Moon Palace are a series of discrete, disconnected missions that can be competed theoretically infinite times. Depending on the user's level, only two repeatable missions are available at any one time. They typically involve driving around a series of points.

Moon Palace Tour

Required Level
Item(s)File:Mittron Fireworks.png x1
  1. Drive (1) (Rivistar Bookstore, M Mart)
  2. Drive (2) (Schinken Restaurant, Mittron Electrical Power Plant)
  3. Drive (3) (9th Apartment Complex, Observation Station)
  4. Drive (4) (Hahns Bank, Elmarion University)
  5. Go back to Moon Island Hotel.

Hey, USERNAME! What are you doing here? Me? I'm just traveling since it's my vacation. We all need sometime to recharge our energy right? Anyway, USERNAME, if you aren't too busy, let's go for a ride! Let's make sure you haven't lost your touch!


This mission is very easy and quick to complete. There are no time or crash limits, and no need to stop at any of the locations. This mission has 2 possible routes, randomly selected.

On completion:

Thanks for the fun time. I guess I will see you around?


Goal of Fogel Bakery

Required Level
Item(s)File:Mittron Fireworks.png x1
  1. Delivery to (IT center, Gold Wing Airport) (2 crashes)
  2. Deliver to (Elmarion University, Air Yacht Club Building) (2 crashes)
  3. Deliver to (Polk Mountain Cabin, Moon Palace Stadium) (2 crashes)
  4. Deliver to (M Mart, Schinken Restaurant) (2 crashes)
  5. Go back to 1st branch of Fogel Bakery. (2 crashes)

Good thing you are here. Fogel Bakery is expanding very rapidly in Moon Palace by opening its 2nd and 3rd branches. We hope to expand to other cities, too. Currently, we are planning to open a branch in China Town very soon. Our Bakery will produce all the bread needed for the entire city. People must eat to survive right? Enough about our Bakery's history. We are actually missing a delivery driver right now. Can you give me a hand? I will compensate you for all your work, of course.

Fogel Bakery Owner

For this mission, you drive a freight truck with 1500 stats (350 spd, 350 acc, 450 dura and 300 boost). This vehicle, although not as large as the container truck and Mittron ES trucks is somewhat longer than you expect and takes some getting used to. There's no time limit, but 2 crashes between any post will cause you to fail the mission.

IT Center Route

From the Fogel Bakery, take the 2nd left to arrive outside the IT center.

Delivery is here. Thank you. Mmm so good.

IT Center Employee

U-turn, turn left, and follow the street east as far as it will take you, which will end at your next destination.

Did you bring the bread? Yay, our breakfast's here.

University Librarian

Turn south and wend your way into the mountain road. Stop outside the cabin.

Thank you! Have a good one!

Cabin Manager

Turn around very carefully and follow the road until you arrive outside the M Mart.

I was getting worried because you weren't coming. Thank you so much.

M Mart Employee

Now, return to the Bakery. Keep heading along the road M Mart faces onto until you arrive outside the bakery.

Airport Route

Head north towards the Airport. Turn left to arrive just outside the Gold Wing Memorial Airport.

Haha, this is the taste I was looking for!

Gold Wing Airport Police

Bear left at the fork then bear right at the Monday Café and you will arrive at the Air Yacht Club.

It's finally here! I was starving!

Yacht Club Employee

Turn east and follow the road until you reach Moon Palace Stadium.

It's finally here. Let me see what you got!

Stadium Security

Keep on the current road, then turn left, and take the second right to arrive outside the Schinken Restaurant.

It tastes sooo good. Thanks!

Restaurant Employee

Carefully u-turn and take the third right to head west. Follow the road until the end to arrive back at the 1st branch of the Fogel Bakery.

On completion of either route:

Good work. Every single loaf you've delivered today will be a great help to our bright future. Another step closer to our dreams right? haha... If you need a part time job, come by any time.

Fogel Bakery Owner

Mittron Crystal Powder Addict Pickup

There's a new hard drug hitting Mittron Island, Mittron Crystal Powder. Some unfortunate citizens have taken a bit too much. It's your job to round them up. This mission has 3 sets of randomly chosen locations, just to maintain variety, but the order is the same for each set.

