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Do the same thing you did at the beginning with the teeth monster and bugs. Cross the forcefield to the other side. Go all the way to the north end and push the block back. Jam the fireball clone by pushing the block next to the toggle block. Go through the recessed wall path and get the final chip. Cross to the other side (the fireballs will be set free) and exit.
Do the same thing you did at the beginning with the teeth monster and bugs. Cross the forcefield to the other side. Go all the way to the north end and push the block back. Jam the fireball clone by pushing the block next to the toggle block. Go through the recessed wall path and get the final chip. Cross to the other side (the fireballs will be set free) and exit.

==Level 53:TRAFFIC JAM==
==Level 53:TRAFFIC COP==
This level is the first one in quite a while that actually teaches something, despite that half the level is worthless. Simply travel along the fire and water paths to the southeast corner of the arena. Go on the forcefield across the ice and press the button. On your way back, it teaches you that you ''can'' force past a backwards forcefield when you slide on ice. Journey on back to the start where you'll find the exit wide open.
This level is the first one in quite a while that actually teaches something, despite that half the level is worthless. Simply travel along the fire and water paths to the southeast corner of the arena. Go on the forcefield across the ice and press the button. On your way back, it teaches you that you ''can'' force past a backwards forcefield when you slide on ice. Journey on back to the start where you'll find the exit wide open.

Revision as of 08:03, 6 December 2005


This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 41 (I. C. YOU) through 60 (SCOUNDREL) will be discussed here.

Level 41:I. C. YOU

As you might have guessed, the hint is a code. "R" means to go right (east), "L" means to go left (west), "D" means to go down (south) and "U" means to go up (north). These come into play when going through the teleport. The code is "1st rdul 2nd lulu" (for reference). The code saves you a lot of time. Since you need all the chips, you need to go the right direction.

According to the hint, you must go east into the teleport right next to you, push the block and get the chips. Then go south into the port and get the next four chips. Keep doing this until you get back to the bugs. Then go through the teleport once to get to the west side and start the lulu.

Now all that remains is to get the chips around the bugs. You have to be quick to do this. Once you get back to the bug area, find a gap in the bugs north of you and follow them halfway around the loop until you get to the middle. Find another gap and repeat for the west side. When you finish, you will need no more chips and have the exit right there. Go in.


OK, this is the level to introduce the four "regular" creatures. The fireballs and gliders go straight until they hit anything. Fireballs turn left and gliders turn right. Bugs and paramecia stay on one side of a wall. Bugs turn left as much as possible and paramecia turn right.

The monsters will come at you in this order: paramecia, fireball, bug, glider, paramecia. Only when dodging paramecia will you go to the outside. Otherwise, occupy the space where the chip was.

To complete the level, you have to go west to the chip, take it, and move to the corner before the paramecia gets there. After he passes, go south and take the chip before the fireball goes past. You should be able to take two chips before the bug comes. When he does, stay in the chip spot (he will turn left). Then take the next chip before the glider comes. Again, stay in the chip spot. Take another chip and go to the outside before the paramecia comes. He is the last monster.

The level is easy after this, but not giveaway. The glider survives the water and starts to head back. On the way, he intercepts the paramecia and the two come after you, covering every square. Keep getting chips and wind your way to the middle. To beat the level, you cannot waste time after the last paramecia.


Go south and then east from the onset. When the ball bounces, follow it and jump off to the right. When it passes by, take the key. Follow it back, get out of the way, and go back west.

Follow the path to an area with four blocks. Push the first one north and go back east. Push the third block north and go across to get the fire boot and blue key (the other two blocks have fire under them). Go west and north and you come to the first "lock block". DO NOT touch the recessed wall.

For each of the five lock blocks, you need a key. The three blocks are used to bridge across a section of water and you get to another lock block. To solve each lock block, open the keyhole to release the blocks. Then align the blocks so only one is in line with the water and push it in. Stamp the dirt and align the back block with the water. Push it in and get the final block in to complete the lock block.

Once you have finished the first lock block, take the path off to the west. Go along the recessed walls, get the key, and take the forcefield back. Unlock the next lock block and go across.

You need a key for the next lock block. To get it, ride the forcefield down, dodge the ball and take the key. Go over the recessed wall and get back to where you were. Unlock this lock block and go south. Since you have the fire boots, get the red key. Unlock the last two lock blocks to get to the finish.


This is a very simple level. However, simple levels tend to be tedious. Get all sixteen chips that are open (no tanks are guarding them. Do the quadrants in this order NW, SW, SE, NE. When you're done getting those chips, press the button and get the other sixteen chips in reverse order. Time your moves to correspond with when the balls bounce.


