Adventures to Go!/Chapter 26: Assassin King

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
  • You can now order up to five mazes.

It's contest time again and Finn must find the Assassin Sword, so that he can be crowned to Assassin King.

Just Order:

- 2*Badland with Bug monsters.

- 5*Cave with Bug monsters.

In the last cave you must find a monolith. Then there is a cut scene and then leave the cave.

The next day the competition is still going on.

Order once again:

- 2*Badland with Bug monsters.

- 5*Cave with Bug monsters.

In the last cave you will find a golden area, go there and you will find the Assassin.

Fighting the Assassin:

- The Assassin is level 58 and has 4195 hp.

- Just fight him the usual way: steel pills, steel wall and fury spell and everything will be according to plan.

After you defeat the Assassin, Arbiter won't be happy(again). But he has already another plan in kis sleeve.