Chip's Challenge/Level Pack 2/Levels 81-100: Difference between revisions

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86 through 90.
(81 through 85.)
(86 through 90.)
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==Level 86: Creative One-Ways==
==Level 86: Creative One-Ways==
You can only go one way! Beat the balls and push the block onto the ice. Pass it and beat the gliders. Run past the tanks and slide to the fireball cloner. Switch the tanks and jump in front of it before it returns. Run from the walker clones and wait for the ball. Push the block out of the way and clone more blocks below you. Turn left at the thief. Wait for the ball and go into the niche. Go to the left of the bug area and get the green key. Now it switches directions! Wait for the bug to go through the cycle to the right, then open the green door. Go on the trap and the bug will release you. Run left to get the blue key. Use the key to dodge the ball above you. Open another green door above you and clone a block. Push it into the top water. Get the yellow key and push the block out of the way so you can pass. Get the red key and lure the teeth into the niche to the right (use the path past the red door). Unlock the green button and wait for the walkers to stop. Pass through the tank again and get the suction boots. Dodge the fireballs on the force floors. Unlock the skates and skate back. Hit the tank button twice and pass through. Get the flippers and swim past the gliders. Get the fire boots and push the other block right one space. Go to the bottom and go RLRLRL through the ports. Use the block to stop the first two balls, so that you can (finally!) get to that nagging exit. You score 249 if you get perfect or near-perfect walker luck. Keep trying.
It's definitely creative, and you do have only one way of moving at all times. Your goal in this level is to reach the end of the one-way street and take the green key, then use that key to pass by the obstacles blocking the way back, and then finally to use it to get to the exit, which is inaccessible at this point. You'll want to use odd-step to save an extra move.
Run past the balls, nudge the lower block onto the ice, and sneak past the gliders and tanks to an ice rink. Follow the fireball clones north to the tank button, then step LDLU and slide right to sneak past the tank. Although you probably don't wish to, you have to start cloning the walkers; escape that room and walk past the thief to the bouncing ball below. Wait, then take the four-space slide to the south and run past the block cloners to another thief, and turn left. Wait on this ball to bounce all the way west, then dive into the niche on the right and sneak past the ball as it bounces back west. Wait for this bee to clear out of the way, then take the green key. Now it switches directions!
Wait for the bug to clear away from the green door (as you cannot get the green key, open the door, and retreat to the trap before the bug opens it, and the bug will take four moves longer to circle back to the button again), then open the green door and wait to be released from the trap, at which point you go back to the west and take the blue key. Use this blue key to avoid the ball at the top, and then move to the block room in the center.
Open the green door at the top to clone a block, then shove the block DL (wait) U2LU into the water, and approach the ice room. Take the yellow key, open the door, shove the block into the far corner, and then step DR2U2RU to escape the room. Get the red key and use it to enter the passageway to the far right; touch all but one of the dirt spaces, then emerge back out, having trapped the teeth, and return to the walker room.
Unlock the green button and wait for the walkers to stop, then pass through the tank again and get the suction boots. (If the clock shows anything less than 270 when you pick them up, you're too late for the bold score.) Use the suction boots to hold onto the force floors as the fireballs pass by, then unlock the skates and touch the tank button twice. (You can theoretically slide on the ice, step immediately down off the tank button, and escape the tanks; however, this has been counted out, move-by-move, and it saves no time.)
Wait for the bigger gap in the gliders, then jump down to get the flippers. Swim back to the start, get the fire boots, and push the block right one space. Go to the bottom and go RLRLRL through the ports, then hold down and use the block to stop the first two balls, so that you can (finally!) get to that nagging exit. You score 249 if your luck is good enough; keep trying. Remember that odd-step will be a help.

==Level 87: The Walker Machine==
==Level 87: The Walker Machine==
The JUMPING SWARM of CCLP2. 3L3U2LD2R2LU; repeat the pattern on the other lower turret. Get four chips around the walker in twos. Get the below chips in a bundle of four, and the one to the right as well. Get the last left overhang in a bundle of six. Get four below you, and six to the right. Get two above you and finish off the stray chips to the left. Get the lower part in a bundle of eight; then get six above you. Get the remaining chips from right to left. Pass the socket and settle into the safe exit. 20 walkers, 20 seconds.
This is, to set things straight, the sequel to JUMPING SWARM from the original set. While the original has received a reputation for being extremely hard, that is because the majority of those players don't have a map, which causes them to spend more time looking for the chips and more walkers come into the level. However, The Walker Machine is a lot smaller, and it is a speed level, but one that is highly adaptable to avoid walkers. This is just one of many routes through the level that will achieve 20.8:
* RDU2DLRLD2R2L3UL3DR3UL3DL3U2LD2RU (danger!) 2LDRDRDLULDRLU2LDRUDL3UD (This clears out the bottom section.)
* 4URL2D2RULDRULRURLDRDRULDRUUDUDRDRULDRURDRULDR2U (cleared out center) 2LU2RD2LU2RURULRD2LULRD2LRLUDU. Now you have all the chips, so get to that exit up there!

