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Weapons are one of the aspects that make Resistance: Fall of Man such an interesting game. Most of the guns have two types of fire, primary and secondary, and knowing what you can do with each gun can make the difference between life and death.

At the beginning of the game you only have the one gun, as you progress through the story you find more weapons. Playing the story through a second time will yield different weapons.

It should be noted the guns tend to be slightly different if you are playing online, such changes are listed in the relevant section.

First Playthrough



This is the gun you start with in the story mode. It's a gun you'll probably still be using through to the end of the game and has a good amount of ammo and is accurate even at a long range. Pressing L1 button fires a 45mm Grenade, which can be helpful when facing a group of enemies.

Online it's the gun you start with as a human, the primary fire is the same, but the gun will only carry two 45mm grenades.


Another weapon you'll use quite a bit, although not as accurate as the M5A2, hitting an enemy with L1 button 'tags' them, attracting all bullets towards that opponent. A bullseye tag can also be fired onto a wall of floor, by holding L1 button down the tag sticks, pressing R1 button will then cause all bullets to hover around the tag - creating a "Bullseye Trap". If the bullets remain when you next press L1 button they will move to the new tag. The bullseye is ideal for fast moving enemies.

Online you get unlimited tags. Another interesting factor is that you can "Bullseye Trap" allies; if you tag an ally the bullets will spin around above them.

Rossmore 236

Doesn't have a very long range so best used in close combat, a shot to the head will often kill instantly. It is also an ideal choice for facing crawlers as one shot can take out several of them. If it doesn't kill an enemy it will also stun them. Pressing L1 button fires both barrels at the same time. Unfortunately this gun has a slow reload time.

Online the gun is virtually the same, if you're playing as a Chimera hiding around corners with rage mode on you can see when people are coming so you can shoot them at close range, often resulting in a one hit kill.


This weapon can shoot through solid objects, the bullets don't travel that quickly but the more cover they travel through the strong they become. L1 button fires a shield which can deflect bullets from ordinary guns.

L23 Fareye

The L23 fareye is the game's standard sniper rifle. A shot to the head with this weapon will kill most enemies with one hit. The alternate fire slows down time allowing for more accurate shots, however this feature is not available online. Pressing R3 button brings the scope up to eye level, online zooming can be done either with up and down on Neutral dpad or by pressing L1 button.

XR-005 Hailstorm

The Hailstorm rapidly shoots small particles that will bounce off hard targets like walls and cars. the alternate fire releases a auto turret that fires your entires clip at nearby enemies. This weapon is not available online.

XR-003 Sapper

The Sapper shoots large organic mines in a similar fashion to Widowmakers. these mines will not detonate until an enemy collides with it. the alternate fire detonates all of the deployed mines. This weapon is generally useless against large or fast-moving enemies, it is most effective when used to block doorways or stop swarms of small enemies (such as leapers). This weapon is not available online.


The L209 LAARK is the standard rocket launcher. it's rockets can easily take out groups of enemies, holding L1 button after firing a rocket uses its air-brake feature allowing you to redirect the rocket after launching it. By holding R1 button after launch the rocket will split into numerous smaller rockets that target nearby enemies.


Frag Grenade

This is the game's standard fragmentation grenade. it is useful for taking out tightly clustered enemies, although it is the least powerful grenade in the game.

Hedgehog Grenade

The Hedgehog is the standard Chimeran Grenade which functions similarly to flechettes. The hedgehog is generally considered to be more powerful than the fragmentation grenade because of the larger area it effects.

Air-Fuel Grenade

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Second Playthrough

These weapons are unlocked during a second playthrough of the story, despite this all online guns are available online from the first time you go on.



This weapon is not available online.

Arc Charger

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L11-2 Dragon

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This weapon is not available online.


Backlash Grenade

These grenades release a large protective shield around where they land, protecting the player inside from enemy fire. Chimera caught inside this bubble will receive damage from their own weapons. This weapon is not available online.