LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game/Mos Espa Podrace

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This is a simple race. Or so it might seem. Actually, each lap gets increasingly difficult, from boulders crashing and lasers shooting to land mines. It starts with a cutscene, showing the ship breaking down. Obi-Wan (or Qui-Gon?) goes to a store to buy a working part for the ship, but it's too expensive. However, there just so happens to be a race with enough prize money to buy the part - so Anakin decides to race.

You start off at the start line in your podracer. The countdown starts. 3... 2... 1... GO! Anyway, hold A for the entire race. Or almost the entire race. You'll rarely (or never) need to brake or slow down. At the start, then right, then left. Hit the green panels on the floor for a speed boost, and hit the poles for studs. Head to the left and hit the dash panels, (term from Mario Kart) maneuvering around obstacles and following the dash panels. Then, you come to a cliff. Don't worry, the fall won't kill you. But the holes will. Go to the right and hit the dash panel, then turn to the right to avoid the next hole. Then, there's a right turn. Hit the fence for the upper path so that you can get a speed boost from the dash panel and a minikit piece, and then turn left. When you get close to the mouth of the cave, start turning to the right and when you get in it, turn to the left. The purple things on the ground give you money. Try to get the minikit piece, too. Anyway, keep going left, then turn right and head through the gate. Notice the countdown - there are three checkpoints per lap, and if you don't get to each one on time, you have to start over from the last checkpoint.

In this part of the race, you'll be shot at with lasers. But don't worry, they're easy to dodge. Just remember that they only hit the ground in one place - you can go under or away from them easily. Avoid them (it's all right if you get hit, you'll get hearts soon enough) and aim for the dash panels and the minikit piece. When you get to the end, hit the dash panel and go to the left to avoid the wall. Hit the poles for money and hearts, and hit the dash panels. Dodge the walls (easy enough), get the minikit piece, then turn and hit the next dash panel. From here on, it's just simple turning right and left.

Second checkpoint. This part is easy, for this lap anyway. Aim for the dash panels and the poles. You should get to the finish easily. Also try to get the two minikit pieces.

Next lap! Again, then right, then left. Hit the dash panels and the poles. This is where it changes. A cutscene shows Selbulba hitting another racer with his podracer into a boulder, which knocks it over. If you're fast enough, you can go right under it and get a minikit piece, before it falls and blocks your path. Then, take the same route for the holes - right, dash panel, left - and take the upper path again. No fence this time - you already hit it. Then just turn right into the cave. Right, left, right, past the first checkpoint.

This part is different - there are lasers and boulders trying to kill you. It should still be pretty easy, just maneuver around the boulders and lasers. After you've gotten through te boulders, go to the dash panel on the left for a speed boost. Then do the same as last time. Hit the dash panel, turn left to avoid getting hit by the wall, hit the dash panels, then turn right and left.

Almost there... again, just aim for the dash panels. Watch out for the mines, though. There are more this lap.

Last lap! You should know this part by now - right, left, dash panels. However, the next part is slightly different. Go to the right, not the left. Then just go around everything and hit the dash panels. Avoid the holes like usual, and take the upper path for the dash panels. Go into the cave - right, left, right.

First checkpoint. This part can be tricky, but not too hard. From the start, go to the dash panel in between the rocks. Then turn left or right hard, because there's a rock only a few feet in front of you. Then just go for the dash panels and not the lasers. Again, at the double dash panel turn left, (or right if you want the minikit piece) then go for all the dash panels and navigate the last two turns - right, left.

The final stretch! It starts off with a short cutscene showing Selbulba and Anakin racing. But don't relax to watch, you'll have to race again in a second. Turn right, right, left, right and go for the gold!

Finally, a cutscene shows Anakin winning the prize money (somehow, he has it with him before even getting out), and then everyone flying away in the newly repaired ship.

Free Play[edit]

There is no Free Play mode in this level, nor in any other level without the conventional controls. For studs, aim for all the poles, as well as the purple things (?) in the cave.