==Level 88: Don't Get Lost==
==Level 88: Don't Get Lost==
Wait and get the chip above you. Wait and join the balls. Teleport down to the lower left. Circle around the teleport to get a chip. Push the block aside and port up. Circle around the water and get the flippers and chip. Port left and zigzag through the water. Push the block out and go to the next area. Break off and get the chip under you, then follow the balls. In the next area, go right to get the flippers and get the two chips in the corners. Continue on and get the chip at the top of the next area, and follow the balls. Break off at the second intersection and get the fire boots. Then, go past the fire to go to the next section. Circle around the force floor and get the chip above. Beat the balls left and go to the next section. (You don't need the chip enclosed by water.) Follow the balls around the force floors to the next chip. Break off at the teleport on the left. Circle around the balls and get the top chip, then the lower chip. Pass the line again to the exit. Your 317 seconds have been found again!
Run upwards, wait two moves, and take the chip, then wait two moves to join the ball stream. Teleport down to the lower left and wait two to join this stream, then drop to the bottom and take the chip in the corner. To get to the south of the teleport, move the block aside, then jump into it and move east to another ball stream. Wait two again, then take the flippers and chip to the west. With flippers, you can swim through the center shortcut, then go west into the teleport. Continue moving L4U2L (wait) 3D2L3U2L (wait) 3D4L3UL, and wait for the next clone before cutting across the stream to the south and taking the chip. Wait two moves, then cut across the stream again and take a "shortcut" by teleporting RL instead of going all the way west with the ball stream.
Continue to hold the west key, then join this next stream in time, take the flippers and chip, and swim west to another chip. Take another teleport west, join this stream, and temporarily divert north to slide on the force floor and take the chip. Wait two to return to the stream, then break north at the second path and get the fire boots. Walk through the fire and hold west to reach another section. First, take the chip at the top, then return to the center of the room and zigzag across to the teleport, waiting two moves for the stream at each turn. (No, you don't need that chip.)
Stop for one move before you run smack into the existing stream, then slide around the force floors (always keeping a one-space gap when tailgating a ball on a motorway!) to another chip on the east. Circle again, then break off at the teleport and step 2D2LD5LU (wait) 2URL2D2LD3L3RU (wait), and walk up to the exit. Your 317 seconds have been found again!

==Level 89: The Ghetto Defender==
==Level 89: The Ghetto Defender==
Go through the teleport and R2U2R to the gravel. Try again if you can't get it; it is oddstep syntax. Beat the teeth to the fire boots and green key. Be warned that the top two floor tiles to the right of the left row are not what they seem. Release the glider and chase through the balls. Get the ten chips. Push the lower two blocks into the water, followed by the middle of the eastern blocks. (The left block is mined.) You ''do '''not''''' need the flipper or yellow key. You can't get to the yellow key; hence, the flipper is useless. Just beat the walker. Wind your way through the maze. Turn up from the second gravel. Beat the balls and enter the monster room. You may have to do this several times. Approach the yellow key from the bottom, and get it. Pass back out. (The walkers may stop you; try again if so.) Return to the gravel. Follow the path past the yellow door. Open the socket and ''just'' get off the trap into the exit. 381 prisoners rescued.
Don't just stand there, move! Step 2UR2U4R to sneak past the teeth (evenstep required!), then run all the way down to a fire boot, east to a green key, and 2U6L4U to safety.
Pass through the glider and walls, take the level's ten chips, and shove the lower two blocks into the water, followed by the second block on the group of three. (The left block is mined.) Ignore the flipper, and just walk through the maze. Step on the gravel, then take the upper ice slide and beat the balls to an ice slide. From the gravel, run 5L4U or any other route necessary to avoid the monsters, noting that you should start running up from at least two spaces away due to invisible walls. Sneak back out of the room, past the bouncing balls, and through the yellow door, which leads to an exit with a trap in front of it. However, you can just ''barely'' make it off into the exit to score a time of 381.
This was the first world record time I explicitly developed a route for; the previous record was 379 and took the unnecessary flipper, wasting enough time to not make it off the trap.

==Level 90: Marjolaine's Maze==
==Level 90: Marjolaine's Maze==
Run past the melted ice and the thief. Turn right in the maze. Go below you to the teleport. Go DUD to get the blue key and go down to the lower maze. Take the upper fork and get the chips and skates, but leave the red key. Go back to the ice slab (blue key location) and surmount the ice corner to the right. Open the blue door and get the fire boots. Run left and pick up a block. Take it left and down. (Pick up one chip to the right on the way.) When you hit the thief, push it right to get another chip. Follow the ice to take another chip. Ascend the fringes and exit to the right. Join the circle of bees and get the chip. Run down and right through the fire to get the green key. Go back up to the teleport. Go LR and get the three chips on the right. Go one more time L and get the last chip. Pass the green door to the exit. 204 seconds wait.
Run all the way to the south wall in the maze below, then turn right and run downwards when possible into a teleport. Slide DUD through it to take the blue key and to take a shortcut through the maze, then walk to the very bottom. Take the upper fork (the bottom pathway is empty) and circle counterclockwise to collect four chips and an ice skate. The red key will not be required.
Slide UDU through the teleport, step over the ice corner to the right, and swap the blue key for a fire boot before turning back to the west. You soon see packs of four blocks; shove the one on the far east up and move the second block on the east 3D12L5D before taking a break to collect the chip on the east. Continue to push the block down to the thief, make a bridge to another chip, and walk out onto the ice thus: 4RU3RD7U8R3D2R, to arrive in a new area. Continue moving R4D3RU, then wait three moves and then step URU, which leads to another chip. Return to the far west fire space and step DL, then run south and east to a green key.
Slide LR through the port, take the three chips above you, and then slide LRL to take the one last chip on the left. The exit is directly to the north...204 seconds await.

==Level 91: Tutti-Frutti==
==Level 91: Tutti-Frutti==
