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==Level 25:BLINK==
==Level 25:BLINK==
A fairly tricky level. You need to be methodical over each teleport to make sure you get all the blocks. There isn't really a definite strategy...
A fairly tricky level. You need to be methodical over each teleport to make sure you get all the blocks. There isn't really a definite strategy.

==Level 26:CHCHCHIPS==
==Level 26:CHCHCHIPS==

Revision as of 07:59, 6 December 2005


This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 21 (ICEBERG) through 40 (FLOORGASBORG) will be discussed here.

Level 21:ICEBERG

To begin with, you can't use the cloned dirtbricks to bridge to the exit "island" - there are invisible barriers. Instead you need to move 3 spaces to the right of the entry to the first ice strip and keep pushing dirt bricks across to reach the area with the chips.

After you have acquired all the chips, come back to the area with the cloned bricks and then push a dirt brick onto the ice strip, then step onto the strip to make the dirt an actual tile, and then return back. Repeat this until you find yourself at the exit island, to which you can leave.

To go faster, take the minimum number of moves to get places.


You just have to use your arrow keys to force yourself across the force-floors.

The exit is in the lower-right corner. Interestingly, if you do not move at all, you get taken to the exit (without stopping and getting the chips).

Level 23:BLOBNET

Just go through and collect all the chips. It can be done, but you have to be quicksmart about it. Often jumping to get the chip and jumping back on the gravel can work. It's okay to take your time to wait for the blobs to move out of your way. Count the cost of every move or it could cost you (I died a lot at first until I started taking my time).


You need to shift the gliders on the outer edge to the inner so they activate the buttons. You can do this by shifting three blocks to each corner (actually, only one is necessary), so the gliders bounce off the new corners. Do this in counter-clockwise order so the gliders' flight doesn't get too mucked up.

After this, the gate blocks will flip over more quickly and the level will be much easier to complete.

Level 25:BLINK

A fairly tricky level. You need to be methodical over each teleport to make sure you get all the blocks. There isn't really a definite strategy.


Keep your wits about you when you play this level! There is a row of chips on the top line when you begin: do not remove the first chip next to you but instead walk around and collect all the chips on the top row, making sure you don't run into the pink ball.

Collect the chips on the edges, and the chips in the middle of your screen, but be mindful of the paramecium monster thingy in the middle. If you are quick and remove all the chips that the paramecium walks around, you will end up with the paramecium running around in a circle.

Move to the bottom of the screen. Don't let the pink ball run onto the red button yet - if you do the clone machine will start to clone teeth monsters and you probably will need to restart. Continue around and remove all the chips you can keeping this in mind. Move to the right hand side of the screen and follow the path of the chips, taking them all.

Move to the area with the pink balls - if you time this right you will be able to run past and collect all the chips, similarly for the upper level with the double-pink balls.

Now, move right down to the bottom and take the chip away from the pink ball - this will start cloning the teeth monsters, so you need to be quick. Now take the last chip you left up the top, and you can run to the exit.


A slightly easier level. You need the fireboots - make sure you are fast when the tanks move - they move fast! Step on to the forcefloor and force yourself off in the area with the blue dot switch. Step on the switch to change the timing of the tanks and make it easier to get the fireboots. Now step on to the forcefloor area and force yourself off to change the tank timing back again and get the chips on the left hand side. Since you have the fireboots, force yourself off to get the remaining chips on the other side.

When you come off the forcefloor area, you need to push the dirtblocks in the water - the first three will be straightforward but you can move the last in position by pushing the block closest to the entrance up and then looping back around to shift the block around. Get the flippers, then go around the forcefloor again but move off the first exit - you will be blocked in behind you but don't worry. Get the last chip and then move back off the forcefloor again. Now you can exit.

Level 28:PING PONG

Go around the outer edge and start holding the down key when you pass the exit. You will enter the main region at the top row near where you start.

The rest of this level is relatively straightforward: you need only to keep pushing the four dirtblocks down so you can reach each "strip", being careful not to run into the pink balls. Don't forget the chips at each edge!


You merely need to bridge each gap of water, collecting chips as you go. On the third gap of water, make the bridge as far north as you can. To get rid of the first bug, push the top block one square west. To kill the second bug, push the SE block down to the southern wall, and then push the NE block south two squares. Don't be too quick to get the chips to the south!! Use two blocks to make a bridge going west. The ice will take you to get the flippers in the end, and you can swim back to get the chips, and up to the top to finish the level.


