User talk:TheEXIT

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Box Art / Manual Scans

If anyone has any of the original Box Art for any games of Space Quest and Lesiure Suit Larry Series could you please upload it here? Those are the first few guides that I wish to finish up, and I really think that watermarks and whatnot would look unprofessional here. Similarly, if anyone has scans of the game manuals that are free to use, I'd appreciate that as well.

I found a bunch of Space Quest boxart pics....not that high quality, but not watermarked, either. Check it out:

Feel free to use them in your articles...only one thing I'm not certain of. I found two different box arts for Space Quest 1...different version releases, maybe? You probably know better than I do, check it out and decide. Gerrec 21:02, 18 June 2006 (PDT)