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* 1. Introduction *
Swords of Chaos is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) game played on a BBS.

From the documentation of the game :
SoC is a multi-player adventure game. The goal (aside from socializing
and having fun) is to hack and slash your way to power. You do this by
exploring the realm, amassing treasure and killing monsters.

For another introduction and more informations, see the Wikipedia page :

There's also a complete map of the game at :

* 2. Hints and tricks *
For continuous diplay, type =sl instead of always seeing that line :
(N)onstop, (Q)uit, or (C)ontinue?

When entering the game for the first time, some options have to be
tweaked (type options or help options for a list), option 2, 4 and 8
should be ON and option 4 should be OFF for an optimal play.

The most powerful character to play is by no doubt the Elf Sorcerer, a
level 10 Sorcerer could kill a level 1000 monster, with a lot of patience
tough! You just need to sleep the monster, mesmerize it and kill it with
some powerful magic items.  Also, we could say there is two school of
sorceror, one who is only training Psychic and another one who is using
the option 12 at ON, meaning he is training every statistics.  The first
one is, of course, the most overkill, but takes longer to level up.  While
the second choice level up faster, you will have more trouble killing
morph monsters, all in all, the choice is yours.

The second most powerful character is the Human Duelist, they need half
experience for Intelligence, which counts double for the Fighting Bonus
which, in turn, is use to calculate if you hit a monster or not and to
calculate the damage dealing to the monsters. They must only train
Edged, Blunt or Pole since they need half experience to train them.

If your character is using weapons, it's always best to train only one
weapon type at all time (Edged, Blunt, Pole or Unarmed) to make sure
you're using the maximum bonus out of it.  Also, using two weapons for
the Two Weapons skill is a good idea to raise the damage, but you'll have
less Armor Class since you're not using a Shield and the Shield bonus.

Always use macros, like g for greatblow or c for cast, i for inventory
and so on, type help macro to learn all about it.

A single period (".") will repeat your last command line and the Esc
key will cancel whatever you've typed on a line.

After the game macros and the period to repeat commands, you can also use
the BBS macros for an optimal game, for example '=m1 n;n;n;e;e;e;' will
bind 6 commands by only typing =m1, you will go north 3 times and east
3 times, use your imagination to make good use of BBS macros. To clear
them you use '=m1=', and to list them you use '=m'. But this only works
on some BBS's software, other uses ;macros1

List of Chants used in the game : friend, Maspianor, hurm, mercy,
guard!, feathers, jaguar, lashan, Worthy.

For players using weapons, the greatblow commands is always the best one
to choose from the available choices (hit, parry, greatblow, bash), but
only until you need more than 2 hits to kill the monsters because it
uses a lot of fatigue points and when you're low level, it do makes a

The bounty command can show some events happening :
The Wail of The Banshee : Monsters move slower (actions take twice as
long, just like the langour spell)
Solar Eclipse : Monsters have fewer body points (about 33% less)
Golden Halo : Monsters give more experiences points (about 16% more)

By robbing monsters, you earn thief skills which are, in order :
- Auto-track : Thief level 3 : Always find tracks when looking for them.
- Footpad : Thief level 6 : Follow other players without them knowing it.
- Auto-hide : Thief level 9 : If there is cover in a room, you will
always find a hiding space on your first hide attempt (and at no action
time cost). Also, an actual member of the thief class will automatically
find a hiding space when entering a room with more than 25% cover.
- Super footpad : Thief level 12 : Players cannot "lose" you when you
follow them.
- Auto-stealth : Thief level 15 : Can remain unseen to monsters even while
attacking them.
- Lockpicker : Thief level 18 : Can "go" through regular locked doors
without first unlocking them. Thief class members can also go through
locked magic doors. This does not work for special locked doors or chant
operated doors.

If you're going to use the send command to message everyone that is
playing, be sure to not include a number after the send command, else
the game will try to send the message to only one person.  For example,
if someone is asking how many items you have, and you reply with
"send 6", the game will send the message to the player using port #6,
to know the port of players, use the where command, it's the first
column. It's the same thing with the player name, don't use their
name right after the send command or it will send your message to
that player only.

At all times, you should always have some spells on you casted, if
you're a sorcerer, cast these spells numbers in this order :
34, 6, 16, 22, 23, 25, 29, 32, 35. It's a little bit faster than typing
their text.

You can kill a monster in only 1 hit, just instill Curse on a weapon
and kill monsters, if you hit the monster for his full body points
and the curse spell works and it gets a constitution point, then the
monster will die in only 1 hit.

A few monster should never ever be hit.  If attacked, they will call
the guards and you will be thrown in prison, minus some equipments,
here's the list :
Monster       Level  Location
maiden        1      Elfhelm city, from Newstand : w s w s w w s w w s
handmaiden    5      In the dock, in the pier (Rowin city)
serving girl  10     In the dock, in the pier (Rowin city)
Rorx          50     In the city gate, in the small crevice (Mine)
Kaldar        50     In the city gate, in the small crevice (Mine)

If monster can hit you for 32767 points each time, you will never die.
To know if they can hit that much, cast elicitation on them and check
their Hit number. But they could parry you or have a spell instilled
on their weapons, which means they won't hit for 32767 and you will die.

On some BBS's software, you can use the ' command to send message to
everyone on the board, for example 'Hi there! There's also actions that
goes with it which can be fun, to get the list type the 'alist command.

* 3. Limits *
Strength : 32767, over this number, you will keep dying over and
 over again (overcome by wounds!), you will have to exit the game
 and commit suicide.
Dexterity : 32767, over this number you will trip, fall down, stumble
 and drop your weapon quite often.
Constitution : minimum of 2, maximum of 32767, below or or over
 32767 you will die.
Intelligence : 32767, then -32768 and it will lower your fighting
 bonus, which is quite bad.
Psychic ability : 12344 for sorcerer, 23267 for other races, else
 your magic points will go into the minus and you won't be able to
 cast any spell.
Evil points : 32767, then you'll be in the minus and you will not show
 up in the villains, also lawful monster will not bother to attack you.
 Note that above 500 evil points, lawful monster will attack you.
Body : 32767, then it will stay that way and you will be immortal.
Fatigue : 32767, then it will stay that way and you will be immortal.
Magic : 32767, then your magic points will go in the minus and you
 won't be able to cast anything.
Level : 14234 (with 32767 in each stats)
Thief : 8190, then the gold you need to raise it goes over
 2,147,483,487 so you can't train it anymore but actually you only
 need 18 of thief to get the maximum out of the bonuses, it's better
 to kill the monster to get his items than it is to rob him anyway.
Bank : 2,147,483,647
Current Armor Class : 32767, will go to 0 if over.
Current Fighting Bonus : 32767, then -32767 and you won't be able to
 fight anything if you're in the minus.

Armor : 16384
Weapons : 6694
Shield : 4096
Hit by weapons : 32767 body points maximum (plus a spell if instilled)
Weapon's uses : over 3,440,421 (probably 2,147,483,647)
Hit points for monsters : 147451, so if you hit with a weapon for 32767
 each time, it  will take 5 hits to kill only one monster.

Items : 954 differents items in the game, but by editing with the
 gameop commands, you can create up to 1200 differents items.
Monsters : 930 differents monsters in the game, but by editing with
 the gameop commands, you can create up to 1200 differents monsters.
Rooms : 1582 differents rooms, but by editing with the gameop commands,
 you can create up to 3000 different rooms.

* 4. List of item filter's room *
These rooms can only be entered if you have the item on you.

Room		Area		 Item               From
iron doorway    Giant rope       blue key           See Puzzle section
temple door     Aztec Village    eagle key          eagle knight
dimension gate  Aztec Village    quetzal feather    Ehecatl
dark entryway   Aztec Village    jaguar key         jaguar knight
stone stairway  Aztec Village    soul Talisman      departed soul
Black hallway   Floating Island  jewelled Trident   Poseidon
round Chamber   Floating Island  Sword of Darkness  Wormlord
gilded Ladder   Floating Island  grey Sword         Sentinal
glass door      Clanhouse        glass key          See Puzzle section
trap door       City Gate        a platinum key     thug

* 5. List of stats per level *
Levels which needs 10 stats are not shown.

Level  Stats
4      35
5      15
6      15
7      15
8      25
11     60
16     65
21     70
31     60
41     330
51     110
61     175
71     110
76     160
81     260
91     260
101    510
151    635
201    2760
301    3010
401    2510
501    2510
601    2510
701    2760
801    2760
After level 801, each level takes only 10 stats.

 * 6. List of spells by name *
Spell Name       Monster         Level  Reference number
Aggravation      deathknights    10     36
Alchemy          Sean Lancseth   30     43
Blast            brute           60     20
Bringing         archdemon       38     28
Circle           were-jaguars    40     24
Curse            darkling        45     40
Dispel_magic     witchdoctor     21     30
Elicitation      rector          19     10
Enchant          succubus        23     8
Enhancement      piratelord      43     26
Exhaustion       slith           37     42
Fear             vampire         48     5
Fireball         gasgiant        75     41
Haste            aciddragon      65     34
Healing          firedragon      39     3
Invisibility     apparition      71     6
Invulnerability  siliconite      32     22
Key              xainth          05     12
Langour          darkelf         24     2
Levitation       shade           36     18
Lightning        angel of death  42     17
Magic_key        glowgiant       17     13
Mania            jubilex         55     37
Mesmerization    redlady         70     9
Pass_door        skavens         25     11
Protection       bishop          20     16
Purification     wight           14     7
Return           hellion         41     31
Restoration      bard            62     15
Revelation       acolyte         06     39
See_invisible    mystic          16     32
Seeking          hobgoblin       33     21
Shield           poltergeist     49     29
Shockwave        shocker         200    44
Sleep            siren           46     4
Spying           windworker      04     38
Stealth          skelosian       54     35
Strength         ogre shaman     35     23
Sturdiness       chimera         22     25
Summoning        firebeetle      50     33
Teleportation    mage            31     14
Vigor            kirin           28     1
Visioning        phantasm        07     19
Weakness         witchking       34     27

* 7. List of spells by monster's level *
Spell Name       Monster         Level  Reference number
Spying           windworker      04     38
Key              xainth          05     12
Revelation       acolyte         06     39
Visioning        phantasm        07     19
Aggravation      deathknights    10     36
Purification     wight           14     7
See_invisible    mystic          16     32
Magic_key        glowgiant       17     13
Elicitation      rector          19     10
Protection       bishop          20     16
Dispel_magic     witchdoctor     21     30
Sturdiness       chimera         22     25
Enchant          succubus        23     8
Langour          darkelf         24     2
Pass_door        skavens         25     11
Vigor            kirin           28     1
Alchemy          Sean Lancseth   30     43
Teleportation    mage            31     14
Invulnerability  siliconite      32     22
Seeking          hobgoblin       33     21
Weakness         witchking       34     27
Strength         ogre shaman     35     23
Levitation       shade           36     18
Exhaustion       slith           37     42
Bringing         archdemon       38     28
Healing          firedragon      39     3
Circle           were-jaguars    40     24
Return           hellion         41     31
Lightning        angel of death  42     17
Enhancement      piratelord      43     26
Curse            darkling        45     40
Sleep            siren           46     4
Fear             vampire         48     5
Shield           poltergeist     49     29
Summoning        firebeetle      50     33
Stealth          skelosian       54     35
Mania            jubilex         55     37
Blast            brute           60     20
Restoration      bard            62     15
Haste            aciddragon      65     34
Mesmerization    redlady         70     9
Invisibility     apparition      71     6
Fireball         gasgiant        75     41
Shockwave        shocker         200    44

* 8. List of puzzles *
Axe of Doomgiver 1100+15 (Two-handed edged)
 Axe Handle                 grimskull      Level 75
 Axe Blade                  flameling      Level 180
 Hand Grip                  olog-hai       Level 280

Blue Key (Key to enter the iron doorway in the Giant rope)
 Mithril Broach             warrior dwarf  Level 28
 Golden Bracer              paladin        Level 44
 Silver Headband            dwarven guard  Level 37

Circle of R'lyeth (Transporter to the room before Nyogtha)
 Yellow Star                dracolisk      Level 190
 Bleeding Eye               pyrolisk       Level 230
 Clear Prism                obliviax       Level 290
 Burning Key                gothmog        Level 345

Glass key (Key to enter door to get to Celeste)
 Wind chime                 minstral       Level 128
 Blue pearl                 undine         Level 132
 Flaming spear              magmabeast     Level 136
 Sandstone                  earthweird     Level 137

Glove of Diamonds 51+0 instilled Mesmerizarion (Unarmed)
 3 of Diamonds              tribbits       Level 13
 5 of Diamonds              tribbits       Level 13
 6 of Diamonds              flump          Level 14
 2 of Diamonds              flump          Level 14
 4 of Diamonds              gnerd          Level 17

Glowing Crown (Focus, PF 40, 21 uses)
 Red piece of crown         undead         Level 20
 White piece of crown       gnome          Level 20
 Blue piece of crown        bishop         Level 20

Mail Of Scaramouche 650+9 (Non-metallic armor)
 Iron Corslet               furmling       Level 205
 Mithril Greave             terror lord    Level 240
 Steel Plate                gaurhir        Level 330
 Steel Plate                shagrat        Level 310
 *You just need 1 Steel Plate

Mace of Spades 51+0 instilled Mesmerization (Blunt)
 King of Spades             tribbits       Level 13
 Queen of Spade             flump          Level 14
 Ace of Spades              flump          Level 14
 Jack of Spades             zwark          Level 16
 10 of Spades               gnerd          Level 17

Mighty Armor of Alloy 101+0 (Metallic armor)
 Bronze piece of armor      rat            Level 60
 Steel piece of armor       yellowmold     Level 50
 Mithril piece of armor     mottleworm     Level 70

Mighty Mace of Alloy 307+0 (Blunt)
 Bronze piece of a mace     python         Level 60
 Steel piece of a mace      chokeweed      Level 80
 Mithril piece of a mace    croftmonster   Level 90

Mighty Shield of Alloy 26+0 (Shield)
 Bronze piece of a shield   titantoad      Level 70
 Steel piece of a shield    rotgub         Level 80
 Mithril piece of a shield  mongrel        Level 90

Mighty Sword of Alloy 174+0 (Edged)
 Bronze piece of a sword    firebeetle     Level 50
 Steel piece of a sword     megawasp       Level 60
 Mithril piece of sword     stirge         Level 70

Rusty Chainmail 80+9 (Metallic armor)
 Rusty breastplate          centaur        Level 25
 Rusty boots                tunnelworm     Level 16
 Rusty gauntlets            mad dwarf      Level 20
 Rusty Greeves              mercenary      Level 13
 Rusty Cod Piece            skulk          Level 12

Sapphire Psychegem (Focus)
 Piece of a focus           sorcerer       Level 40
 Piece of a focus           buccaneer      Level 40
 Piece of a focus           icemonster     Level 40

Shield of Element X 30+0 instilled Invisibility (Shield)
 Element 88                 techmite       Level 12
 Element 92                 vectrite       Level 23
 Element X                  Permanent item near Xalaxia

Spear of Hearts 51+0 instilled Mesmerization (Pole)
 8 of Hearts                tribbits       Level 13
 6 of Hearts                zwark          Level 16
 5 of Hearts                zwark          Level 16
 9 of Hearts                zwark          Level 16
 7 of Hearts                gnerd          Level 17

Spellbook of Matrix (Invisibility, PF 600, 500 uses)
 Leather Bookcover          hordling       Level 95
 Magical Rune               harginn        Level 170
 Vellum Page                villidrake     Level 270

Sword of Clubs 51+0 instilled Mesmerizarion (Edged)
 9 of Clubs                 tribbits       Level 13
 8 of Clubs                 flump          Level 14
 Jack of Clubs              zwark          Level 16
 10 of Clubs                gnerd          Level 17
 7 of Clubs                 gnerd          Level 17

* 9. List of permanent monsters *
Perm            Level
King Boreus     1 (Morph 3-4)
Rethgif         1 (Morph 5-6)
Quinn           1 (Morph 7-8)
Jek             17
ugh-harl        25 (Morph 15-16)
Sean Lancseth   30
GateKeeper      150
shadowfiend     160
yog-sothoth     175
king            200
othrag          200
Rathgar         200
shocker         200
stephanie       200
Celeste         216
poseidon        250
sentinal        250
wormlord        250
Xalaxia         256
Nyogtha         275
Ranger Rick     275
crystaldemon    300
satan           300
Tezcatlipoca    350
Tindalos Hound  300
Quetzalcoatl    350
Nightgaunt      400
Lammasu         500
Bane            501
Unspeakable     666
Azathoth        750
Clanggedin      750
Mhzentul        1000

Huntress        Level  Gives
ogre smith      40     some crafted Chainmail 60+9 (Metal armor)
huntress        50     a golden talisman (Talisman, PF 50)
Kaldar          50     a golden Talisman (Talisman, PF 50)
Ehecatl         60     a quetzal Feather (Talisman, PF 60)
princess        100    a crystal Crown (Focus, PF 160, 81 uses)

Oracle          Level
oracle          1 (morph 10)
Rorx            50

* 10. List of morph monsters *
You must be higher than the monster if you want it to morph.

Monster         Level  Morph
chaos crawler   10     2-3
clone           13     2-3
departed soul   2      2-3
duplicant       14     2-3
exotic plant    11     2-3
fomor           20     2-3
hobo            1      2-3
M-200 Sentinel  2      2-3
nasty bug       1      2-3
simulacrum      15     2-3
trader          81     2-3
aciddragon      2      3-4
animated toy    121    3-4
giant nasty     1      3-4
meganasty       35     3-4
tasloid         31     3-4
chameleon       30     4-5
stormlord       41     4-5
super nasty     1      4-5
ultra nasty     1      5-6

* 11. List of location of monsters *
aciddragon (morph) W S W S W W S S N Go-G W W W W W N N N W W
                   N E E N W W N N N N N U N Go-C N N D
aciddragon (spell) W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-Dk Go-S S Go-S S S E S
                   S E S S S S S E N N
acolyte         W S W S W N W S Go-D N
angel of death  W S W S W W S W W N Go-Gate W W N W W W N N W W N E E N W W N
                N N N N
animated toy    W S W N W W W W N Go-R Go-G Go-D N E N E N U S
apparition      W S W S E S S Go-P E S Go-C W D
archdemon       W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S S U U Go-G N N Go-T S E E
                N N W S
Azathoth        W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-C E E E Go-H Go-C Go-L E Go-D N N
                N W Go-S E E S S W W N Go-H Go-S Go-D S S E E N N W S Go-S
                Go-G E S W Go-P N Go-P
Bane            W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C Go-S
                Go-D D D W W S Go-S
bard            W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-S S E S S S W S W Go-B
                E N Go-D U O E E
bishop          W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W N
                Go-P O W N N E E N N Go-D N W U E S
brute           W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W N N N W W N E E N W W N N N
                N N U N Go-C N N D N W
Celeste         N N N W N N Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P Go-S Go-S E E E Go-G E N N U
                S E Go-W O W S S D N E Go-D
chameleon       W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W N N N W W N E E N W W N N N
                N N U N Go-C N N D N W W W W W W W W N N N W W N N N E N E N N
                N N W W N E N E N Go-B E N E N E
chaos crawler   W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-F D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-S E E E Go-H Go-R Go-G N N
chimera         W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S S U U Go-G N W Go-L Go-W U
Clanggedin      W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C
                Go-S Go-D D D W W W W Go-D
clone           N N N W N N Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P Go-S Go-S E E E Go-G E N N U
                S E Go-W O W W
Crystaldemon    W S W S E S S Go-P E S E E Go-G E Go-D E Go-S Go-S E D Go-G
darkelf         W S W S W W S W W N Go-Gate W W N W W W N N W W N E E E
darkling        W S W S E S S Go-P W S Go-D Go-T
deathknights    W S W S W W S S Go-P
departed soul   W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S S S S S S S S W W S
                W W Go-E N W W W U E
duplicant       N N N W N N Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P Go-S Go-S E E E Go-G E N N U
                S E Go-W O W W
exotic plant    N W N W W W W W N Go-R Go-G E N N W
firebeetle      W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W N W W W N N W W N E E N W W N N N
                N N U N Go-Cave N N D N W W W W W W W W W N
firedragon      W S W S W N W S Go-D N D D S S Go-A D E
fomor           W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-F D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-S E E E Go-H Go-R Go-G W Go-D W N
gasgiant        W S W S E S S Go-P E S E E Go-G E Go-D E Go-S U U
GateKeeper      W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-C E E E
giant nasty     W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C Go-S
                Go-D D D W W W W W Go-D Go-S E
glowgiant       W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-S S S E S S S S W N N N
                N W N Go-C D E N
hellion         W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B
hobgoblin       W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W S S S S W Go-C
hobo            W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W N W W W N N W W N E E N W W N N N
                N N U N Go-C N N D N W W W W W W W W N N N W W N N N E N E N N
                N W W N W
Jek             W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W S W
                Go-B N N Go-Pl W Go-C D Go-V D D Go-P E E Go-T Go-D
Jenkins         Roving monster, can be anywhere
jubilex         N N N E N Go-B E E D E E
King            N N W W N Go-P E E E E
King Boreus     Roving monster, can be anywhere
kirin           W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W S S S
Lammasu         W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C Go-S
                Go-D D S S W W N Go-D
M-200 Sentinel  W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W S
                W Go-B N N Go-Pl W Go-C D Go-V D D Go-P E E Go-T Go-D
mage            N N W W N N N E Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P Go-D
meganasty       W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W S W
                Go-B N N Go-P W Go-C D Go-V D D Go-P E E S S
Mhzentul        Get a small key from lamia and Go-L Go-L Go-L Go-L Go-E Go-D
mystic          W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W
nasty bug       W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C Go-S
                Go-D D D W W W W W Go-D Go-S
Nyogtha         W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-C E E E Go-H Go-C Go-L
ogre shaman     W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S W S Go-S Go-O S W W S S S S E E
                E E Go-P N O O
oracle          W S W S
Othrag          W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S E S S E S S S E S S
                S Go-P S S U Go-G
phantasm        W S W S E S S Go-P E S E E
piratelord      W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S E S S W W Go-B W W
                Go-G S Go-D
poltergeist     N N W W N N N E Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P S Go-P
Poseidon        W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U
Quetzalcoatl    W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W S S S W W S S S S S S E S S
                Go-D W U Go-G
Quinn           W S W N W W W W N Go-R Go-G Go-D N E N E N U S
Rathgar         W S W N W W W W N Go-R Go-G Go-D N N N N Go-D
rector          W S W S W N W S Go-W N N D N N
redlady         W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W N W W W N N W W N E E N W W N N N
                N N U N Go-C N N D N W W W W W W W W W N E N N W W N N N E N
Rethgif         W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W N W W W N N W W N N E E N W W N N
                N N N U N Go-Cave N N D N W W W W W W W W W U E E E E E E E E
                E E
Satan           W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B
                Go-I N Go-O
Sean Lancseth   Roving monster, can be anywhere
Sentinal        W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W W Go-D U U Go-B
shade           W S W S W W S W W N Go-Gate W W N W W W N N W W N E E E E Go-T
                Go-T E E S S
Shadowfiend     W S W S E S S Go-P E S Go-C W D W N N E N S E W N N
shocker         Roving monster, can be anywhere
siliconite      N N W W N N N E Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P Go-D Go-A S N
simulacrum      N N N W N N Go-C N N Go-D D Go-P Go-S Go-S E E E Go-G E N N U
                S W
siren           W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-S S S O
skavens         W S W S E S E N Go-M D
skelosian       W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S E Go-B E
                E Go-T Go-S D W W N E Go-D O Go-B
slith           W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W S
                W Go-B N N Go-P W Go-C D Go-V D D Go-P E E S
Stephanie       W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W N
                Go-P O W N N E E N N Go-D N W U N
stormlord       W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-F D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-S E E E Go-H Go-R Go-G W Go-D N N
                N E Go-E W W S S E E N Go-H Go-S Go-D S S E E N N W S Go-S
                Go-G E S
succubus        W S W S E S S Go-P W Go-O Go-S E S
super nasty     W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C Go-S
                Go-D D S S E Go-D
Tezcatlipoca    W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S S W S S S S S S S W S W
                S W W Go-E W W W N U E E S S W W N E U (Chant jaguar) Go-S
Tindalos Hound  W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-C E E E Go-H Go-C Go-L E Go-D N N
                N W Go-S E E S S W W N Go-H Go-S Go-D S S E E N N W S Go-S
trader          W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W N W W W N N W W N E E N W W N N
                N N N U N Go-C N N D N W W W W W W W W N
Ugh-Harl        W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S W S Go-S Go-O S W W S S S S E E
                E E Go-P N O O N E N N Go-G S Go-G
ultra nasty     W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S Go-F N W Go-C Go-S
                Go-D D S S W
Unspeakable     W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I D D D W W Go-C E E Go-B E
                E S S S S S S S S U Go-P Go-C E E E Go-H Go-C Go-L E Go-D N N
                N W Go-S E E S S W W N Go-H
vampire         W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W N N N
                O E Go-W D O W
were-jaguars    W S W S W W S W W N Go-G W W W W W S W S S S S S S S S W S W S
wight           W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S Go-I
windworker      W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-S S S E S S S S W W N
                Go-P O W N N E E E S S S S W
witchdoctor     W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-S S E E Go-B W W W W W
witchking       W S W S W N W S Go-W N D D N E N W W N N
Wormlord        W S W S W N W S Go-D N D D S S Go-A D E E E
xainth          N N
Xalaxia         W S W S W W S W W S E S Go-D Go-S S Go-L S S E S S S S W W S W
                Go-B N N Go-Pl W Go-C D Go-V D D Go-P E E S S E Go-Pit D D E D
                W W
Yog-Sothoth     W S W S W W S W W N Go-G S S S E Go-S Go-D N N N N Go-D O

* 12. Bugs      *
Instill a scroll with a spell (for example Key) and sell it at the Alchemy, it
will give a lot of gold. You can also instill a scroll many times, it will sell
for even more gold but the more times you instill a scroll the more chances you
have to make it poof. This trick doesn't work on scroll that comes from low
level monster.

A player who cannot see invisible can follow an invisible player.

A lot of bounties go against nobodies, these are monsters you cannot find, thus
cannot kill. There shouldn't be any bounties on nobodies, it is some left-over
from the creator of the game.

Table of Contents


Swords of Chaos/Walkthrough/Table of Contents