Neverwinter Nights/City Core

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This is the hub of the city of Neverwinter. From here you will be able to access the four other sections of the city to recover the Waterdhavian creatures. Be sure to speak with Lady Aribeth to start to main quest.

Main Quest

The Wailing and the Waterdhavians

Received: What's going on:
Speak with the Lady Aribeth in the Temple of Tyr. Villains unknown have attacked the Neverwinter Academy in an attempt to capture Waterdhavian creatures. Their attack failed but the creatures escaped in the midst of the fight. In order to find a cure for the plague the creatures must be recovered to extract the necessary components.

Find all four Waterdhavian creatures and return their components to Lady Aribeth to make a cure for the plague. This quest divides into subquests which you receive in all 4 Neverwinter Districts. The best order to go is: Peninsula, Blacklake, Docks, Beggar's Nest.

Secondary Quests

Temple of Tyr: Never's Tomb

Received: What's going on:
Speak with Oleff in the Temple of Tyr. There are four hidden tombs in Neverwinter, one of which belongs to Lord Never, the founder of the city. Each tomb has unique artifacts and the temple needs them. The first tomb was discovered in Peninsula district.
  1. Go to the basement of the east house in Peninsula district, speak with the guard there to gain access to the tomb were you will speak with Briley. Search the chest near Briley to take log book which contains the locations of the other tombs), the ceremonial arrow, the ceremonial shield and the ceremonial sword. IMPORTANT: DO NOT SELL THESE ITEMS!
  2. Next, go to the Blacklake district and enter southwest house door (you should see a child near this door) then speak with Telma about the hidden entrance. Touch the bookshelf in this house and enter the hidden area. Clear the area of the skeletons and you should notice a locked door and a chest with note. Open chest and put ceremonial arrow into it to open the door. Enter Never's tomb. The enemies in this tomb are very tough, the best strategy is to run and grab the armor from the chest and immediately use the stone of recall. After getting the armor return it to Oleff, if you used the stone of recall he shouldn't be to far away.
  3. Next, go to the Aqueducts in the Docks District and put ceremonial sword into the chest near the locked door on the west side. Go through the door into thetomb and open the sarcophagus and take the Symbol of Tyr and then return it to Oleff.
  4. Finally go to the Cemetery in the Beggar's Nest and put ceremonial shield into the chest near locked door to open it. Enter the Tomb, kill the mummy and search the trapped sarcophagus for the book "Ancient Chronicles of Halueth Never". Return this book to Oleff to finish the quest.

The Great Tree: Animal Rescue

Received: What's going on:
Speak with druid Nyatar near the Great Tree in the City Core and get the transport via plants scroll and scented fetish While the people of Neverwinter suffer from the plague the animals in the Neverwinter Zoo suffer from the people. Nytar wants you to free the animal's and end their suffering.
  1. Go to the Neverwinter Zoo in the Blacklake district
  2. Make your way to the Giant tree location (north west) and use on the tree transport via plants scroll
  3. Go back inside the zoo and kill master of pens (central room) who guards lever that opens the cages
  4. Use the lever to open animal cages
  5. Go to each cage and speak with all four animals( you must possess scented fetish). Tell them to get out of here.
  6. return to Nyatar for the reward.

Moonstone Mask: Art Theft

Received: What's going on:
Speak with Ophala in Moonstone Mask Ophala in the Moonstone Mask wants you to "liberate" some art.
  1. Go to the Hodge Estate in Blacklake and clear out the guards. In one of the rooms you'll find the Urn. NOTE: This estate has traps EVERYWHERE so make sure you have a way to deal with them before you rush in.
  2. Go to the Rumbottom Estate in Blacklake. Clear the estate from guards and in one of the rooms you'll meet Rumbottom. Speak with him or kill him then search his room for portrait of the late Sir Reginald Rumbottom III.
  3. Go to Andrade Golden's estate in the Docks and find Andrade, speak with him or kill him and search his room for statuette of the female form.
  4. Return all three items to Ophala in the Moonstone Mask for reward

Moonstone mask: An Evil Offer

Received: What's going on:
Speak with Oleff in the Temple of Tyr to receive the Temple of Tyr: Never's Tomb quest, then go to the Moonstone Mask and speak with Gillet. An evil church is interested in retrieving Lord Never's artifacts.

Same as Temple of Tyr: Never's Tomb, but you should bring all artifacts to Gillet.

Cloaktower: Membership

Received: What's going on:
Go to Cloaktower and speak about membership. You must receive wizard lab key To become Cloaktower member you must find 4 magical ingredients. Note: This quest is only for wizards, sorcerers and bards and is highly recomended so that you may make high level magic items in Chapter 3.
  1. the first wizard lab is situated in the north east corner in Peninsula. Enter lab, kill creature and retrieve first ingredient
  2. the second lab somewhere in No-Man's land in Blacklake disctrict.Enter lab, kill creature and retrieve second ingredient
  3. the third lab is somewhere in the Docks district( marked on the map for wizards and sorcerers). Enter and retrieve third ingredient
  4. the fourth lab is situated somewhere in Beggar's Nest (north west corner).Enter and retrieve last ingredient
  5. return to Cloaktower and bring all 4 ingredients to access final test
  6. enter portal and kill monster( he is vulnerable to magical attacks and invulnerable to physical, lighting spell is very good in this situation)
  7. after killing monster return to Cloaktower and speak about membership