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Normal Enemies


Smashers make up the majority of Achilles' army. They approach you from the right and left, typically in groups, waiting until they get within striking range to swing their mace at your head. In later levels they get a little smarter and vary up their attacks with some low strikes to your shins. They are not particularly bright and cannot dodge any of your attacks. Be sure to swing your weapon at them before they swing theirs at you, and you will have no problem. You earn 200 points for defeating them.


Slashers are the next most common enemy that you encounter in the mean streets of the city, and in Achilles' various hideouts. Slashers are a lot more dangerous than Smashers four a couple of reasons. They like to throw their weapons at you, so they stop a lot farther away from you. They throw two different weapons. They like to throw daggers at you, which they can throw high or low. You can block the daggers with your shield, or jump over low daggers and duck under high daggers. But they will occasionally throw an explosive device at you. If you attempt to block the explosive with your shield, your sword and shield will be knocked out of your hand! Will you be reduced to punching and kicking until you are able to reclaim your weapons back. If a Slasher stops ahead of you, be sure to take it out for 500 points. If one appears behind you, use your best judgment as to whether or not to turn around and deal with it.

Manhole Archer

These archers like to hideout in manholes and other sub-floor spaces in an attempt to ambush you and shoot you with a low flying arrow. The arrows are easily jumped over or blocked with your shield. If you duck down and swing your sword at these archers, you can remove them from your path for 2000 points. In fact, in the NES version, you are required to remove these enemies in order to proceed, and possibly drop down inside the manhole.

Dynamite Thrower

Throughout the battered city, some of Achilles' men hide out inside abandoned buildings just waiting for the opportunity to light up one of their sticks of dynamite and toss it out of the window. They do not attack you directly, but their dynamite must be avoided when it comes close to exploding. These men typically throw the dynamite ahead of you a little bit and will wind up exploding just when you walk past it. The only way to stop their attack is to jump up high enough to hit them and knock them out. Doing so will provide you with 2000 points.

Red Archer

Like the Dynamite Throwers, the Red Archers perch high atop a mountain peak and attack from above. They fire crossbows at intruders. And just like the Dynamite Throwers, they can only be removed by jumping up high enough to hit them. This isn't usually a problem in the arcade, as the game provides jump platforms on the ground near to their locations, but in the NES version, you will not have access to jump boots around the time that you encounter them, so you will simply have to pass safely beneath them.


Skyrogyro is the name given to the men in Achilles' army who strap on one-man helicopter back packs and fly throughout the sky in an effort to drop bombs on you. As they get close to your position, they throw one or more bombs down to the ground. Not only must you avoid the bombs as they fall, you must also avoid the explosions they create when they hit the ground. Removing them can be tricky. Even when they fly close enough for you to jump up and hit them, they are typically preparing another bomb to drop on you, so attack with care.


There are a number of extra enemies which, with the exception of explosives, are exclusive to one version or the other.

  • Spiders: Found in the arcade version, these enemies are found in vertical stages 3 and 5. The drop down on a strand of spider web, and spit gobs of poisonous goo at you.
  • Explosives: Found in both versions, explosives are found in vertical stages 3 and 5. They pop out of holes in the wall, roll along the ground for a little while, and finally explode. They are only dangerous when they explode.
  • Bats: Only found in the NES version, small bats appear when the Goblin's shuriken explodes, or when certain yellow bombs drop from the ceiling.
  • Piranhas: Only found in the NES version of the second half of stage 2. When you are pushing through the pond, look out a fish that like to hop out of water and take a bite when they get close by.
  • Fishman: Only found in the NES version, also in the second half of stage 2. Towards the end of the pond, this strange fire breating creature will hop out of the water and keep a good distance between the two of you. It will spit fire at you, which can be ducked, while backing away from your approach.