This level is very fun. To beat the level, you need to neutralize all random activity, i.e. the monsters. First, go northwest to the bugs. Clone a block and shove it three spaces north of the clone machine. Use three more blocks to get the suction boots and fire boots.

You now need to neutralize the tanks. Go northwest again to another block clone machine. Push two blocks in the water to bridge to the blue button. Press it once and go south. Turn east after the passing the trapped bugs and go north at the intersection. Walk across the forcefield and you will see another block clone machine. Clone and push four blocks into the water. Then use a fifth block to stop the pink balls. Go back the way you came (since you have the suction boots) to the intersection.

One more monster group needs to be neutralized. Get a block from the block clone machine on the east side and stick it in front of the fireball clone machine on the south side. You might have to press the green button once to get out. Go back to the beginning. Then go over the thief to the area with the trapped walkers. Clone a block, push the green button, and push the block into the main area. Wait for any stray walkers to go in the water, then push the block in and go straight to the exit.


Get the red key. Go down the left side and get the fire boots and green key. Go west across the ice, getting the flipper, blue key and chip. Open the red keyhole and go back. Press the brown button (the ball will die in the fire) and get the red key. Now go in the fire and the ice north of the fire. Get the three chips and the yellow key. Then go all the way back to the top.

Now go down the ice on the right. You will splash into some water. Go through the blue keyhole, get the stuff and go through the yellow keyhole. Get the chips and the key, but do not touch the green button. Go back the way you came (over the forcefields). Go through the keyholes, get the chip, go through the chip socket and the teleport. Go over the recessed wall on the left and exit.


There are seven blocks on this level. You need to push the blocks north from the very south end of the lake. There is only one line that this will work with. That line is marked with X's below:

[~|~|~|~|O|O|O|~|~]   ~=water
[~|~|~|~|I|#|#|I|~]   I=ice
[~|~|~|~|I|#|#|I|~]   O=land
[~|~|~|~|X|I|I|~|~]   X=where you put the blocks
[~|~|~|~|X|~|~|~|~]   #=chip


Get the chip to the north in the walker room. DO NOT get the ice skate. Go onto the thief and get this ice skate. Move once to the south from there. You will go through the teleport to an ice rink. Again, only get the chip here. You will need the flippers later.

Go back to the thieves. You lose the ice skate, but pick up some flippers. Move one to the west from there. You will end up near a swimming pool. Get both of the chips and return to the thieves. Get the fire boot and move one square to the north from there. You will be forced into the fire arena. Get the chips and the suction boots. Walk around the thieves and get the chip. Walk to the walker area to the west. Get the ice skate and walk over the force floors back to the ice rink and get the flippers. Go to the exit located off of the swimming pool. You will end the game with all four boots.


Quickly pick up all the red keys. Go down the line of red keyholes in the east as the pink balls attack. Go south over the brown button (it doesn't do anything) and collect all of the chips. The exit is in the west.

Level 50:DIGDIRT

First of all, if you try to jump in and get the chips without strategy, you will end up with a whole lot of bugs and paramecia on your tail. You need to trap each bug or paramecia in a cycle. This is very simple to do.

Notice that the paramecia and bugs are not following the chip. When facing paramecia, move like this:

[D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   
[D|D|C|D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |C|D|D]   [D|D| | | |D]   [D|D| | | |D]   [D|D| | | |D]   
[D|D|D|D|D|D]   [D|D|C|D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|D|D]   [D|D| |D|C|D]   [D|D|P|D| |D]   [D|D| |D|P|D]   
[D|P| | |D|D]   [D| | | |D|D]   [D| | | |D|D]   [D| | |P|D|D]   [D| | | |C|D]   [D| | | | |D]   
[D| |#| |D|D]   [D|P|#| |D|D]   [D| |#| |D|D]   [D| |#| |D|D]   [D| |#| |D|D]   [D| |C| |D|D]   
[D| | | |D|D]   [D| | | |D|D]   [D| |P| |D|D]   [D| | | |D|D]   [D| | | |D|D]   [D| | | |D|D]   

C = Chip, P = paramecia, D = dirt, # = chip

When facing bugs, do the mirror image of this. There are fifteen chips you need to get, and speed is necessary. Be careful to not allow any bugs or paramecia along the outer wall.

Level 51:I SLIDE

Move like this when you are on solid ground:

N1 E2 S1 W1 N2 E1 S3 W1 S2 W1 E1 S1 N1 W2 E2 S2 N1 E1 N1 S1 W1 N4 W1 N2


Go to the area south of the teeth monster. When there is a gap in the bugs, go across the forcefield and jump off in the middle. This should cause the teeth monster to press the green button once without you going to the other side. Get out of the bug line and go north to where the fireballs used to go. Follow the recessed wall path (pressing the button and getting the chip) and use the block to get bridge the water the fireballs are not going into.