Required Level
Item(s)File:Mittron Fireworks.png x1
  1. Pick up the patient at (Fakos Light Tower, Fodgel Lake)
  2. Pick up the patient at (Star Historic Landmark Hotel, Polk Mountain Cabin) (2 crashes)
  3. Pick up the patient at (Moon Palace Stadium, Observation Station) (2 crashes)
  4. Pick up the patient at (Schinken Restaurant, 7th Apartment Complex) (2 crashes)
  5. Return to the Hospital (2 crashes)

Hey, let me talk to you for a second. There are some critical patients who need to be at the hospital right now. I will send you their location. If you take care of this, I will take care of you.

Mittron Crystal Powder Dealer

A dealer with a concience, what's the bets he supplied the poor souls? Either way, there's a more pressing problem. You need to drive from each location to the next, stopping at each point to pick up another patient.

Please... Don't let me die...

Mittron Crystal Powder Addict


Mittron Crystal Powder Addict

It is helpful to at least partly remember the routes, as some points will require a u-turn to get to the next point. There is no time limit, and 2 crashes between any points will cause instant failure, so it is best to drive carefully rather than quickly (especially in the set which takes you through the windy mountain road) to avoid uncecessary repetition of this mission. Unlike station missions, it does not get easier the more times you fail.

On success:

Thanks to you, everything's safe and sound. And don't worry, I will compensate you enough. Please make sure to keep this down low. If you slip and tell someone about this, you and I will become the primary target of our gang, ok?

Mittron Crystal Powder Dealer

Moon Palace Patrol

Required Level
Item(s)File:Mittron Fireworks.png x1
  1. Patrol (Elmarion University, 8th Apartment Complex) (2 crashes)
  2. Patrol (Mitos Tunnel, 2nd Branch of Fogel Bakery) (2 crashes)
  3. Patrol (Observatory Tower, Gold Wing Memorial Airport) (2 crashes)
  4. Patrol (2nd Apartment Complex, Air Yacht Club) (2 crashes)
  5. Go back to the Police Station (2 crashes)

Hey! We meet again. I have to go do a patrol right now, but I am so overwhelmed with other duties, and I don't think I can make it. There are too many citizens speeding. Therefore, we must have someone there to catch them. USERNAME, would you do a patrol for me?

OMD Police Officer Amy

Who can't say no to such a cute face? This mission has 3 sets of routes, and you drive a Moon Palace Police vehicle with 1700 stats (400 spd, 400 acc, 500 dura and 400 boost). There are no time limits, but 2 crashes between any point will fail the mission. The police car is quite small, but in certain sections it may be wise to sacrifice some speed for careful driving. Unlike the Crystal Powder Addicts mission, there is no need to stop at each post.

On completion:

I knew you could do it, USERNAME! You never let me down. I owe you one big time!

OMD Police Officer Amy


The missions in Koinonia are linked and take on an alternate storyline to the main missions, each of these missions can only be performed once.

Donut Delivery

This section is a stub. Help us expand it, and you get a cookie.

Kaila's Report

This section is a stub. Help us expand it, and you get a cookie.
On completion:

Oh, what brings you here? Report? Ah, Kaila sent me a report. Hmm.. Hm.. .. .. Ok, thank you for delivering this report. Would you stop by here again later? I may have something for you to do for me.


Follow the OMD Officials

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Go to OMD Automobile Research Center.
  2. Go to OMD Times.
  3. Go to Heavy Chemical Factory Complex.
  4. Follow the OMD officials.

I was thinking after I've recieved the report. Here are my thoughts. You must know OMD officials have been threatened. You probably didn't know but they were actually separated into two groups. However, it still means one of the groups might've been in danger. The group that wasn't being followed were the higher people and the other group that was in danger actually contained less important people. After putting all the information together, we can see that there must be someone inside who has a connection with those HUVs. This may just be a hunch. However, it is possible because there was an argument regarding the new law involving Mittron. There must be some kind of connection. Now, here's where you come in. It's something not too diffucult for you. Follow one of the higher OMD officials and see if there is anything suspicious. Then, report back to me. Kaila will be assisting you. Good luck!


Make your way south to the Automobile Research Center. The quickest and safest way is to follow the wide road southeast, then turn right at the KoMart.

At the Autmobile Research Center:

They might not be following the schedule. Let's go check around OMD Times


Backtrack and head past Station 2 to the OMD times.

At the OMD Times:

They're not here either! What has happened? Let's go to the Heavy Chemical Factory Complex.


