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[[Image:PM Blinky.png|left|Blinky]]
[[Image:PM Clyde.png|left|Clyde]]
Nickname: BlinkyAs his name implies, Shadow is usually a constant shadow on Pac-Man's tail. When he's not patrolling the northeast corner of the maze, Shadow tries to find the quickest route to Pac-Man's position.  And despite the fact that Pinky's real name is Speedy, Shadow is actually the fastest ghost. In Japan, his name is Oikake/Akabei.<br>
Nickname: ClydePokey needs a new nickname because out of all the ghosts, Pokey is the least likely to "C'lyde" with [[Pac-Man.]]Pokey is the last out of the gate, and the loner of the group, usually off doing his own thing when he's not patrolling the southwest corner of the maze.  His behavior is very random, so while he's not likely to be following you in hot pursuit with the other three ghosts, he is a little less predictable and still a danger. In Japan, his name is Otoboke/Guzuta.<br>
'''AI''': When the ghosts are not patrolling their home corners, Blinky will attempt to shorten the distance between Pac-Man and himself.  If he has to choose between shortening the horizontal or vertical distance, he will choose to shorten whichever is greatestFor example, if Pac-Man is 4 grid spaces to the left, and 7 grid space above Blinky, Blinky will try to move up before he moves to the left.
'''AI''': Pokey has two basic AIs, one for when he's far from Pac-Man, and one for when he is near to Pac-Man.  When the ghosts are not patrolling their home corners, and Pokey is far away from Pac-Man (beyond 8 grid spaces), Pokey behaves very much like Blinky, trying to move to Pac-Man's exact locationHowever, when Pokey gets within 8 grid spaces of Pac-Man, he changes his behavior and goes to his home corner in the bottom left of the maze.
[[Image:PM Pinky.png|left|Pinky]]
[[Image:PM Pinky.png|left|Pinky]]