Again, this level is not difficult, once you realise the patterns in which blocks are real or not. To start off with, test each block in each direction. A labyrinth will soon develop.

Level 31:KNOT

You need to be very fast on this one. Start off in the middle, and work down, right, up, up, left, down, right, down, then follow the line of the chips and the force floors. Don't dilly-dally, or you'll end up being out of time.


An old fashioned maze hunt. You need flippers/boots first before you can hunt for the chips.


A relaxing break: take as much time as you need to make bridges out of the unlimited supply of dirtblocks you have. Make sure you bridge enough so you can shift blocks properly into position at each point. Take any precautions neccesary.

Level 34:CYPHER

Not very difficult. Just don't run into the bugs. The letters on the screen that this level makes are all passwords to later levels: llio (across the top), hppx (middle), and jhen (bottom). Pretty nifty . . .


As the title suggests, you need to shift the red fireballs which turn right always to jump into the pool of water that is available. Do this by moving one of the dirtblocks in their path, in the middle of the three potential locations. Immediately get out of the area, as a dozen fireballs will fall into the water. Wait awhile while order returns to "normal". There will be a few gaps, where there are no lemmings for more than two movements. Use these to push the block one space to the north, out of their path. Bring another block in to go on the space directly SW of the first block. This forces the lemmings to drain out.

There is another ring of fireballs you may need to disrupt in the same way. Bring a third block in and push it all the way inside the second ring of fireballs, somewhere in the middle. Get out and push a fourth block in their path, this time southeast of the third block. This row of lemmings will drain out as well.

The last string of lemmings is easy to clear. First push block #3 in the middle of them, with only four spaces between it and the south wall. This will cause a couple lemmings to disperse, but they will either rejoin or die in the water. The remaining lemmings form a tighter loop, allowing you to push block #4 one space NE of block #3, from the south. All lemmings (except the trapped one near the exit) will be shuffeled into the water.

Now, with the area clear, get all the chips. Go through the chip socket when the trapped lemming is heading west, and move out of its way. Go on through to the exit.

Level 36:LADDER

Take the blue key first, then move down the middle of the ladder, getting chips as you go. When you hit the bottom, exit on the right. Go south a bit until you get to the row with the chips and keys. Go west down this line of stuff and when you get to the end, go north and back east. Go north a bit and west until you get to an area with tanks (through the keyhole). Don't push the green button. Move the first tank out of the way with the brown button (move fast to save getting trampled), and then go north and west over the green button. Push the top dirt block onto the brown button and press the green button. Go southwest and press the newly-revealed block in. The trap to your right is now neutralized. Go back and press the green button. Now move to push the third block in and go back to press the green button. This is tedious, but you have to get the chip. Keep doing this until you get the chip, and go back, over the green button and the first trap. Move the second tank the same way you moved the first one and do the green/brown button routine all over again. Move the third and fourth tanks the same, but on the last tank, you have to be quick and get the chip as well as press the button. Exit through the keyhole and get the red key, so you can now go through the chip socket. Check to make sure you need no more chips, and go from south all the way to the bottom, where you go through to the exit.


A slightly simpler level - bridge each moat with one dirtblock each to get the chips you need. You will have some surplus left over - you need two extra dirtblocks to complete the level.

When you have these remaining blocks, you need to move them down to the + shaped area. Make sure you do not shift these to the outer edge or you will not be able to make use of these blocks.

Bridge the extra moats you need to collect the chips, and then exit.

Level 38:SAMPLER

Be methodical and collect everything you need to collect the chip and finish the level - but watch out for the teeth monster. He can drown in the water.

Level 39:GLUT

This seemingly impossible level has a trick to it! Move down past the first cluster of monsters, and then go straight across. An unguarded exit with a chip socket will be there. Just make sure you're fast as you don't have much time on this level.


You need to have some fancy control on the force floor. If you push up first until you are far right, and then down, you will be able to get the fireboots. Get these first, then do the same to get the flippers. Move down and right, then avoid the theif and get the suction boots. It remains then to swim across to the island and exit. You need no chips.

Level 41 and beyond

For the next 20 levels, go to Levels 41-60

For the 20 levels after that, go to Levels 61-80

For the 20 levels after that, go to Levels 81-100

For the previous 20 levels, go to Levels 1-20