Togainu no Chi: True Blood/Poker

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Included as an extra gameplay mode in True Blood Portable, selecting Poker on the main menu will take you to a new menu. The options here are:

  • Start: Begin a new game.
  • Tutorial: Learn the basics of poker, Togainu-style.
  • Free Battle: Unlocked after completing Akira's story. Use any unlocked character to play a match.
  • CG Library: Unlocked after completing Akira's story. View images obtained through poker.
  • System link: Play a match with another owner of True Blood Portable.
  • Exit: Return to the main game.
The characters of Togainu Poker.

Akira's story is the only one available from the start. Clear it to unlock Keisuke, Rin, Motomi, Shiki, and Takeru. Once those are cleared, Nano, Gunji & Kiriwar, and a crazed Keisuke (more commonly known as "Kurosuke") will become available for play in story mode and Free Battle. Simply clear all stories in victory for a complete CG Library.

The basics of poker remain intact, with dog tags acting as both cards and money while chibi versions of the game's characters duel each other in a comical re-imagining of the game's universe. Arbitro acts as the dealer; once all cards are dealt, you will be given the option to change up your deck. If you're satisfied, select "OK" and a new set of options will show up: call, raise, and drop. Depending on the hand you've been dealt, you can choose to either go all in, drop out, or attempt a risky bluff. This goes on for five rounds, the most favorable outcome being having the opponent lose all of their dog tags.


The player stealing the dog tags of the opponent through the use of Takeru's special.

The game is made more complex by the addition of special moves. By consuming solids, the player or enemy character may change up the game to their advantage. Use one when in a fix, and prepare for a surprise attack from the enemy.

Each character has two different special moves. If you're holding enough solids, you will be asked at the beginning of a turn if you'd like to use one, and be given an option between the two. Characters' specials, along with the effects they have and the solid requirement, can be seen below.

Image Name Effect # of Solids
Bl@ster Block the opponent's attack. 3
願いのナイフ (Knife Wishes) Take the opponent's first four cards. 1
運のよさ (Good Luck) Obtain a pair 2
木材攻撃 (Wood Attack) Obtain a three 4
スティレット (Dagger) Obtain four Diamonds 2
ペスカ・コシカ (Pesuka-Koshika) Change a random amount of cards in your deck. 2
情報収集 (Information Gathering) Peek at the opponent's deck. 3
大人の余裕 (Adult Room) Obtain more dog tags. 3
絶対命令 (Absolute Order) The opponent can only raise their bet; the other options become temporarily unavailable. 1
カリスマ (Charisma) Obtain a Royal Flush. 4
ちょろまかし (Hanky-Panky) Steal the dog tags of the opponent. Can only be done once in a match. 3
力技 (Feat of Strength) Choose a couple of your opponent's cards to change. 2
戦闘兵器 (Military Weapon) Obtain four Royal Cards. 5
予定調和 (Planned Harmony) Steal the opponent's solid. 1
Gunji & Kiriwar
敗者連行 (Loser Entertainment) Win the game, no matter how far in you are. 1
鬼ごっこ (Tag) Add three rounds to the match. 1
ふたりは処刑人 (Two Men) Get a wild card. 3
破壊衝動 (Destructive Impulse) Shuffle cards to be dealt again. 3
ドライバー (Screwdriver) Force the opponent to bet 300 dog tags. 1