Boss Enemies


Mamushi is the first boss of Stage 1, but you will see him throughout the game. Mamushi always appears in pairs, with four hit points apiece. They like to sandwich you in from either side, while they throw their axes at you, either high and low. (However, in the NES version, they are restricted to fighting you one at a time.) They are slow and somewhat predictable and they have very little defense against your attacks. The danger comes from getting attacked from both directions at the same time. Try to remove the first one extremely quickly so you are free to deal with the second one at your leisure. Your best bet is to get in close, squat down, and attack rapidly.

Iron Arm

Iron Arm is the second boss of the first stage. He is a little different depending on which version you are playing. In the arcade version, Iron Arm's eponymous limb simply extends quite a distance from his body before being retracted back into his arm. In the NES version, Iron Arm can actually launch him arm at the player, which rockets forward high or low to the other side of the screen, before returning at the opposite height back to Iron Arm. In both cases, the recommended course of action is to squat down and use your shield until you see an opening to attack. Iron Arm can block your attacks with his arm as well, but he is usually susceptible to jump attacks.


Armadillon is the first boss of the second stage. Fighting Armadillon requires a good deal of patience and attention. He has the ability to tuck himself up into a ball and roll across the ground. The only way to avoid getting hit by him is to jump over him as he approaches. After some time spent rolling around, he will stand back up and begin spit balls of fight at you. This is your chance to strike. Be aware that as soon as you hit him, he will immediately jump forward and tuck back into a ball, so you must be prepared to retreat far enough away from him to jump the ball as it hits the ground or you will take damage. You will actually encounter a weaker red Armadillon in the manhole of the second part of the first stage in the NES version.


Goblin is the second boss of the second stage. He gets his name from his stooped over posture, but make no mistake, Goblin is very agile. He can leap all the way from one side of the screen to the other, and he typically uses this technique to escape from harm. He tosses shurikens at you, which must be dodged or blocked. In the NES version of the game, these shuriken can erupt into three bats that go flying around. No matter what you do, don't go chasing after him as he will simply leap around the room. Stay on one side and let him return to you before attempting to slash him again.


Muscular is the first boss of the third stage. He appears differently in the two versions, but his behavior is pretty much the same. Muscular will attempt to get as close to you as he can before swinging a large club or mace at you. He will swing several times before backing away and setting up for another strike. The best strategy to employ against Muscular is a quick swing and run away. One you hit, get out of his range and let him finish up his attack before moving back in for another slash.


This man, like you, is a fellow "Trojan," but he is one who has allied with Achilles. He is the second boss of the third stage, and his only goal is to eliminate you and become the only remaining Trojan. He is extraordinarily identical to you, and possesses all of your sword and shield abilities. Therefore, he knows all of your tricks. You must attack with care and out maneuver him. He likes to perform jump attacks, which leaves him open to your attack if your quick enough. Squat down and attack rapidly as he jumps at you. Since you will get all of your health back before moving on to the fourth stage, you can attack a little recklessly, but don't rely on that strategy when you are forced to fight against him once again.

King Shriek

King Shriek is a pair of bosses exclusive to the NES version of the game. Before you reach Achilles, you will find two statues or warriors with flails carved into the wall. When both statues are in full view, the statues will come alive, one at a time. As they do, bricks will spray in every direction, and you must avoid them as they can hurt you a great deal. The Shrieks are tall and swing their balls and chains over their heads, making a jump attack hard to perform without getting hit. When you approach them, they try to slam the ball into the ground at your feet. They each share a life bar, so when the first one loses four hit points and dies, the second one comes to life. They must both be defeated in order to advance to the final fight with Achilles in his chamber.


Achilles is the ultimate warrior that you must defeat at the end of the game to rescue civilization. Like Trojan, he possesses many of the same attack skills as you, only he is much bigger and stronger. Timing your attacks is key to taking down this ruthless tyrant. His attacks pack a lot of punch so do your best to avoid them and stay out of his range unless you're going in for an attack. He is fairly susceptible to jump attacks.