Head east to the Factory Complex. As soon as you arrive at the Complex, you're thrown into a tailing mission. You must tail the car to the Fakos Light Tower, in the very east of Koinonia.

On arrival at Fakos Light Tower:

Welcome. You are late.

Mysterious Personnel

Sorry for being late. Just wanted to make sure that I am not being followed. You did well as promised.

OMD High Rank Official

If we weren't bothered by an unknown vehicle, we could've done better. Did you bring what we've asked?

Mysterious Personnel

It's a highly confidential file... So I am having some troubles retrieving it. I brought some money so you can have this first!

OMD High Rank Official

You know we have low tolerance in these situations right? I am going to accept this money for now... However you must get that file ASAP.

Mysterious Personnel

Ok... Don't worry. Just give me a little more time!

OMD High Rank Official

... Ok I think we got enough information! I can't believe some of the OMD Officials actually had connection to those HUVs. I will go ahead and report back to the Chief. USERNAME, get some rest and come back to the Police Station later. Duffy wanted to see you.


Anonymous Caller

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Go to First Apartment Complex.

I have something very important to talk to you about. There are just too many bad things going on these days. There's been a report about this new group expanding its power all over Koinonia. It was actually reported by an anonymous caller. For some reason, she wanted to talk to you and only you. I know you're busy and all... Would you go and find out what's going on? Please let me know what she said afterwards.

Instructor Duffy

Ooh, another mysterious caller who only wants to talk to you. Last time this happened, it was Mr H on the line, but didn't Duffy mention "she"? Who is this mysterious lady caller? Only one way to find out. Head northwest from the Police station to the First Apartment Complex.

On arrival:

Hey! Aren't you surprised to see me? I am the anonymous caller!!! Just kidding. It was actually Yuki. Where is Yuki? I can't tell you that this easily. You have to gain my trust with your skills. It doesn't matter if you are OMD or ROO. Come back to me when you are ready!

ROO Operator Jinny

Trust Test

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Test 1/5
  2. Test 2/5
  3. Test 3/5
  4. Test 4/5
  5. Test 5/5

Wow! That was quick! Why am I so excited? I am just glad to see you! Hahaha, I will stop being weird. Let's move on to the test. All you have to do is get to the destination as fast as you can. USERNAME, I will see what you are capable of. Are you ready? Go Go Go!

Instructor Duffy

This point-to-point test is quite tricky. You'll be doing the rounds of southern Koinonia, but unlike Moon Palace, there is no way to see the fastest route ahead of time, so trust your GPS arrow completely in this mission. You're on strict time limits, and if you crash 3 times between points, it's game over. Pay close attention to where you need to be and be ready to make u-turns at some of the points. You will arrive back at Jinny at the 1st Apartment Complex.

USERNAME, you've passed the test! Congratulations! Now I can tell you where Yuki is waiting. She is standing on the Royal Brige. You can go see her now. Good job!

ROO Operator Jinny

Suspicious Group

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Hideout Patrol 1/4 (3 crashes)
  2. Hideout Patrol 2/4 (3 crashes, min speed 60mph, max speed 186mph)
  3. Hideout Patrol 3/4 (3 crashes, min speed 60mph, max speed 186mph)
  4. Hideout Patrol 4/4 (3 crashes, min speed 60mph, max speed 186mph)
  5. Go to Royal Bridge.

You've passed the test huh? Good! Good! There is a suspicious group in Koinonia! The Chief probably suspects Team ROO, but I've found out Team ROO has nothing to do with this. So I started to investigate in a different direction. One thing I found out so far is that this has to do with political issues. Also, I noted that all of the new gangs in town started to gather their powers into one big group. However, we are still not sure of who is actually controlling all of these malicious operations and why they are doing so. We can only estimate how many of them exist in Koinonia and where they roam around. Enough about the story... here's what I need you to do. I've marked all the possible locations of their hideouts. I am pretty sure I am right about the locations. USERNAME, I need you to patrol around those areas. I can trust you in keeping this a secret until the investigation is over, right? After patrolling the areas, you can probably make a good estimate about how many members they have. Everything relies on you, good luck!


