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Revision as of 03:41, 12 November 2007 by TyrannoRanger (talk | contribs) (added)
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  • Joystick: Press the joystick move Momo. For example, When Momo is facing left, push the joystick right, she'll face at the player, and push right again to make her face right.
  • Attack: Push this to perform a kick. When Momo faces the player, push this to change from Momo to her superhero alter ego Wonder Momo. While she's Wonder Momo, push this button to throw a hula hoop. If her hula hoop isn't in her hand, she kicks like her normal form.
  • Jump: Push this to jump. While she's in her superhero form, she can jump 3 times higher.
  • 1-2 Players: Press either button to begin a 1 or 2 player game.

Layout of the game

  • Vital Meter: The life meter. If you lost all of the Vital Meter, you lose a life.
  • Wonder Meter: The superhero ego meter. If you have 3 or more red squares, a tornado will appear to transform into Wonder Momo. While you're Wonder Momo, the Wonder Meter decreases slowly. After the Wonder Meter is gone, you're back to Momo.

Momo (aka Wonder Momo)

This is you. You control her to kick the enemies to gain the Wonder Meter. If you have 3 or more red squares, you can change into Wonder Momo.


Item Description
Tornado Collect this if your Wonder Meter has 3 squares or more. It will change you into a superhero alter ego, Wonder Momo.
Yellow and White Egg This can be accessible if you are Wonder Momo. Collect this egg to fire a laser in a direction you're facing. This also make your costume from hotpink with dark green visor and blue sleeves and boots to salmon with light green visor and light blue sleeves and boots.
Blue and Beige Egg This can be accessible if you are Wonder Momo. Collect this egg to make Momo spin and fire laser in a left and right direction.