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The Wells

Microchips: 3

Microchip 1
You start this level in a pipe, like the Factory bonus level. Go right first, climbing up the slippery pipe to get a Poisoner. Go back and go left. Eliminate the two spiders along the path and take the DNA strands, until you reach a well. Go left and take out the wasp floating in the air. There is an Electro Beam on a ledge. Then climb the ledges and the vertical wooden beam. Jump onto the platform to the left of the beam, the one patrolled by the spider. From here, with a jump to the left, you can get the first microchip.

Microchip 2
Follow the previous path, but this time, once on the wooden beam, jump to the right, onto another plank. Drop down onto the ledges on the right, further down and you will also find an extra life. From here, climb upwards again (watch out for a wasp patrolling the area) and you will come to the entrance to another pipe. Enter it, kill the spider along the way and slide down the long spiral, collecting the DNA strands. At the bottom there are also some Mines. You will then arrive at another well. Drop onto the wooden beam below you, eliminating the spider walking on it and move to the left end. From here, with a jump to the left, you can reach the microchip.

Microchip 3
Repeat the entire previous path, up to the second well. This time, on the wooden beam, go right and carefully drop down, using the ledges. There is a health capsule under a brick. Go lower and lower, preferably using the ledges, to avoid drowning at the bottom and to collect all the items. As you go down, you will encounter a couple of spiders. At the bottom, to the right of a vertical wooden beam, is an extra life. From here, go left and defeat the wasp. The microchip is located at the mouth of a tube a little further on. Be careful though because the entrance is guarded by a spider hanging from above. So kill it before entering, or make sure the spider is up when you enter the pipe.

Along the Sewer

Microchips: 2

Microchip 1
Kill the spider, take the DNA strands and climb onto the suspended platform. Jump onto the pipe on the right. A dark bat flies just ahead. You will encounter many of them in this level, so if you have some boomerangs or missiles, they will be very useful. You'll find a Poisoner on a suspended platform. Continue, jumping on the suspended platforms and pipes, being careful not to fall into the sewage. Further ahead you will encounter another dark bat, but this one moves perpendicular to your path, so it is more difficult to hit it. Continue following the path. You will have to eliminate a spider and a little further on you will find a useful Boomerang. Two more dark bats await you immediately after, right between one pipe and another. In these cases it's best to just avoid them and jump at the right time. Under one of the tubes there is also a health capsule. This next part is definitely difficult. You have to overcome some wheels that rotate very quickly over the sewage. Carefully jump from one to the other, being careful not to fall. On one of them there is also a spider, which complicates things further and you will also have to overcome another dark bat by jumping at the right time. Once you get past these wheels, the path is relatively simple. You'll have to go past another dark bat. Finally, you'll come to an area with a health capsule and a spider walking on the ground. Jump onto the pipe above you, the one with a bend pointing downwards, and follow it to the end to find an extra life. Go back and this time go under the pipe. The microchip is immediately to the right.

Microchip 2
Follow the previous path, but this time, enter the pipe that led you to the extra life, taking advantage of the downward curve. Walk inside and you will come to a ring path that you have already seen sometimes in the levels set in the pipes, with many DNA strands. On the right there is also a CD piece, while the microchip is located on the bottom.

Food Cartons

Up the Well

Bonus Level: Ryan's World