Darwinia/Pattern Buffer

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The pattern buffer

The pattern buffer contains the basic definintion of a Darwinian. While it does change gradually, provides the basic body for a digital soul that was collected from the Receiver.


Clear Pattern Infection
Enable Biosphere Trunk Port


Starting from the Yard trunk port (located on the small island), build a few squads and take control of the incubators. Build armour to collect darwinains, and deploy them around the trunk port, and have the same darwinians occupy the the pattern buffer building on the island.

Shortly after you secure the island, you will notice Red Darwinians coming out of the trunk port. The most efficient method of dealing with them are the deployed battle cannons.

Next, conquer the large island. Capture the radar dish or the Biosphere trunk port and claim the two incubators. As always, build armour from the trunk port to secure the incubators, and prevent the Red Darwinians from destroying the base you've built. Capture the nearby pattern buffer to conitnue.

To capture the final pattern buffer building, capture the incubator located on the cape. Build a squad, and send an initial airstrike volley to clear out most of the infection. Use armour to carry Darniwans to the pattern buffer building as well as to clear supress any remaining infection.

Once all four buildings are captured, the pattern buffer will be gradually cleared of infection.

Red Darwinians

The Red Darwinians are similar to the regular Darwinians that you've seen before. However, they are infected by the virus, and will have access to lasers (even if you do not). They will arrive and attack in large groups, which are enough to overwhelm unmanaged squads but are easily destroyed by battle cannons.

However, Red Darwinians are capable of occuping battle cannons and using them against you. In those cases, you need to quickly charge the battle cannon, and see if you can destroy it with explosives or airstrikes.