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This page contains some general tips and guidelines to help you improve as a Pac-Man player. Most of these tips are geared for survival, not high scores. High scores can only be achieved when you know how to keep Pac-Man alive for a long time, so focus on becoming a better player before you go after that perfect game score of 3,333,360 points (which was first officially achieved by Billy Mitchell on July 3, 1999).

Know the maze

Every maze has 240 dots and 4 power pellets.
Every maze has 240 dots and 4 power pellets.
    • Power Pellets: They are marked as the green dots in the diagram. They provide Pac-Man with the temporarily ability to eat the ghosts and earn extra points. After eating a ghost, the ghost's eyes will return to the ghost pen in the center of the maze and instantly regenerate. You can be killed by a regenerated ghost even though the other ghosts may still be blue. As the levels increase, the time that the ghosts stay blue (generally) gets progressively shorter.
    • Tunnel: Indicated by the light blue bar, the tunnel allows the player and the ghosts to instantly travel from one side of the maze to the other. While travelling through the maze, Pac-Man moves at normal speed, but the ghosts' speed is reduced in half. This provides Pac-Man with a good opportunity to put some distance between him and his pursuers, but be careful not to get trapped by another ghost entering the opposite side.
    • Bonuses: The bonuses will always appear where the white dash is beneath the ghost pen. Two bonuses appear per round, the first when 70 dots have been eaten, and the second when 170 dots are eaten. While they can help Pac-Man attain higher scores, their capture should only be attempted when the coast is clear.
    • Ghost Patrols: When the board first starts, each ghost travels to their respective corners and patrols the area until they all decide to hunt for Pac-Man. After hunting him for a while, they will periodically return to patrolling for a breif period of time. Each ghost's patrol area are indicated on the map by their respective colors.
    • "Blind" Alleys: The purple areas on the maze are special. In these alleys, the ghosts are allowed to travel down, but not up. For example, if you are being chased around the ghost pen, and you travel up one of the purple lines above the pen, the ghosts are prevented from following you. Be aware, however, that they can get to you from the other direction.

Dot eating speed

One important fact to keep in mind is that Pac-Man moves slower when he's eating dots, than when he's moving through a clear alley. So if one of the ghosts is hot on Pac-Man's trail, don't insist on eating dots in order to clear the stage faster. Get to a clear lane that will provide Pac-Man with as much escape time as possible. Continuing to eat dots is a surefire way to get caught by a ghost.

Clear the bottom of the maze first

The lowest row of dots is the most dangerous series of dots to clear. The long stretch of maze with few escape routes is a prime opportunity for the ghosts to gang up on Pac-Man and attack him from both directions. The best time to clear this row out is right at the start of the stage when the ghosts are still leaving the ghost pen. Inky is the second to last ghost to leave the pen, and he immediately heads for the lower right corner. Clyde is the last ghost to leave and he heads directly for the lower left corner. Clear out as much of the bottom row as you safely can, but get out of Inky or Clyde's way if they start getting close.

Corner motion

Another important detail to remember is that Pac-Man can turn corners much faster than the ghosts can, providing another great get-away opportunity. The areas around the sections of the maze that resemble the letter T provide you with a good escape route by zig-zagging through the alleys on either side. But in order to perform this zig-zagging properly, you must push the joystick in anticipation of the next turn ahead of time so that Pac-Man makes the turn as quickly as possible. If you don't instruct Pac-Man to turn as soon as he's permitted, the benefit of taking the corners is lost.

Making use of the tunnel

The tunnel is an excellent way to put some distance between Pac-Man and any ghosts that my be nipping at his heels. The ghosts are forced to travel through the tunnel much more slowly than Pac-Man. However, it's very easy to overlook another ghost slipping into the tunnel from the other end, inadvertently trapping Pac-Man in the middle. So make sure you give a quick glance to the other side before ducking in and escaping your pursuers.

The blind alleys

There are two sections of the maze where Pac-Man is permitted to travel through and the ghosts cannot follow. The two T sections immediately above and below the ghost pen contain alleys that Pac-Man may enter from the bottom, but the ghosts may not (unless they are blue). Therefore, if you are being chased by a ghost, you can duck down one side of the T and up the other side, and the ghosts will have no choice but to abandon their pursuit of Pac-Man. This is a powerful tool that can be used to save your life over and over again.

