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Revision as of 15:12, 2 September 2007 by 0-172 (talk | contribs) (New control section)
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Hero[edit | edit source]

  • Neutral dpad - Move Hero/Navigate Menu.
  • B button - Cancel
  • A button - Talk/Examine
  • X button - Open/Close Menu

Battle[edit | edit source]

  • A button - Jump/Airdash/Middair Jump
  • B button - Fire gun
  • X button - Attack
  • R button - Launch bomb
  • L button - Fire pod
  • Neutral dpad - Run/Aim Bomb/Aim Pod
  • Start button - Pause (Note: Doesn't work on Wifi.)
  • Stylus button - Soulboost

Garage[edit | edit source]