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Time: 11½ "clocks"

Once Prince Paco has reappeared on the screen (along with his clone whip), you must walk on to the right as the Kikurage in the background becomes sentient and starts chasing after you; once you have jumped on it to kill it, you will have to jump up onto a small platform. Once you have landed on this small platform, you shall notice a Medusa Head who is firing lasers from her eyes at you from her position on another small platform on the right side of the screen - use your clone whip to kill her, then jump onto the next solid platform. Once you have landed upon this next solid platform, you will have to jump up onto a third small platform which has a Wanidori flying back and forth in front of it; use your clone whip on it to kill it, then jump up onto a fourth small platform. Once you have landed on this fourth small platform, you will notice an Oguchi that is blowing you away from it from its position on a fifth small platform on the right side of the screen - and once you have jumped on it to kill it and landed on the fifth small platform, jump back onto the fourth small platform and then use its position to jump up onto a sixth small platform. Once you've landed on this sixth small platform, you will notice a second Medusa Head, who is firing lasers at you from her position on a seventh small platform on the screen's right side; however, you will have just run out of clones by this point (which leaves you unable to kill her) so once you time your jumps onto two more small platforms carefully to avoid getting hit by the lasers of the Medusa Head, you will have to jump up onto a ninth small platform which is moving up and down in a fixed position and use its movement to be carried up to a tenth small platform. Once you have walked onto this tenth small platform, you shall have to jump onto an eleventh small platform, which is moving back and forth in a fixed position with another Wanidori flying back and forth in front of it - and once again, you will have just run out of clones by this point (which will leave you unable to kill it), so once you have jumped over it, you will come to a landing on a twelfth small platform which is moving back and forth in a fixed position. You will then have to use its movement to jump onto a third solid platform, while avoiding the spikes on the ceiling; once you have done so, you will come to a spring with a missile on the end of it (which looks somewhat like a smiling version of the Bullet Bills, from Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. series) along with a Heavy Metal Mogle who's firing six bolts of lightning from his guitar at you. Turn back to the left and start pushing the spring in that direction then release it once it is fully compressed - and the spring will propel the missile towards the Heavy Metal Mogle, and kill him for 700 points as it hits him. Jump up once you have reached the edge of that solid platform, then continue walking to the right until you come to four logs (which will fall down as soon as you stand on them), with two treasure chests and a third Medusa Head who is firing lasers from her eyes at you underneath them; once you have walked onto each of the logs in turn, you shall have to time your openings of the two treasure chests carefully, to avoid getting hit by the lasers of the Medusa Head. A Wing powerup will emerge from the chest on the left side of the Medusa Head once you have opened it, and a Clone powerup will emerge from the one on the right - and once you've collected these, use your new clone whip to kill the Medusa Head, before continuing to the right and coming to a Onidama which is hovering up and down in a fixed position. Once you have bypassed it, drop off the edge of this platform to land on two Crawlers (which are flying towards you); once you have done so, you will come to a landing on one of eight platforms on an enormous wheel which is slowly rotating in a clockwise direction. Once the platform that you are standing upon has reached the bottom of the enormous wheel continue walking to the left and drop off the edge of the platform - and once you've landed, jump up to collect the three Bonus Drinks above you for 300 extra points apiece. You'll now come to a Bakudan Mogle who's reaching into his sack and throwing two bombs from his seemingly infinite supplies at you; once you have jumped on him twice to kill him, drop off the edge of the platform, tto land on a weighted platform with spikes on its underside. Once you have done so, the aforementioned weighted platform will slant downwards to the side that you're standing on - and, once you've landed on the bridge underneath it, a Purple Pirawani will jump out of the pool of water beneath it. Once you've jumped on it to kill it, continue walking to the right, until you come to another pool of water, with four Green Pirawani jumping out of it and four more small platforms that are moving left and right in a fixed position over it; once you jump up onto that thirteenth small platform, use your clone whip to kill the first Green Pirawani before jumping onto that fourteenth small platform, then use your clone whip to kill the second Green Pirawani, before jumping onto the fifteenth small platform. Once you have done so, use your clone whip to kill the third Green Pirawani, before jumping onto the sixteenth small platform, then use your clone whip to kill the fourth Green Pirawani, then jump onto a seventeenth small platform( which is moving up and down in a fixed position) and use its movement to be carried up to a fifth solid platform - and once you have done so, the double doors on this fifth solid platform will open and Prince Paco will walk through them for the second boss battle in the game (but, in the Japanese version's "EASY" mode, this boss battle will appear on World 1-4).

Once Prince Paco's reappeared inside the boss room, he shall be standing on the left side of a big pit in the centre of the room while the Demon Angle shall be standing in front of him on the right side; he shall also have Sylphie (the Guardian Fairy of this world) imprisoned, in that top-right corner of the room. Once Sylphie has called out to Prince Paco from the C140, the Demon Angle shall tell him that he must beat him at Tug-Of-War (as opposed to Rock-Paper-Scissors) minigame if he wishes to rescue her - and once the camera has zoomed in on the characters, the Bunny Girl will appear in the top-left corner of the screen to give you an explanation of how to defeat the Demon Angle. Once she's finished giving her explanation, she will move to the centre of the screen and then fire a blank shot into the air with her handheld pistol before disappearing; both Prince Paco's and the Demon Angle's pulling power are denoted at the bottom of the screen (in green, and red, respectively) and whoever possesses the stronger power will be the only one who can pull. You must press the Jump Button repeatedly to force the Demon Angle towards the pit and push the joystick down to hinder him when he starts pulling you back towards that aforementioned pit - however, if the battle is drawn out for too long, he will automatically overpower you. Once you have forced him into the pit the background shall disappear behind Prince Paco and the mirror in which Sylphie was imprisoned will shatter; she'll then fly down to Prince Paco's side, and kiss him on the left cheek, making him blush for the second time in the game. She shall then thank Prince Paco for rescuing her and present him with the Green Trident Crystal (which is a treasure of this world) - and once she has done so it will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen (adjacent to the red one that Florrie gave him after he'd rescued her), as you receive a "Special Bonus" of 10000 points. You will then proceed to the game's second bonus stage; the appearances of the Missiles and Green Trident Crystal are also depicted in the gallery below.