The safe spot

The left side of the T section beneath the ghost pen can be used as a safe spot where the ghosts are unable to find and catch Pac-Man. There are a few conditions that must be met to make the safe spot work for Pac-Man. The first is that no ghost must "see" Pac-Man enter the safe spot. If they do, they will follow him in there, and spot will not be safe. The other condition is that you must approach the spot from the south (just to the right of where Pac-Man begins each stage). If you meet both conditions, you can leave Pac-Man in that location for as long as you like and move Pac-Man when you are ready to resume play.

Ghost psychology

Ghost behavior

One of the best ways to stay alive is to know how your enemy thinks. And believe it or not, all of the ghosts have their own individual "personality" or Artificial Intelligence. That is, they each follow a slightly different set of rules for figuring out which way to turn when moving throughout the maze. If you're in a tight situation, and it looks like you might attacked from both sides by two different ghosts, knowing how each one will react can make the difference between life and death.

Home corners

In addition to their preprogrammed behaviors, the ghost simultaneously enter periods where they must return to their "home corners" for a moment of time. When the ghosts are hot on your trial one moment, and they suddenly reverse direction the next, they are returning to their home corners. For the next few seconds, not only will they not actively chase you, but you can safely follow them wherever they go. Just realize that this home-base behavior only lasts a few seconds before they turn around and start chasing you again. Use this time wisely and clear out parts of the maze that are otherwise too dangerous to clear.

File:PM Namco artwork.gif

Worry about Blinky and Pinky

When it comes down to it, Blinky and Pinky are the most dangerous of the four ghosts. Blinky tries to attack you by taking the shortest path that he can find to your current position. Pinky, on the other hand, tries to ambush you by moving to the location that you seem to be headed in. Compared to these two, Inky and Clyde just don't have that "killer instinct." Inky won't really pursue you too strongly unless Blinky is around, and Clyde just seems to be in a world of his own. So if you're worried about Pac-Man's survival, stay farther away from Blinky and Pinky, even if it means getting closer to Inky and Clyde. Also, eat Blinky and Pinky first, if you have the opportunity, to keep them out of play longer.

Lure the ghosts

Sometimes it can be useful to get ghosts to come closer to Pac-Man. Perhaps you want them to gather around you just before you eat a power pellet, so that you can maximize your point-earning potential. Or perhaps you want to slow them down by luring them into the tunnel so that you can take advantage of the extra time you gain while the ghosts are struggling to get through the tunnel. One of the best methods to accomplish this is to wiggle your joystick so that Pac-Man moves back and forth. The more ghosts that see you, the more likely they are to head in your direction. However, you must make sure that the ghosts are not in the "home corner" phase of their behavior before attempting to lure them.

Earning Points

Save a few dots for last

Since the ghosts are more likely to clump together and chase Pac-Man later in the stage, it's best to save the power pellets for last. One of the biggest wastes of a scoring opportunity is to eat a power pellet as the last dot in the stage. Even if a blue ghost is right by you, you won't get any chance to eat it for points. If you save a few dots near one of the power pellets, and save that power pellet for last, you can consume it, eat as many ghosts as you can nearby, and quickly finish the stage by consuming the dots you reserved for the end. Remember that the ghosts immediately reverse direction when you eat the power pellet, so make sure they are as close to you as possible before you eat the pellet, so that you don't have to chase them very far in order to earn valuable points.

Bonus fruit

Fruits appear just below the ghost pen when you've eaten 70 dots, and once more when you've eaten 170 dots. And while collecting a 100 point cherry is an enjoyable aspect of playing in the very first board, it's nothing compared to the 5000 point keys that occur later in the game. Don't risk your life in an effort to collect the lower value fruit if you want to make it to those really valuable bonus items. To the novice, the bonus fruit are merely point opportunities, but to the expert, they are an indication of the very nature of the stage you're in. Once you reach the peaches, the stage fruit usually lets you know something about the blue time of the ghosts for that stage. With the single exception of the grapes, the blue time is always longer throughout the second instance of a fruit than the first.

Blue ghost time

Aside from the fact mentioned above, blue time generally decreases as you reach higher stages. This means the challenge of earning 3000 points for all four ghosts in a single energizer is much easier in the beginning of the game than it is later on. Throughout the game, you must pay special attention when the ghost begin to blink and flash white. This means that the ghosts will only be scared for a couple more seconds before the go back to chasing you. Once you see this, don't continue to chase a ghost if it's still a long way off. You're likely to reach him just in time for him to eat you. Instead, use the remaining time to head for the closest section of the maze that needs to be cleared.