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As the cutscene shows, Leon Kennedy and Helena Harper is reluctantly about to shoot the president which already turned into a zombie. Then Helena reached for her cell phone with Hunnigan on the line. You might remember her the first time since Resident Evil 4 that she has become his commander. Anyway, Helena convinces Leon and Hunnigan to go to the church somewhere in the town. Leon agrees and Hunnigan approves, but Leon wants more info as they go into town somewhere. But for now, you start off in what happens to be a Presidential Palace.

Searching for survivors[edit]

Leon and Helena will start off by getting out of the president's office. Go through a very long hallway until you reach a giant dining room. Go down the stairs and if your directions on auto, you'll find your way easily. Anyway, try to find the kitchen then all the way to the office to see a cutscene: A black person in a suit is horrified until Leon manages to calm him down. He's trying to find his daughter. So Leon and Helena must help him as they go through such a giant palace.

Father daughter search[edit]

At this point despite fighting a few zombies along the way, if you come across boxes that can be broken and building health pallets through herbs, you've got all you need to survive. So continue to follow him as he explains that the strange air has somehow turns everyone into zombies. Also, you'll be passing the elevator along the way. Once you reach an office where his daughter shows up but she's coughing and feeling weak. So once the father starts carrying his daughter, your team should go ahead and remove roadblocks until you and the survivors reach the elevator.

Zombies and carparks[edit]

Unfortunately, the father has met his fate as his daughter turns into a zombie. So shoot the zombie as either Leon or Helena. Before you get out of the elevator though, more zombies will barge in so shoot them all as you go through the carpark and into what looks to be a security room. The cutscene shows civilians with signs taken down by zombies. Leon wants to help but Helena points out that they'll be too late when they get there.

Hallway to the outside[edit]

After the cutscene, Leon and Helena will continue through more hallways and rooms which almost looks like schools. Not to mention a giant classroom where either people would accidentally hit the tin can, alerting more zombies. Shoot them and continue on your journey.

More zombies?![edit]

Once you reach the outside at the center of the Presidential Palace, follow the arrows if your cell phone is on auto. The bars that might reach the exit is blocked. So go to another building and get ready to shoot down as many zombies as you can once Helena tries to open the door which sounded the alarm. You'll be in a hallway leading to yet another set of offices at the end. Once Hunnigan unlocks the door, you automatically have a cutscene and if you're Leon, you have to shoot the zombies until Helena is able to shut the door.

Escaping to freedom or not?[edit]

Follow the buildings with open doors and make sure to open cabinets to get gun ammos and a sigma that allows you to read files in Special Features. At the end with the red light, you'll find a key but watch out! Fend off the zombies as you retrace your steps back to the exit which requires the key. Even watch out for zombies falling down on your way out of the hallway.

Unlock the barred doors but unfortunately, you sound the alarm through the metal detector. Shoot down a few more zombies before you exit the building. Follow Hunnigans instruction: run and go right to the police car. If you're Leon, your job is to find the car keys before you get overwhelmed. He'll automatically drive the police car, just like back in Resident Evil 2 (if you remember) but a zombie appears and cause Leon to crash.

Once Leon and Helena survives the crash, Hunnigan tells your team to go into the sewers to continue your journey. So comply with an action button press and that ends the first chapter. Be on your toes as there is more to come.