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After chapter 2, Chapter 3 starts in Death Desert with a pigmask ufo coming down, the ufo’s door opens, 1 of the pigmasks kicks salsa to the sand, the other ones appear, but suddenly, one of the secondary villains Fassad appears, later during the cutscene, copy what Fassad did and dance, if wrong, he’ll punish you and shock you, if correct, you’ll progress, you’ll be doing work and dealing with Fassad during this chapter, be ready, after the pigmasks leave, it’s just you and Fassad, after talking, head west and you’ll encounter tough enemies here, Salsa is very weak unless you perform several monkey tricks or let Fassad 1 shot them almost and not so tough if you have him, he’s strong anyways, anyways progress, you’ll see a dung beetle, he says if you earn dung balls, you’ll get free EXP, best if you do this especially if Salsa is very weak, but you have to look all over Death Desert if want to earn them, dung balls range from 2 EXP, 5 EXP, 15 EXP or 50 EXP, it depends, it’s useful because the boss at the end of Death Desert is tough, it’s not easy, after grinding, keep heading west, north then east a tiny bit and you’ll see a Cactus Wolf sleeping here guarding the exit of Death Desert which have to go but can’t because of stupid Cactus Wolf, after talking it, Fassad tells you to kill it, you wake it up, jumps at you and a boss battle begins, be ready!

{ Cactus Wolf }

           {Level: 10} 
           {HP: 468}
           {PP: 0}
           {Offense 43}
           {Defense: 20}
           {IQ: 10}
           {Speed: 11}
           {EXP reward: 143}
           {Drops: Beef Jerky {100% chance}
           {Vulnerable: Crying, Fassad}

{This is a tough boss battle Salsa unless you grinded for those dung balls you gave to the Dung Beetle earlier then Salsa should come a little stronger, not too strong, good luck, the Cactus Wolf is vulnerable to Crying and your sidekick Fassad, so use the crying one, when you use it on the Cactus Wolf, sometimes it’s attacks will start to miss often and Fassad will start to kill it instead if you can’t do it, so use this strategy and the Cactus Wolf will eventually go down, it also has a 100% of dropping a Beef Jerky.}

After the Cactus Wolf, it will not be guarding the exit out of Death Desert and you 2 will enter a cavern with a Pork Bean, before using, Fassad tells you to use a healing capsule device first, after healing if you took damage from the aggressive Cactus Wolf back there, now he’ll tell you to use the Pork Bean, get inside and ride it, it goes super fast, so you should get there in no time, fortunately, the entrance to Tazmily Village graveyard is guarded by Gooey Goos, but they shouldn’t be that hard to defeat, just like you say, yes a running bomb should defeat them in one shot, after they are defeated, climb the labber and now you 2 are in Tazmily village Graveyard, after talking, avoid the zombies coming out of the ground, they are slow and dumb, don’t worry, just don’t accidentally bump into one or you’ll engage battle, after making through the graveyard, Yado Inn is your next stop, you 2 sleep after talking, afterwards, a new day starts, today, Fassad goes to see everyone, go and see him and a cutscene will play, after some time, you’ll have copy what Fassad did again, it’s now or never! After dancing and a long day, they rest again, the next day appears and you’ll have to work for Fassad, even if you finish fast, he’ll still get you a punishment anyways at the end! What a damn bastard treating his own monkey like that! When it starts, he’ll ask you to deliver 4 boxes to 4 houses, after work, the reward after is a severe punishment, great! They fall asleep, next day appears, the 2 have to go to Ohsohe Castle next, be ready, upon entering, they see Fassad’s Pigmasks here and they’ll go ahead first after the 2 heroes that are about to grab the Egg of light, afterwards when at the basement of Ohsohe Castle, they encounter that to enter which is locked, this is Salsa’s verison of the Wess Dance, the door opens, but Fassad shocks Salsa for doing so, not again, what is wrong with this guy? In the next room, they find a lever and pull it but see Duster, Kumatora go downwards with the egg of light, after the cutscene, they go back Yado Inn after backtracking and they go to sleep, but Salsa thinks he should be separated from Fassad and has to escape from him, indeed there is, go near the right window then Kumatora and Wess will peep out(caution: if you go south, Fassad will shock you preventing you from exiting that way, use the right window as needed to escape from Fassad)and Salsa makes his grand escape from Fassad leaving him still asleep, next scene, they talk, after talking, Kumatora grabs that was shocking Salsa the whole time, Salsa smashes it but shocks himself in the process, after it’s destroyed……uh-oh! Fassad woke up and sees that the stupid monkey is with the other guys, he tries to stop them, but they run away, aftef the cutscene, you and the other guys must run away from Fassad, head north in Sunshine forest, enemies will stop you, if your more leveled then they are just tample over them while running, if not unless you avoid them without running into them especially if you and the other guys are being chased by a brown mustached villainous fellow with white clothes and a brown jacket that eats luxury bananas alot, be careful out here in the forest, when your deep in sunshine forest, trying to go north, a pork tank will block the path, if try to go to the west another way, eventually you and the other guys get surrounded, what do we do? Eventually you and the other guys have to fight one of pork tanks with a Pigmask inside of it that appears right in front you, this thing can be difficult if you don’t know what your doing, once the Pork Tank touches you, a battle begins. Be prepared!

{ Pork Tank }

             {Level: 15}
             {HP: 1782}
             {PP: 0}
             {Offense: 74}
             {Defense: 21}
             {IQ: 12}
             {Speed: 10}
             {EXP reward: 624}
             {Wealth: 0 DP}
             {Drops: none}
             {Vulnerable to: PK Thunder, Monkey Mimic}

{this is the most difficult fight of this chapter, since Salsa is very weak, rely on Kumatora to dish out the most damage throughout this battle, careful the Pork Tank can run over your party, throw bombs to damage a single target and uses fire to make the party cry, don’t let this one hit you or your attacks will miss more often, be careful only when it is at it’s most dangerous, but once you damage it enough, it won’t fire and do that much anymore, it’ll be jammed and a Pigmask peeps out of it, the Pork Tank is vulnerable to PK Thunder and Monkey Mimic(Note: when using Kumatora’s PK Thunder sometimes, it may hit the Pork Tank alot of times, it might sometimes miss, so doesn’t always hit it especially if Kumatora has the crying status effect, wasting PP and letting it miss and not attack, use carefully or you might find yourself in trouble and the risk of dying), if you do it and keep repeating it, the Pork Tank will eventually be destroyed.}

After destroying the Pork Tank, the gang get surrounded by Fassad and his pigmasks some time, Lucas appears and calls the baby drago and starts roaring back at them, that’s right! Teach them a lesson, suddenly though, the Mother Drago appears and becomes from being Mecha to normal again, Fassad, don’t turn it mecha again, now your just ruining Tazmily Village and no Dragos(which look like green huge T-rexes if looked closely)are not violent creatures, Dragos are peaceful and harmless creatures that resemble green T-rexes, don’t do that again, anyways, the Mother Drago speeds and charges at Fassad and gets knocked away then the other pigmasks in the other Pork Tank flee, after they fled and after some talking, Chapter 4 begins. Get ready!