Be prepared to do this mission more than once. It begins a series of speed-restricted missions that are surprisingly easy to fail. Your first destination is the East Hotel near the Koinonia Weather Observation Station. Get there as fast as you like, but slow down to about 150-160 mph as you approach the marker. Approach any faster, and you will fail as soon as you trigger the zone. For the remainder of this mission, you are on a speed restriction. You must keep your speed above 60mph and below 186. This means u-turns are out of the question and everything - from traffic to corners - is your worst enemy. You must head to the 6th Apartment Complex, evetually ending up at the 9th Apartment Complex. After this point, you are free of the speed limit and only need to return to Yuki on the Royal Bridge.

Some tips for speed-limited missions:

  1. Avoid traffic. Hitting traffic cars decreases your speed significantly, and trucks spell instant failure if struck.
  2. On straight sections travel as fast as safely possible. About 160 - 170 mph is a good safe speed. If your car is much faster than that you will need to just tap accelerate and monitor your speed very carefully.
  3. Watch for uphill and downhill sections. Remember that going uphill decreases your speed and vice-versa.
  4. Approach corners at about 150 - 155 mph. What a lot of people don't realise is that speed during a drift-corner is like a heartbeat graph; it dips initially and then spikes above the inital value before stabilising. Approach too fast and this spike will get you every time.
  5. Know where you're going. Later missions have time limits as well speed restrictions, and since you can't u-turn, knowing where to go is critical. Sometimes the arrow is misleading or dangerous to follow, so open your map and work out what's easiest for you.
On success:

Good work! Did you go to all the places I've marked? Hmmm... I guess there isn't much additional information. I didn't expect this to be easy, thanks for the information! USERNAME, some of the places were the actual hideouts for the gang. I don't know how they do it, but they move around from place to place faster than I thought. I am sure there are more than one or two hideouts; they are good... they don't leave any trails for us to follow. USERNAME, I actually found something while you were patrolling. Analysis of their movements and actions showed that they will fake their look as Team ROO and plan a Terror somewhere. I am sure we can get more information on this. I need more time to analyze this data to make sure we are not wasting time. Anyway, I will let you know when I find something. Thanks for your help today.


What a "Terror" is exactly, no one knows.

Arrest the Suspect

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Go to Koinonia Dock.
  2. Arrest the suspect in the Team ROO vehicle.

Hey, welcome back. According to my sources, there is a Team ROO car starting trouble around Koinonia Dock. However, Team ROO would never do such a thing. Someone must be trying to frame them with all of this. The OMD Police are on their way already. We must arrest them before the OMD Police gets there!! If they fall under OMD Police custody, they will be charged as if they were actually Team ROO!!!


This is a simple chase mission. Take one of the sliplanes off the Royal Bridge and head west to Koinonia Harbour. When you reach the red beacon, a HUV chase starts. You chase a Team ROO branded HUV, similar to the ones chased in the final OMD missions. However, this HUV is not particularly difficult. As with ordinary HUV chases, use Damage Power Up and Durability Enhancer (if you are sufficiently leveled to have it drop) to get the chase over and done with quickly.

On arresting the Team ROO vehicle:

Darn it! At least I finished my duty! HAHAHA! I have the right to remain silent! I know my laws.

Unidentified Suspect

Interrogation and Investigation

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Go to Koinonia Police Station (3 crashes)

You've arrested them! Nicely done! Regardless of the rivalries between the OMD and Team ROO, this is the time when we all have to work together. Would you take the suspect to the OMD Police Station? I need you to handle the interrogation. Just let me know what you find out. Good job!!!


This is possibly one of the simplest of the Koinonia missions. You only need to drive from the Royal Bridge to Koinonia Police Station. That's all there is to it. Oh, and don't crash too much.

On arrival

Welcome back. Did you meet the caller? So this is the person who is a part of all this? And with all that information, I knew you could do this. I should report to Chief right away. Hold on.
......I finished the report. Chief wants to see you!

Instructor Duffy

So you did all this, huh? And this is one of the members in that group? You are good! Your skill astounds me!! If you can finish this interrogation, you will be able to close this case! Get some rest. You look like you need it.