Do the same thing you did at the beginning with the teeth monster and bugs. Cross the forcefield to the other side. Go all the way to the north end and push the block back. Jam the fireball clone by pushing the block next to the toggle block. Go through the recessed wall path and get the final chip. Cross to the other side (the fireballs will be set free) and exit.


This level is the first one in quite a while that actually teaches something, despite that half the level is worthless. Simply travel along the fire and water paths to the southeast corner of the arena. Go on the forcefield across the ice and press the button. On your way back, it teaches you that you can force past a backwards forcefield when you slide on ice. Journey on back to the start where you'll find the exit wide open.

Level 54:GRAIL

Go south one space. You will uncover a land square. Force yourself more south and you will come out the south end. Get all the chips surrounding the two walkers and go to the east side before they do. Get the fire boots and force yourself across the fire and forcefields to get the green key. Go back to the north end and this time, go in the teleport on the west side. Keep forcing yourself east and go through the green keyhole to the chip socket and exit.


Push the block to the east into the bomb. Get the chip. Go south and uncover the two thieves and get that chip, too. Go north, dodge the tanks and get the fire boot and blue key. Head back over to the west and walk along the fire to get the chips there. Go through the keyhole and get those chips, too (and the fire boot again). Slide on the ice to the gravel. Dodge the balls and invisible walls to get the five chips there. At the end, push the blocks in on either side of the chip and push the block in front of the chip north or south. Get the final chip and run across the pink balls to the exit. Speed is essential.


Go to the west and get all of the chips that are easy to get: the northern and southern openings on the west side and the east opening on the south side. Wait to get the chip in the middle on the south side. Go on the ice to the west at any forcefield-friendly opening except the middle one on the east side. Once you've pressed the button once, go south out of the forcefield in the west straight over to the eastern ice. After you get the chip, go back the way you came.

Go in the middle opening on the north side of the eastern ice to get the other chip. Again, go back the way you came. Now go in the middle opening on the south side of the northern ice. Get all three chips. You now shouldn't need any more chips. Go to the chip socket ice and in anywhere. Get the ice skate and return to the original ice. Skate through to the exit.


An old-fashioned maze in with some strange "walls". Every type of monster trapped, chip sockets, water, fire, bombs, normal and fake walls, and traps make up the walls of the level. To beat it, use a left-hand or right-hand rule. I would suggest getting the chips near the chip socket walls (northwest corner)last because you can eat up all of the walls there once you've gotten all of the chips.


Go around an invisible block to the teleport in the north. You will end up next to the chip socket. Go north to the ice. Let yourself go through the telport. When you get to the east side, shove yourself in. Go around the ball and water and get the flipper. Go around to the other side and get the chip. Go back in the force floors. On the northern side of this section, get in and clear a whole line of fake walls. Go on the force floors and get in on the east side. Go around the water and enter from the west. Return to the forcefields. When you get to the path you cleared, go south to the other forcefield.

Enter in the one forcefield you haven't gone yet. The entrance to this area is in the north. Make sure you get out of the way of the pink ball. Go to the west side of the area and swim to the chips. Go back to the forcefield and you will go through the teleport. This time, shove past the fake walls right away. Get in from the north (with or without the flipper). When you're done, go in the exit.


There are two ways to beat it: go to the exit from the north or the south.

To get to the exit from the south, go south on the ice and north to the green button. Press it when the fireballs are in the west part of the "cell". Quickly go on the ice in the north, take the red key, and go back to near the green button. Go down the back door, taking all of the chips. Watch out for the gliders as you go on through and take the three boots. Go back up, press the green button and slide on the ice. Enter in the ring of fireballs when there is a gap of two, and get out of it on the east the same way. Walk straight into the finish with the three boots.

To exit from the teleport, instead of going to the back door of the cells, go down the path one square to the east of it. Follow the winding path and wait for a fireball to come before opening the second fake wall. Quickly go north, dodging the walker, and go into the teleport from the recessed wall on its north side. This tends to be the faster way.


A glitch in the Microsoft version allows you win without actually doing the level. Go all the way south to the exit and force yourself in. Push yourself east at the random forcefield in the west.

Level 61 and beyond

For the next 20 levels, go to Levels 61-80

For the 20 levels after that, go to Levels 81-100

For the previous 20 levels, go to Levels 21-40

For the 20 levels before that, go to Levels 1-20