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Item Price
Healing Candy 10
Medi Candy 100
Wake Candy 30
Antidote Chips 100
Para Gum 100
Heal Cocoa 20
Teleporter 100
Cat's Paw 500

Cornet is awakened from a recurring dream. Kururu tells her that Grandpa was calling her. The game opens in Cornet's bedroom, and Cornet has 100 Inotium, 4 Healing Candy, 2 Heal Cocoa, 1 Cat's Paw, and 1 Fighter's Charm. Kururu should equip the Cat's Paw and Fighter's Charm (or Cornet should equip the Fighter's Charm and Kururu the Cat's Paw).

Head downstairs to find out why Grandpa was calling. He found a puppet in the mailbox. The puppet says her name is Sharte, and she is looking for her sister Terra. Agree to play the horn and let Sharte join the party in order to accept the quest. Grandpa asks you to retrieve some Red Itonium from the forest while you're out. Add Sharte to the party (in the Order menu).

Head out to the village. Talk to everyone along the way, and remember to check the mailbox when you come and go. There are a lot of hidden side quests in the game, and they're easy to miss if you don't talk to the right person at the right time.

Pick up some Inotium at the houses in the top-left and bottom-right portions of the village, and visit the store in the top-center/right portion of the village. Once you've talked to everyone and equipped whatever items you'd like, head out of Orange Village (via the southern path). Select Wonder Woods on the map to continue.

Wonder Woods

  1. Myao
  2. Ledgem
  3. Cave

Walk off the screen to the left (deeper into the woods) and a short cut-scene will start, followed by the first battle. Two toads appear, but the fight should be fairly easy, resulting in receiving the party receiving 12 Inotium and 16 Experience. This is followed by another cut-scene and a musical number (if you decide to play the song for Kururu).

Note that the same amount of experience is awarded to all active members of the party at the end of a battle, regardless of what they do. Characters not in the active party (but still available to the player) will earn experience at a lower rate)

The Red Inotium will be found in the top-left corner of the woods. Myao shows up and demands that you turn over the Inotium. When you refuse to do so, she sends her cats to punish you. This is the first mini-boss fight, so it should take 2 or 3 times as long as fighting a regular enemy. At level 2 with Cornet focused on using Love Horn and Horn to power up and heal the puppets, and the puppets focused on attacking the cats, it should take 1 round of attacks from both puppets to take down each of the three cats. This battle gives 30 experience and 24 inotium.

Myao is not pleased that you beat up her cats. She summons a dragon to take out Cornet and her band of puppets. The scene with the dragon plays itself out and you regain control back in Cornet's bedroom with Kururu trying to cheer her up.

Wonder Woods revisited

At this point in the game you can wander around and level up by taking on the random encounters in this area. There's also a cave in the southwestern portion of the map that has more to offer. The area in the northwest where Myao previously appeared is now empty except for random enemies.