Hideout Search and Raid

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Gang hideout patrol 1/3 (1:00, 3 crashes)
  2. Gang hideout patrol 2/3 (1:50, 3 crashes, min speed 60mph, max speed 186mph)
  3. Gang hideout patrol 3/3 (3 crashes, min speed 60mph, max speed 186mph)
  4. Go to Koinonia Police Station (3 crashes)

Are you ready for another assignment? The result of last interrogation wasn't that good. He didn't say anything and was found dead soon after. So we are back to square one. There might be someone from OMD Police who has a connection, too. Only things we know for sure are that it's not Team ROO; it's a gigantic group, and the patterns of their movements and actions. So we are preparing for a raid into their hideout. The plan is to arrest as many as we can and find out as much information as possible. Here is where you come in. Please patrol the surroundings of the hideout. You can do it, right? For anything out of place, let me know immediately.

Instructor Duffy

This is possibly the most difficult and frustrating of all the Koinonia missions. Be ready to do this mission many times. Between the 1st and 3rd objectives, you are on time, speed and crash limits, and getting any one wrong spells disaster.However, this mission has a few tricks to make it easier. If you're reading this guide while doing the mission, read the entire section before accepting the mission.

Your first destination is between the First and Second Apartment Complexes. So make your way northwest towards the apartment buildings. However, do not enter the streets between the Complexes! Instead, stay outside and fringe the 2nd apartment complex so that you reach the patrol zone from the north (i.e. facing south). You will have plenty of time to do this, and it is better to use the spare time from the first part of the mission rather than waste time while speed-restricted. Don't forget to approach the zone at about 150-160mph!

From the first patrol point, head southeast to the 9th Apartment Complex. Try to travel as fast as possible without getting too close to the speed limit - 170 is a good speed - and follow the wide road southeast, only turning left at the last possible opportunity. You should be facing southeast when you reach the patrol zone.

After the 2nd point, turn left at the end of the street, and skirt around the 10th Apartment Complex and head up the sliplane onto the Royal Bridge. Cross it, then take your first opportunity to turn right once you are in northern Koinonia. Turn left at the end of the street, and follow the narrow street north to the East Hotel. As you approach the hotel, slow down to about 90mph, and brake hard only when you're within the red-lit area outside the hotel. It may help to have a Super Stop to aid with this.

At the East Hotel:

No post-effects, yet? Ok. I believe you. I'll dispatch everyone now. I will take it from here. You can go back to the station now. Thanks!

Instructor Duffy

Hooray! Free of the speed limit! Carefully make your way back to the Koinoina Police Station.

On return:

I just received a radio call from Duffy. It was successful. Good job! This is good enough for now. Only thing is I am disappointed about is that all the people arrested are not that important to the group. We need personnel who are higher in the group hierarchy.


I was watching the arrest too. It was successful. Ah.... I should get back to something. When the time is right, come to the Royal Bridge. I still have a lot to tell you. See you later!


Gang's Movement Trail

Required Level
Item(s) x1
  1. Go to Club K (2 crashes)

Ah, Yuki told me you were going to stop by. Yuki isn't here right now. She is already at the destination. I was waiting here to give you directions to the place. Oh yeah.. would you drive slowly? I heard you drive fast. Please be safer. Ok, you ready? Let's go!

Roo Operator Jinny

You don't actually have to drive slowly, but you've only got 2 crashes to get to Club K, which is west of Station 3. If you're feeling brave, head off the west sliplane and drive around the harbour, or just follow the arrow and take the wide road from the bridge. You face a long section of dialogue at the end, so repeatedly hit  Space  to get it over quickly if you're not interested.

On arrival at Club K:

Good! You're here safely!! I need to speak to USERNAME for a minute. Will you excuse us? Hmmm... where should I start...? Hmm... Ok. Gang related OMD Officials seem to be higher in position than we thought. It must be someone we know. So as I was investigating the OMD organization, I found out that they were connected very bottom to top. It's been confirmed that what they're trying to do is create a great conflict between OMD and Team ROO. Thereby, Mittron Island will be in a great ruckus. Then, they are planning to steal all the Mittron-related technology and resources. If the OMD Officials were looking in the right direction, it wouldn't be too hard to find out all about this. It's just that they were blinded by all this ruckus. I feel like we've been played. Remember! We still haven't arrested the alpha dog of this gang. But good news is that they won't be able to make a move right now because we've arrested most of their members. The rest seem to have moved to Cras. We can probably conclude this case at this time. It's sad we couldn't catch that bastard. USERNAME, I am sure you've learned a lot from this. Do not trust any OMD government related personnel. Except me. Trust you and only you. Well, got to get out of here. Will I see you around? Take care!
