Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon/Chapter 4

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If you haven't read the first part of this guide, I suggest you do. If you like reading ahead, it's not like we can stop you, however.

Chapter 4

Field Trip

The first thing you'll notice about this one is that most of the dungeons in this chapter teach you about stuff that will be used later in the game. All things taught during this chapter will be useful at some point during the game.

When you wake up, head to Nuzleaf's room to notice a note from Nuzleaf. He says something urgent has come up and he has to go. He won't be there for a few days, but it's not that important to the story. Your partner will call you from outside once you read the note, so hurry up and walk to school with him. Save and continue.

School Forest

You would think that you'd get to explore some really cool place, but no, you get to explore a forest filled with annoying enemies. Mr. Farfetched takes up all of your items and places them in a Deposit Box. You won't need them, considering that he provides Tiny Reviver Seeds. He also has quite a few Oran Berries, which you should definitely conserve. Goomy teams up with you during this dungeon. He has quite a few good attacks, including Absorb and Bubble. He also has Protect, which isn't that good, but if a boss is about to do an attack that could kill everyone, then yeah it's good. Of course, there are no bosses in this dungeon, but Goomy does join you on a boss in a later chapter.

There are some mildly annoying Rock types that can easily be killed by your partner (if you chose a Water type), as well as some Electric types that you should generally avoid unless you have a Ground Type (which you probably won't). There's 8 floors, there are traps (not as many, so don't worry), and there are cutscenes. So this should be fairly easy. Around Floor 5, you should get contacted by Espurr that Pancham and Shellmet are a little ahead of you. Shouldn't be that big of an issue. Well, except that Goomy is getting sort of tired. Continue on.

When you reach Floor 8, Espurr will contact you again and say that Pancham fell behind. Your partner tells you and Goomy (who has disappeared for some reason) to hurry up. You will wonder where Goomy is before thinking that he's fine on his own. When you reach the clearing it turns out, you are the first ones there, because Pancham will come running up the moment your partner gets the flag, clearly annoyed. Victory is within your reach...

Deerling's Rage

Deerling, as it turns out, is not the Pokémon you want to annoy. When she finds out that you lost Goomy, she immediately runs back into the dungeon to find him. Mr. Farfetched also asks you to look for Goomy as well. Espurr volunteers as well. So literally everyone except Pancham and Shelmet actually care about Goomy right now. That's a bit harsh, to be honest.

Later on, your partner will ask if you think he is annoying. No matter what you say, your partner will take it as an offense, and run off, saddened. Of course, he will bounce back, but for right now, he's depressed. He won't be joining you on the next dungeon, so don't worry about him. After a really scary cutscene about a character (whose name has yet to be revealed), Save and Continue.

The next morning...

Your partner tells you he doesn't want to irritate you by insisting you go together. Of course, this gives you the ability to freely roam Serene Village, but you can't exit the village. Head through the northern path from the village square. Once you get to school, it shows a cutscene of Pancham being an absolute jerk to your partner, saying he can't follow his dreams. How rude! Of course, the teacher shows up and everyone goes back to their seats, including your partner. Save and Continue.

Glittering Mountain

After a mildly annoying cutscene (in which you get partnered with Deerling and Espurr, you get sent to another dungeon in which Floor 1 is always the same. Like yesterday's dungeon, you get items handed to you, while the items you got yesterday go to your Deposit Box. So basically, you scammed the school out of free items. Sweet! In these boxes, you get your first Looplets. Once he explains Looplets (and gets mildly embarrassed by your partner), he yells at you to complete Glittering Mountain.

When you enter the dungeon, equip your Looplets and make your way through Floor 1, which should give you an Emera. After you do that, the rest is easy. There are 9 floors, so not much harder than School Forest. Most of the Emeras you find here aren't that good, but they still server their purposes. Burn Guard, Poison Guard, etc. aren't exactly useful here. You shouldn't get any status effect healing Emeras until you get to the later dungeons, which contain the Berry Power Emera. Most enemies here are fighting types. Skarmory can be encountered here, but you can take it down easy if you chose Pikachu as your player. The others can be taken down by Espurr or Deerling. You might also encounter Deino, who can take down Espurr easily, so it's recommended to keep her away from Deino, and instead have your character take out Deino. Deino is a Dark and Dragon type, so as you can imagine, Espurr is definetly going to have an issue with that. Deerling can also be taken out easily by Deino, so it's recommended to not let her battle Deino, or at least assist her when she fights Deino.

After you make your way to the top and grab the flags, Watchog will praise you for beating the dungeon, while Pancham and your partner fight somewhere nearby. Watchog sends you home for the day (and you get to keep the items as well). While you walk home, Deerling and Goomy decide to walk with you. They tell you what they think about your partner (who apparently isn't so much annoying as he is reckless). Save and Continue.

Chapter 5