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Revision as of 16:30, 22 May 2013 by Namcorules (talk | contribs) (The sixth stage has now been written for.)
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Area 1 (Stage 6)

Once Pistol Daimyo has reappeared on the screen, he will start moving forward for the sixth time, as eight Red Ninjas come flying towards him at the top of the screen; once you have fired a medium cannonball at each of them, to kill them, you will come to a blue vase at the bottom of the screen. Once you have fired a medium cannonball at it to break it open, it will leave a Hanafuda card behind - and once you have collected it, it will be displayed in the top-right corner of the screen. Six Blue Ninjas will then drop down from the top of the screen, and throw their shurikens at you once they've landed; once you have fired a small cannonball at each of them to kill them, five more Red Ninjas will come flying towards you at the top of the screen. Once you've fired a medium cannonball at them to kill them, four more Blue Ninjas will drop down from the top of the screen and throw their shurikens at you once they have landed - and once you have fired a small cannonball at each of them to kill them, a fourth Kusudama will drop down from the top of the screen of its own accord. Once you've fired a medium cannonball at it to break it open before it goes back up off the top of the screen again, it will leave a suit of metal (or wooden, if you were unfortunate enough to get hit twice) armour behind; once you have put it on if you were unfortunate enough to get hit, you will come to two Blue Kanameishi that are circling around (one clockwise, the other anticlockwise) at the top of the screen. Once you have fired a large cannonball at both of them to kill them four more Blue Ninjas will drop down from the top of the screen and throw their shurikens at you once they have landed - and once you have fired a small cannonball at each of these to kill them, a Purple Ninja will drop down from the top of the screen (behind Pistol Daimyo) and throw his shuriken at him, once he has landed. Once you have fired a medium cannonball at him to kill him (it is the only way you can), twelve more Red Ninjas will come flying towards you at the top of the screen; once you have fired a medium cannonball at each of them to kill them, two more Blue Ninjas will drop down from the top of the screen, and throw their shurikens at you once they have landed. Once you've fired a small cannonball at both of these to kill them, you will come to another blue vase, at the top of the screen - and once you have fired a medium cannonball at it to break it open, it will leave a Hanafuda card behind. Once you have collected it, it will be displayed in the top-right corner of the screen next to the first one; the first boss theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a third time now, as Makishinji drops down from the top of the screen and speaks the Hiragana text Watashi ha tatsu maki! Maki maki maki maki Makishinji! Watashi ha tatsu maki! Maki maki maki maki maki ueda. (わたしは たつまき! まきまきまきまき まきしんじ! わたしは たつまき! まきまきまきまき まき うえだ) to Pistol Daimyo (his Waru meter, which is comprised of three Waru, will also appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen at this point). He'll then start jumping to the left before jumping up out of that protective tornado to throw shurikens at you - and once you have fired forty-eight small cannonballs, six medium cannonballs or three large cannonballs at him while he is out of the protective tornado (as eight small cannonballs and a medium cannonball will both register half a cross on that Waru meter, and a large cannonball will register a full cross on it; as with Kapa Kepe Kohoon, the medium and large cannonballs can also be fired into that tornado), the tornado will explode, and the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for the sixth time as he ceases spinning, faces out of the cabinet, and speaks the explosive Hiragana/Katakana text Maki maki maki maki maki fuyuki chī! Ato wo tanomu zo pōru maki i. (まきまきまきまき まきふゆきちい! あとをたのむぞ ポールまき) to Pistol Daimyo before fainting and disappearing in a puff of smoke, much like Kapa Kepe Kohoon did three stages earlier. Pistol Daimyo will then fly off the right side of the screen - and the view will now return to the overworld map as the first lantern on the central row (which represented this stage) changes colour from yellow to red, and the fan that indicates Pistol Daimyo's current position moves forward to and unfolds over the second lantern on the central row, which represents the seventh stage. And despite his external appearances being identical to those of Kapa Kepe Kohoon, Makishinji also looks like this: