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Find the mysterious man

Starts: Automatically

Head over to the Gadgetron Vendor immediately after your ship lands. This shop lets you purchase new weapons and ammunition. There are currently two new weapons available, the Plasma Whip and the N60 Storm. The N60 Storm costs more but it is more effective. For now, just fill up on ammunition and don't buy anything just yet.

Jump across the platforms, which have Floranian Blood Flies on them. Take them out with the wrench. Continue on up to a Y-intersection. For now, take the left path and come up to some boxes. The strange green one is a Jackpot Crate which when hit temporarily doubles all bolts and experience. Smash it first, then go hell for leather. Smash all the other boxes around you then head into the room stuffed with boxes. Equip the Shock Blaster and shoot the boxes to save time. If you still have time, smash the green lights on the walkway outside. Afterwards head back to the vendor. If you have enough bolts, buy the N60 Storm. If not, buy it immediately at the next vendor.

Head back to the intersection and turn right. There are two Floranian Natives at the end. Shoot their brains out with the Shock Blaster. Keep going, but don't jump onto the next platform yet. A Native with a boomerang with jump up and attempt to throw it at you. Don't give him the chance. Equip the Nitro Launcher before you jump over, as a Floranian Swamp Beast will rise out of the water and hock a slimeball at you. The Nitro Launcher should make quick work of him. Jump across and equip the Shock Blaster. Two Natives will run out from a doorway. Defeat them and two more will run out. After finishing them off. Head inside. On the far side of the room will be a Native with a boomerang. Dodge the boomerang and kill him with the Shock Blaster, or if you purchased it, the N60 Storm.

Titanium Bolt
After jumping down, turn around and you will see a ladder. Climbing this ladder will take you to a platform below the vendor where you will find a Titanium Bolt

Break all the green lights for extra bolts, then jump up to the next level on the left side of the room, where the wall has crumbled. Fight off a few enemies, and use a long jump (run then Cross button+R2 button) to jump across the gap to the southern side of the room. Dispatch the enemies, then climb up the ladder (press Cross button repeatedly). You will reach an area with another Vendor, and a checkpoint where your progress will be saved. This vendor sells the same things as the first, so you can buy either of the weapons if you missed them earlier.

From here, you can jump or slowly hover down to one of the platforms on the water. Jump across the platforms fighting more enemies and another Floranian Swamp Beast. Once you reach the large southern platform, break the blocks for an Inferno powerup. This will increase the power of your hammer attacks and give you more armor for a limited time. Run into the room ahead and the bridge will raise behind you, stranding you inside. Quickly kill the two waves of Floranian Natives using your upgraded hammer and the bridges will be restored.

Ratchet Trophy
At the far side of the hidden room, the floor wraps around the building slightly. Follow that and jump around the building to reach another room which contains the trophy

Continue over the bridge and you will reach a small room with two parallel walls. Wall Jump up the walls to reach a ladder and climb to the top. Turn around and jump back across the gap you just climbed to reach a room with a health powerup and ammo.

Jumping back across the gap to the main path, kill the enemies in the area and destroy the pillars on the left for some additional bolts. Get the Nitro Launcher out, then jump up and grab the vine running above the platform, and ride the zip-line down to a large platform. Two Swamp Beasts and many Blood Flies will attack you. Use your hammer to kill of the Flies (Square button) and then use the Nitro Launcher to take out the Swamp Beasts. Keep moving to avoid the slime balls they spit at you. As you're finishing them off, beware of the two Natives who will attack.

Break the boxes on the next platform to recharge on ammo, then climb the ladder at the end to reach a small platform with some Blood Flies and a Health restore. Take the zip-line down and you will be taken into a cutscene which introduces the next section...


This path is a series of rooms with a different set of obstacles in each. Along the way there will be Natives cheering for your certain demise. When you first enter the cave, you can recharge your ammo at the Auto-Vendor. The first room you must pass is a series of platforms that fall a few seconds after you land on them.

When you reach the other side of the pit, you will see a Native running at you. Dispatch him quickly, as you now must survive that which he was running from, a number of boulders rolling down at you. Their pattern is easy to follow, so run around them as they come towards you.

Titanium Bolt
While traversing the room with the falling platforms, stand on the solid platform just before the flame jets. Turn to your right to see the Titanium bolt, just a double jump and glide away.

At the end of the hallway, pull yourself up onto the ledge. A Native will attack so take him out. Continue around the corner and you will reach another section with a falling platform. The platform before the flame jets is safe, so you can stop there to time your jump.

The platforms after the flames will once again fall as soon as you land on them. Jump from the flame platform, to the first falling platform, then you will need to Stretch Jump to the next platform. Normal jumping will get you back to solid ground. Kill the Blood Flies and proceed to the next section with flaming jets and spiked walls that try to crush you.

The patterns of the flames and walls are easy to see and avoid, so proceed when it is safe. Kill the few Flies and the Natives that come over the next set of flame jets. This set is a bit more difficult to traverse, but if you look carefully, a few of the jets in the middle row straight across never come on. Take your time going from platform to platform until you reach the other side.

Skill point
Complete the Path of Death without being hit, and you will receive a skill point

Once again, you will face a room with boulders rolling down at you. However, this time there are flame jets to make it more difficult. Run around the boulders and make your way forward the same way as before. Once you reach the end of the path, your will arrive on a platform with an Auto-vendor (again with the same items as before).

Continue on to the centre platform, and there will be a short cut-scene where the identity of the Mysterious Man is revealed. You must then defeat him.

Defeat Captain Qwark

He takes a lot of hits to go down. Hit him with the Nitro Launcher and Shock Blaster and keep running away from him. If he throws his boomerang at you, jump to avoid it. As he weakens, he will summon Natives to attack you. Use the Shock Blaster as they tend to group together and can can take them all out with only a few shots.