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Xevious is an arcade game designed by Masanobu Endoh, one of Japan's most respected game creators and the mastermind behind hits like the Tower of Druaga. Xevious was one of the earliest vertical scrolling shooters, and undoubtably shaped the shoot'em up genre that it helped to create. Following the wake of popularity of games like Space Invaders, Galaxian, and Galaga, Endoh desired to make a far more realistic game. Unlike those games, enemies don't sit passively in a formation or take kamekazi dives at your ship. Endoh did not think that a real enemy would behave so recklessly. Instead, they get as close as possible, take a good shot at you, and retreat to the top or the sides of the screen.

In addition to this realistic Artificial Intelligence, the game itself ran on a kind of A.I. that adapted the challenge of the game to your performance. If you were clearing enemies rather quickly, Xevious ramped up the challenge by throwing a different type of enemy at you. If you played aggressively, Xevious responded more aggressively as well. This concept would be revisted several times, most notably by Compile's Zanac. Xevious had many other things going for it, including not one, but two forms of weapons, one for the air and one for the ground. Visually, it contained realisticly shaded enemies, and an eye popping scrolling background which went beyond what most arcade gamers had seen at the time. In addition to all of that, there were several secrets tucked away in the game for players to discover that kept them coming back to the game, and a giant mothership that served as one of the earliest templates for a game boss.

Because of all this, Xevious was a huge hit in Japan. Despite all of this, Xevious was only a modest success in the United States, where it was licensed and published by Atari. Divides in taste were never made more apparent than with Xevious, as Endoh had no problem designing a game whose challenge ramped differently from one play experience to the next, and placing secrets randomly throughout the landscape with little indication to their whereabouts. Nevertheless, the game was ported to several consoles and computers. The Famicom versions is a particularly celebrated early release for Japanese players.

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Table of contents


Xevious tells the story of the fight between humankind and the supercomputer GAMP, which controls the alien forces of planet Xevious. As the sci-fi cliché dictates, it turns out that the Xevious inhabitants are originally from earth, and GAMP (General Artificial Matrix Producer) is the product of an ancient civilization that prospered on earth an hundred thousands years ago. During this golden age, the "Gamps" were human clones used in heavy labor, until they rebelled to their own creators. In order to survive the upcoming Ice Age, they planned to leave earth and migrate in search of a new homeland. They finally selected seven planets which were likely suitable to human life.

Right before the departure, a group of humans rebelled to them and decided to stay on the earth anyway. It is from here that thousand years after the leaving of Gamps, the brave pilot Mu and his android companion Eve decided to travel to Xevious (literally "the fourth planet") to avoid glaciation. They will not receive a warm welcome from their ancestors, though: captured and imprisoned, they discover that Xevian are actually planning a massive comeback on the earth.

Fast forward to our days: all above the earth's surface, and near the ancient civilization remains, giant artifacts suddenly emerge from the soil and activate: they are SOL towers, buried underground and inactive for eons, now responding to GAMP's orders. The invasion has begun: it is now that, with perfect timing, Mu, Eve and Mio Veetha, a Xevian who opposes to the Gamp's regime and freed our duo from prisoning, are back on the earth (space travel takes all this time, you see) on their Solvalou ship and ready to fight Gamp's army. Meanwhile, archaeologists Susan Meyer and Akira Sayaka discovered that the Nazca lines could be hiding an ancient weapon which may be used to counter-attack Gamp's army.

Gamplay summary

Title screen
  • You control the Solvalou with the joystick. Press fire to fire upwards or bomb to bomb the ground.
  • You must avoid contact with every aerial enemy and every enemy bullet.
  • Fire at aerial enemies, and bomb ground based enemies.
  • The more aggressive you are in the game, the more aggressive the enemies are with you.
  • The Andor Genesis mothership will appear in certain stages. Bomb the core to destroy it before it runs away.
  • Secret Sol towers and Special flags can be revealed by bombing the correct locations.